(Carson Wolf) Executive Researcher App (USA)

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Carson Wolf

Active member
Sep 3, 2024
Steam ID: 76561198350747692

Discord name: cashxc

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing for a while probably on and off for about 2 years just got fully back into it recently

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Carson Wolf

Civilian name: John Crowler

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Held CI-Alpha
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warning for mass when I first joined due to not knowing the rules for KOS as a D-Class
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for the position of executive researcher today to help fill a void I see currently within the research department, Currently in the research department it feels today as if many researchers are losing sight of what the department truly is about about. I wanted to change this by instead of focusing on making money by sampling SCP's over and over again to genuinely have intriguing tests. I see so much potential with how many SCPs can be cross tested,tested on,tested with ETC. But from the looks of it many researchers either don't want to look into these tests or just don't understand how beneficial it is for research. That is why today I am applying because I would like to look over other and overview the new and intriguing tests of the research department. I would love to mentor all researchers and show them how exciting of a department research can be with its future.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I believe I would be suitable for an executive researcher position for my main reason of making sure things get done. Everyday I see many tests that go unfulfilled or many other people would ask for authorization but there is no one there to give it however if I am a executive I will lead everyone to glory within the research department. Now as a person I know for a fact I am not perfect I have made mistakes in the past from inexperience or what has it but as an executive I do not want anyone else to be lead down the wrong path that is why I believe my leadership and go getting attitude would be perfect the position of a executive researcher.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
So I have played on the server for a couple years on and off I did have a couple in the past but they have most likely expired so for not I believe as Weebe has pointed out it is only 1 which is the 682 sampling however I am working on more and more as the days move forward.

For a document to be truly excellent I believe yes first it needs to have its different parts such as a cover,goal,hypothesis,finding ETC but I believe that a document can only be truly excellent if a researcher made the document from the heart. if a researcher pours time and time into a document to make the best they can getting approval from everyone making the test as interesting as possible then that truly is a excellent document in my eyes.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Executive are the key focal point of the research department without them the research wing would not be able to function. With a CL4 clearance level they are able to do tests involving CL4+ anomalies as well as overseeing any senior level researchers with CL4 testing with authorization from the executive. Executives also oversee scripnet looking at all of the papers that flow in and out of it and grade all papers on how well they are. Furthermore executive researchers are responsible for overseeing the rest of the research department to make sure it is running properly and no unsanctioned tests are being run. Lastly executives are responsible for approving all credit that is given out.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

September 3rd 2004, Location [Redacted], Site 65

Incident code name [Sculpture]

It was Carson Wolf's first day in site 65 he was recently promoted to the a new position within the facility (Junior Researcher) he was stoked to have this new role and could not wait to do his first test. Just as Carson left the research wing sirens blare throughout site 65 [CODE 5 SCP CONTAINMENT BREACH] Carson was shocked he did not expect his first day in the facility that there would be a breach however he made his way to the safest place he could find in the facility. Just as he started hiding Carson heard shifting nearby sounding like metal scraping on a concrete floor moving at incredible speeds. Carson had no clue what it was but he had heard of one scp he had learned about in training SCP-173 who fit the description. Just as he was thinking about the different ability of this SCP Carson heard the boots of the MTF moving in a taking back SCP-173 the gunfire was deafening however he got though it and after this event Carson worked quickly making first Researcher then Senior researcher always wanting to know more about how these SCPs work and now he knew he wanted to make executive.
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Dayumian max

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Apr 5, 2024
Very generic app, and you doesnt answer some of the questions fully like:”How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?” also i dont see you on research, but that is probaly due to timezone. If you update the app, im willing to change to +support

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? I like your response to this question, while it could be a bit longer it does show a passion for a side of RSD that I see lacking. That being the testing itself, most of the documents that have come across my view have mostly been Researchers asking for sampling permission. When tests like these pop up it brings back life into the research department because tests are a big part of our department.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: While making sure things get done is a good suitability reason, suitability requires more than being a go getter. I like that you admit you’re not perfect and make mistakes like we all do but I don’t believe you’re suitable. While you did write a answer it doesn’t take into account the incident that happened on 31/08/2024 where you received a one day ban for stacked warnings, a picture will be provided in my response showcasing logged ban. I will be delving into this at the end of my response.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent? I checked your grades, and I see on the Roster that two of your papers have been logged. That being an Average and Excellent paper. Your Average paper is a document relating to SCP-035 and an Excellent paper being SCP-682 Sampling. To be frank this is way too low for someone applying for Executive because you’re going to be in charge of grading documents, and you must make sure you know the guidelines and points that differentiate the grading of papers. Secondly, while it’s important to put effort into a document, a document is excellent when it provides scientific value or something new rather than it solely being the effort someone puts into it. I highly recommend looking at the announcements on discord to see information relating to how a paper is excellent.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: While there’s more that goes into the responsibilities of an Executive Researcher like talking with other branches, disciplinary issues, and opening doors/call outs. However overall, you did point out some of the responsibilities for Executive Researchers.

Overall, it’s not a bad application in terms of what you’ve written. However, some of the areas need more work put into them alongside some validity such as writing more documents and explaining what makes an excellent doc and the responsibilities section. The biggest reason why I will be -Supporting you despite seeing that you have improved is the Job ban I mentioned in Suitability. As an executive Researcher there’s very little room for making mistakes especially to the level and conduct that showed that day in Intero. I was the one who issued the ban after hearing testimony and seeing the clips provided by fellow C4 personnel. Attached is an image below. While I understand and have seen you improve compared to 4 days ago I still cannot in good conscious look over this incident when you’re applying for executive. As executives we must know the Research Policy like the back of our hands including the code of conduct and Ethics because if we mess up it makes the whole department look bad because we’re part of the leadership within it. I'd suggest waiting a couple weeks, getting more time as senior and proving that the incident from 4 days ago are behind you and that you've proven it.

-Senior Executive Researcher Will 'Weebe' Sam


Active member
Apr 5, 2024
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Message Received!

From: BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
To: CarsonWolf@Foundation .org
Subject: Application Denial

Dear Carson Wolf,
While we appreciate your interest in the leadership of the Research Department, we have decided to deny your application. You are welcome to attempt again in two weeks, and we hope that this does not discourage you from continuing your work in our department. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, you may direct them to my email at BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org (ratgod101 on discord). Thank you for your time, and I wish you the best.

Sincerely, Barry 'Blue' Uriah | BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
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