Pending Review Change O-1 Commander shotgun

On-Hold and / or under current review, please allow us time.
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Jul 9, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Removes the saiga-12 and replace it with the MK8 or a SMG.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: no it hasn't

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): A way better secondary gun to combat GOI and SCPS with. More variety to choose from instead of a gun primary that doesn't register (AN94)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion: I don't see any negatives because its no way this will affect balancing

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted: Me personally I don’t see a point in the shotgun as the fire rate isn’t that great and if you aren’t point blank it takes about 4-5 shots to kill someone It isn’t meant to be a sniper or rifle but ya know not a peashooter either there is no instance you will use a shotgun unless your executing someone so i vouch for the MK8 to better deal with SCPS and GOI more efficiently
Jul 9, 2022
for E11 its fine imo since their job is to fight tanks that have 2 bajillion HP and deal 2 quadrillion damage every time they sneeze
and for Nu7 i think its cring

but hey, if it works well for them 2 why not just give it to every COM job! not just O1, lets do it for A1, CI and GOC too!
You know Ci com use to have the M249😌 shotguns are dumb and unused. I think every COM job needs an LMG

Omega-1 personnel, especially it's commander, should not be combating SCPs nor GOIs. You primary goals are to ensure the safety of the Ethics Committee, and to enforce the Code of Ethics. The Mk8 is an Ethics violation if used against D-Class personnel, which is your most common target enemy when protecting ECMs.

The reason Nu-7, and DEA, are given Mk8 weapons is because they commonly fight CI, who have extremely good loadouts because they fight the entirety of the Foundation during raids. The reason E-11, and GSD Containment units, get LMGs is because they fight SCPs with an average of 20 to 30 thousand health, consistently, and can die in about 2 hits from most.

I see no reason an Omega-1 Commander, or any Omega-1, would need a Mk8, unless D-Class mass-breach and get to Core sector unharmed, in which case, you have an entire MTF at your disposal that all spawn within Core sector.

If the AN-94 is the problem, a bug report should be submitted, and a suggestion to change the AN-94 should be created, rather than requesting the non-broken weapon be swapped out. I see no reason why such a bug should be brought up in a suggestion unrelated to it, and feels like an attempt to sway opinions for an unconfirmed, unreported bug, that seemingly is only being discussed now.

Though I understand the want to use different weapons, I felt the same way when I was in the GOC, though to a much greater extent since they have very few unique, effective weapons between every role they have. If you wish to use a Mk8 or similar, you can join DEA, or get onto GSD's containment unit role, both of which get anti-personnel/SCP focused LMGs respectively. If you wish to use something similar in a more powerful loadout, you can transfer to Nu-7 or E-11, though I obviously don't recommend it over DEA or GSD, since DEA is given far more powerful loadouts then Nu-7, and E-11 is unfun to play as a concept.

If I got anything wrong, let me know and I will edit or correct myself as needed.

Omega-1 personnel, especially it's commander, should not be combating SCPs nor GOIs. You primary goals are to ensure the safety of the Ethics Committee, and to enforce the Code of Ethics. The Mk8 is an Ethics violation if used against D-Class personnel, which is your most common target enemy when protecting ECMs.

The reason Nu-7, and DEA, are given Mk8 weapons is because they commonly fight CI, who have extremely good loadouts because they fight the entirety of the Foundation during raids. The reason E-11, and GSD Containment units, get LMGs is because they fight SCPs with an average of 20 to 30 thousand health, consistently, and can die in about 2 hits from most.

I see no reason an Omega-1 Commander, or any Omega-1, would need a Mk8, unless D-Class mass-breach and get to Core sector unharmed, in which case, you have an entire MTF at your disposal that all spawn within Core sector.

If the AN-94 is the problem, a bug report should be submitted, and a suggestion to change the AN-94 should be created, rather than requesting the non-broken weapon be swapped out. I see no reason why such a bug should be brought up in a suggestion unrelated to it, and feels like an attempt to sway opinions for an unconfirmed, unreported bug, that seemingly is only being discussed now.

Though I understand the want to use different weapons, I felt the same way when I was in the GOC, though to a much greater extent since they have very few unique, effective weapons between every role they have. If you wish to use a Mk8 or similar, you can join DEA, or get onto GSD's containment unit role, both of which get anti-personnel/SCP focused LMGs respectively. If you wish to use something similar in a more powerful loadout, you can transfer to Nu-7 or E-11, though I obviously don't recommend it over DEA or GSD, since DEA is given far more powerful loadouts then Nu-7, and E-11 is unfun to play as a concept.

If I got anything wrong, let me know and I will edit or correct myself as needed.
In addition, you may wish to review the Loadout Suggestions and Balancing section of the FaQ; Detailing why it is likely going to be denied since "I don't like the gunplay" is the primary reason behind the suggestion. Additionally, I do not see "To fight GOIs and SCPs" as a well thought out reason, though the content team might think different. 1726724273433.png

*This is a snip taken from the Frequently asked Questions. Hope this helps!
Jan 1, 2022
Suggestion Up For Further Discussion

Hi @H.U.N.K.,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to put your suggestion up for internal discussion.

There is a discussion for potential loadout changes already.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as pending review.​
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