Cary “Raven”s GSD Captain application (UK)

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Cary “Raven”s GSD Captain application for SCP-RP UK

SCP GSD.jpeg

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100200295

Discord name: Don Torro

For how long have you played on CG SCP: little less than a year

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: Belgium

Time zone: CET (GMT+1)

Character name(s): Cary “Raven”

Civilian name: Cary Malkor ll

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- MTF Nu-7 SGT (holding)
- CI-A (holding)
-IA agent (holding)
-DEA agent (holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- My most recent warn was about 1 month ago for ERP because I said as a d-class to “put it in there” at the hole SCP, it was misinterpreted to… you know.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?

- I have spent a lot of time and dedication into this server and into the GSD departement. I often lead the departement during downtime when no CPT’s were on site. During this time I found it so frustrating that I could not sweep/credit lower rank gensec. Especially the last, I just had to say, “you’re doing great”. And as a captain I could be able to actually reward them for their actions. I’m also not going to lie about the fact that holding a cl4 keycard would be cool.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

- I personally think that I can stay calm during stressful and chaotic situations and so far I’ve always been able to get D-block running again after and during for example a riot. I also try to help and assist new or old players with any questions they may have and aid them in certain duties. Im also patient and respectful even towards the most annoying players.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

- GSD Captain may not be a senior position but it is still a position with a lot of easy and difficult responsibilities. Some of them are securing and maintaining order in D-block under any circumstances, helping new players with their questions and duties, assigning lower rank GSD personnel to their positions (watchtower, airlock, testing line) and assigning RRT personnel to patrols or possitions in/outside of D-block, authorizing and leading sweeps of D-block in a code 2- riot in progress when the situation is severe enough ((3 Rifles+), 6 (Handguns +) Mass amount of CL2/3+ keycards, Type-Blue), working together with other captains and GSD personnel and in general just overseeing D-block, organising HWL and RRT license tryouts and GSD (cross)trainings.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

A baby, crying and alone at the gate of a local church during a heavy storm, placed in a handcrafted basket with some blankets and a teddy. That’s how my story begun 26 years ago, the priest that found me that day is still my best friend and whenever I can, I try to reach out to him and figure out how he and his wife are doing, an old man you know. The first 10 years of my life were spend in the church praying, eat, sleep, repeat. It was boring but I learned to live with it. Until one day, those figures appeared at my dorm. They asked if I was ready for a new life, a life of glory and adventure, being the young and adventurous boy I was I obviously and immediately said yes. I saw a way out of the boring life I had right now and I took it with both arms. Before I knew it I was being trained to become a GSD member in a top secret facility they called Site-65. To this day I still don’t know why I got recruited, maybe they were just desperate for new members or maybe I have a special skill I haven’t discovered yet but anyway I’m here now. 5 months of training later and I officially became a GSD cadet, I was super proud of myself with the new job and boi did it pay good. One problem was that nobody knows my real name, not even myself, at the church they just called me “the boy” but I began to think that now that I had a job I needed a new name. A friend of mine, somebody I did my training with, came up with Cary to which he later added Raven as a nickname because just like a Raven I would watch and wait until the right moment to act. Than I got promoted to Officer and later to Sergeant. I decided to join RRT because I wanted to help out everywhere I possibly could, wasn’t too hard and after not so long I also made it to Sergeant in the RRT department. That pretty much brings us to today where, just like when I converted to RRT, felt like I could do more for GSD than I was currently doing. That’s why I’m now signing up (or whatever you want to call it) for GSD Captain.​


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Jul 15, 2023
-/+ Neutral support

I have seen you around on other jobs but I don't believe we have ever interacted. Due to the amount of time I spend active I do find that odd, but it may be difference in timezones.
As such I am unable to give an opinion on this application.
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Reactions: Cary “Raven”
-/+ Neutral support

I have seen you around on other jobs but I don't believe we have ever interacted. Due to the amount of time I spend active I do find that odd, but it may be difference in timezones.
As such I am unable to give an opinion on this application.
Thank you for taking the time to respond, it means a lot. I'll see you around on site.

Application Accepted

Hello Mr. Raven

Thank you for applying for the Captain position. The General Security Department would like to express an interest in progressing your career to the station of GSD Captain however an interview will be required. Please note that the interview is a failable process.

You are to contact a Department Chief of Security in external comms to arrange a date for your interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Chief Maksim.
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