CGSF Guide

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Group Moderator
Dec 19, 2020
CGSF Guide
This is an updated guide on how to increase your chances of becoming CGSF. This tells you what our Commanders and Captains are looking for, how CGSF works, and strategies you should use to improve your roleplay and increase your chance of acceptance.​

What are the CGSF?

CGSF stands for Civil Gamers Special Forces and they are an elite policing force on CG. They are led by the CGSF Commanders and Captains, who help manage the day-to-day activities of the CGSF and decide on who should be accepted and who should be promoted.

CGSF exist to deal with bases and situations that regular police cannot deal with. Your regular bobby on the street might be able to deal with a drug user, or a wanted individual, but what do they do when there's a fully fledged meth operation in a highly defended gang base, or a crew of heavily armed and armored criminals raiding the PD? That's where the CGSF come in, delivering positive results with expert tactics and communication.

There are five CGSF ranks: Operative, Advanced Sniper, Breacher, Captain and Commander. Captains and Commanders give orders and help run the CGSF. Everyone starts as an Operative, and all ranks have access to the jobs below them.

What are they looking for?

We want active players with a good ability to roleplay (most important), good aim, and good communication. Roleplay ability is very important in the CGSF - we don't care if you have amazing aim if you can't RP to back it up. Communication is also very important to us and every CGSF member is required to have a microphone and access to TeamSpeak, as it is our main method of communication. As a rough guide we want to see 60-80 hours of PD roleplay on CG as a minimum before you apply.

We also like to see players play more Police Officer than SWAT, as CGSF is more about going for the arrest than the kill, though we do also like to see SWAT so we know you can raid properly. We want to see you use your brain when raiding and think about interesting strategies to get into bases - for instance battering ramming window props for instant access, stunstick boosting over walls, tricking hostage-takers during negotiating, etc.

To see an exemplar application see:

Tips to improve roleplay & tactics

  • Never KOS unarmed suspects - always use FearRP to get them to face the wall
  • Try to talk to suspects as if you were an actual officer - rather than shouting "FACE THE WALL" repeatedly, ask them about what they were doing, ask for their cooperation
  • Use the /me command to interact with suspects in roleplay
  • Use hex shields (purchasable for 20k from NPCs) to gain access to heavily defended bases
  • Police officers should guard the perimeter of bases during raids if more heavily armed units are available
  • Never block more heavily armed units, either from entering a base or by tailgating them so that they cannot retreat if required
  • Use PD radio sparingly - only to communicate critical information about suspects & situations. Use TS3 for more general things
  • Tell other officers when you are in pursuit of a suspect and try to get them to intercept at the other end
  • Use /backup when alive to place a marker to receive police support
  • Place barricades when raiding bases so you are not shot from behind
  • Click here to see Pen's thread for further tips

When you are ready make an application in this section using the CGSF Application Format. Put a lot of effort in, and if you follow these tips you should have a good chance of being accepted as an Operative!

Good luck!
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