Denied Change UK server currency symbol back to £

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It would revert the change in the UK server that made the currency symbol $, back to £

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Clear distinction between US and UK server
Something back to how it was for ages

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Less immersion, as Canada does not use GBP.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It feels weird playing the UK server with the currency being $. As far as I know there were no complaints about it, and it was a clear distinction with content between the US and UK server. It's a very minor thing, but something that reverting the change for would do no harm.

didn't fill it all out, need to see the negatives.
Please finish your suggestion. (Give responses to the other questions)
I accidently pressed enter instead of shift + enter before I was finished, which unfortunately led to it being posted unfinished. It has been been edited to be finished now. I'd like ask that you edit your replies to reflect the finished suggestion please :)
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It's there because the site is located on Canada. And there is already a very big distinction between both servers, I don't see the point of it needing to be changed.
More so that it's like "oh the currency is $, this is from the US server" imo. It's a small change yes, but nothing ventured nothing gained. I think it would be good to get the views of the UK server on this too, with this suggestion as it was set as £ for ages and I personally liked it that way.
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+support i thought it was intended that US server had $$, UK server had ££ :(
if somebody really thinks UK server needs to use $$ because "Server lore states the site is set in yap yap yap" then the GOC should also be extremely powerful and have cloaking devices because "SCP lore states the GOC is better funded whatever"
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