Rule Suggestion Change THAUM FearRP rules

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes the rules from
reality benders may not be FearRP'ed
to they can be FearRP'd.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Im not sure

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1) ISD can arrest Thaums easier
2) They can be taken as a hostage
3) It add's a little more Role play

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1) could be abused heavily

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted due to the fact that currently Thaums are a pain in the ass to arrest/capture due to the Reality bending ruling.
It doesnt have to be anything insane like 5-6 people. But more something like 3 people with guns on them to be able to count as "Under FearRP"
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Feb 19, 2023
New york, USA
I'd love to have thaums not count as reality benders, since they're not reality benders in the first place (look it up thaums are literally thaumatologists not reality benders) but I'm curious what you mean by this "to they can be FearRP'd similar to the CI Jugg, where there has to be a certain number of people pointing weapons at them" because juggs don't have any special FearRP rules they can be FearRP'd by 1 guy if they don't have a gun out and 2 if they do have a gun out just like any other job. Also placing down a reality anchor renders them vulnerable to FearRP according to SL ruling.
Im not sure why, but I was sure that the CI Jugg had different FearRP rules. I do apologize. And I was not aware about the SL ruling. (I did quick look over of the rules didn't go over anything like that)
Apr 5, 2024
I'd love to have thaums not count as reality benders, since they're not reality benders in the first place (look it up thaums are literally thaumatologists not reality benders) but I'm curious what you mean by this "to they can be FearRP'd similar to the CI Jugg, where there has to be a certain number of people pointing weapons at them" because juggs don't have any special FearRP rules they can be FearRP'd by 1 guy if they don't have a gun out and 2 if they do have a gun out just like any other job. Also placing down a reality anchor renders them vulnerable to FearRP according to SL ruling.
Alr but what if i use the scrantor destroyer, then fearp is gone
May 29, 2024
Widespread Thaum abuse has been really bothersome as of late. The current only action a member of ISD (or any other member of site) can take in regards to detaining one for any reason is utilizing Tranqs. The moment a scranton gets placed, even with guns on them - they just start to scurry away, throwing their powers around left and right. The typical activities of Thaums with their recent update is just fiddling around with their abilities - which I have no qualms with really, until it starts affecting the RP of others. Being silly with your blessings, couldn't care less - until you start messing with people who don't want to be the victim of you messing with your tools.

Thaums are now just throwing people into dimensions, catching them on fire, etc - a decent portion of the time against their will, knowing that this will get ISD involved. Then as soon as this happens, they start jumping around while giggling, sending ISD into dimensions and whatnot during chases, never really having any intent to Roleplay from the beginning.

I don't think we should get rid of their current ruling against FearRP - I instead think we need some quality control on these Thaums. They're affecting the roleplay of others negatively, and there's often little we can do against it.

It seems that none of you know what a thaumaturge is!
This article and its connected articles were written by clef, they are the basis on how Type-Blues function.
In clefs articles he makes it quite clear that they are in fact a whole seperate thing from Type-Greens
Hope this clears that up!

The server rules speak nothing of this topic, you can find the server rules here!
If the server rules did in fact speak anything of this topic it would be irrelevant as the server rules do not dictate anything of established lore, if they wish to expand this rule to include thaumaturges they should make a change to the rules so that it may be enforced