Denied Cash rewards for leveling up.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

This suggestion would add a small in game cash reward every time you level up. You would receive 100 cash for reaching level one and every level the reward would increase by 10. 100 - 110 - 120 - 130 etc...

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not that I know of.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- This would give an extra reward to people at high levels since once you reach a certain level, levels become pretty useless.

- Would make leveling up extra rewarding and grinding for levels a bit more bearable as where you now just grind 10 levels without a single reward (job).

- New way to make (even though it's only a little) money.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- People at level 200 would receive a lot of money when leveling up, even though it would be much harder to level up at this point so this wouldn't really be a negative as you grind for it for much longer.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

I don't think there are any negatives apart from that one maybe so I think the positives rule here. As I am on level 140 myself its so frustrating to see you leveled up again and you get nothing but an extra level closer to... level 200 maybe. I think just receiving a bit of cash would feel rewarding but not crazy good.
Last edited:
Jun 4, 2023

This will just generate loads of money retroactively and pump hundreds of thousands into the economy for no real reason other than "makes levels more useful." The levelling system is just meant to prevent people from accessing jobs without proper amount of playtime and provide funny number go up gameplay loop. We don't have many money sinks as is (other than SOME chemicals/energy weapons), this will just make inflation worse.

This will just generate loads of money retroactively and pump hundreds of thousands into the economy for no real reason other than "makes levels more useful." The levelling system is just meant to prevent people from accessing jobs without proper amount of playtime and provide funny number go up gameplay loop. We don't have many money sinks as is (other than SOME chemicals/energy weapons), this will just make inflation worse.
there's quite a few money sinks - when i produce a few of the popular chems, i find i have significantly less money than i did when i started (even when doing it the cheap way, i.e. making the most expensive component chem such as yeke or keto acid, out of other, cheaper chems instead). i guess when you're starting out, attachments can be considered expensive? but that's not a persisting money sink, really. i spend quite a bit on trades for things like specific resources, chem components that you can only get from SCPs. esp. surface SCPs. there's also stuff like hostage/SCP-buyback negotiations (since we're not allowed warfunds :mad:), which i know money isn't the only thing that can be traded for that, but is one of the most common, if not the most common demand.
Jun 4, 2023
there's quite a few money sinks - when i produce a few of the popular chems, i find i have significantly less money than i did when i started (even when doing it the cheap way, i.e. making the most expensive component chem such as yeke or keto acid, out of other, cheaper chems instead). i guess when you're starting out, attachments can be considered expensive? but that's not a persisting money sink, really. i spend quite a bit on trades for things like specific resources, chem components that you can only get from SCPs. esp. surface SCPs. there's also stuff like hostage/SCP-buyback negotiations (since we're not allowed warfunds :mad:), which i know money isn't the only thing that can be traded for that, but is one of the most common, if not the most common demand.
A money sink isn't an exchange of money. A money sink is in-game currency being removed from the economy. Chemicals made with SCP samples/scavenged are effectively free even if you pay money for it. This is because the money isn't disappearing it's merely switching hands. The only time money gets removed is when you buy chemicals from the chemist. Same goes for hostage negotiations, money doesn't disappear it just changes hands. Energy weapons are the only current way I can think of that a good chunk of money can disappear quickly.
A money sink isn't an exchange of money. A money sink is in-game currency being removed from the economy. Chemicals made with SCP samples/scavenged are effectively free even if you pay money for it. This is because the money isn't disappearing it's merely switching hands. The only time money gets removed is when you buy chemicals from the chemist. Same goes for hostage negotiations, money doesn't disappear it just changes hands. Energy weapons are the only current way I can think of that a good chunk of money can disappear quickly.
truuue but it kinda does disappear if that person then goes and spends it on stuff like chems, energy weapons or just sits on it forever
Feb 13, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Cary “Raven” ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We believe this to be an unnecessary change as players already earn money simply by playing on the server from their jobs.
Additionally, by a certain level you would be receiving several thousand dollars per level & that could negatively affect the servers economy.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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