Your Discord name & tag: dontorro
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 793172047072460801
Date of ban (if known): 21/02/2024
Reason for ban (if known): contact l_uft on discord.
Who banned you?: Luft
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: no
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): My Gmail account was compromised by a hacker, who deleted documents from my Gmail account including the archived SA drive. I don't have any evidence this wasn't me, although for the past 3 months and during my time on CN I did not take any hostile actions nor would there be any reason for me to delete documents on which I also worked. This was my first punishment on any external platform I've received. I'm sorry that this happened and it won't happen again as I've now secured my account. I would love to be unbanned from the discord server in order to talk to the community again and look at teasers/announcements.
What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 793172047072460801
Date of ban (if known): 21/02/2024
Reason for ban (if known): contact l_uft on discord.
Who banned you?: Luft
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: no
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): My Gmail account was compromised by a hacker, who deleted documents from my Gmail account including the archived SA drive. I don't have any evidence this wasn't me, although for the past 3 months and during my time on CN I did not take any hostile actions nor would there be any reason for me to delete documents on which I also worked. This was my first punishment on any external platform I've received. I'm sorry that this happened and it won't happen again as I've now secured my account. I would love to be unbanned from the discord server in order to talk to the community again and look at teasers/announcements.