█ █ █ █ █ █ ███ INCOMING MESSAGE FROM ETHICS COMMITTEE ███ █ █ █ █ █ █
RECIPIENT: Site-65/DirectorOfReseach
CC: Site-65/SiteAdministration
To Whom It Concerns:
S.C.P. 9174 "Cassandra Grey" has demonstrated remarkable aptitude and professionalism in her education. Following her request for foundation employment, she has been accepted for employment under the research division. Pending Site and department approval she is to be transferred imminently for provisional employment under the Anomalous Integration Act section 66.7a. There are to be no additional restrictions nor allowances than any other employee other than what is stated explicit on her containment procedure. While Promotion is allowed, any such position that would compromise containment procedure must have approval from both the Ethics committee and 05 council. For purposes of containment the individuals listed on the recipient and cc have been giving provisional CL5 clearance specific to this file alone.
File Attached Below
Secure. Contain. Protect.

Special Containment Procedures: S.C.P. 9174 is to at a period nor less than once per month be given a psychological assessment with the guise of it being for her unanimous conditions. Should the transcript pick up any phrases or allusion to S.C.P. 001 it is to be logged for summery reports to the Ethics Committee, Subdivision for Anonymous Integration for continued review of containment procedures..
S.C. 9174 is to never be allowed to see or interact with any files pertaining to its containment or history with the exception of the provided decoy pictures of S.C.P. 9174’s parents. Research into S.C.P. 231-7 or S.C.P.-2317 should be restricted to level one access.
S.C.P. 9174 is to remain in foundation
Any attempt of S.C.P. 9174 to
No amnestics are to be used without direct 05 approval (*see addendum 2). Any need for memory alteration is to alternatively be done by gaslighting the subject into believing memory of the event as a delusion.
As per the containment procedure S.C.P. 9174 is to be referred to in all non related documents as “Cassandra Grey”. The veil of her capture and stay in the foundation being due to her parents being killed in an anomalous car crash is not to be breached.
Description: S.C.P. 9174 is an non-anomalous transgender female assigned foundation custody under the anomalous integration act. Subject was recovered from a structure located at -48.4███, -121.████ at age 9 following event Kappa-Omicron-13(see addendum 1)
Cognitive & Psychological Profile:
Subjects cognitive integrity has been labeled as inconclusive and is subject to several non anomalous conditions including:
- Schizo-affective disorder,
- Dissociative Identity Disorder,
- Severe C.P.T.S.D.
Observed Alters¹:
* Host²: Cassandra, S.C.P. 9174-1 is the primary observed and interacting alter and responds as expected to amnestic. She is unaware of the existence of S.C.P. 9174-2, the origin of her capture, nor that she is part of a system³.
* Protector⁴: Due to the rarity of interaction the alter of S.C.P. 9174 who most aptly fill the archetype of Protector, has neither been given a name other than the designation of S.C.P. 9174-2. S.C.P.. 9174-2 Responds to amnestics completly in areas following S.C.P. 9174's captures as a whole. For memories previous to event Kappa-Omicron-13, S.C.P. 9174-2 responds intermitantly, with fragments of knowlege remaining, however amnestics treatment alongside foundation appointnetd pychological treatment, has limited the scope of such knowlege possessed by S.C.P. 9174-2.
Addendum One
Hecate's Spear” Mobile Task Force Beta-777
After Action Report
Mission ID: Kappa-Omicron-13
Date █/█/2003
Location: -48.4███, -121.████
Objective: Secure thaumaturgic assets and prevent the ritual from completion
Result: Success
Audiovisual transcript received by cleanup crew.
Captain Willam: Lt. Is it just me or did all of the forest just go quite?
Lt. Decant: For sure hell of a thing let me check the Kant Counter. “Whiskers” you on that?
[After an extended pause] Specialist Vivian Whickens: I wish you wouldn't call me that
Lt: Decant: Don't fall into rune circles then, and then maybe I won't.
Captain William: Ladies, gentlemen can we focus? We have a job to do. Specialist Vivian can you get me those levels?
Vivian: Sure thing boss. Wait what the hell? Ok so the Akiva Radiation definitely is following the pattern normal for occult rituals but the baseline is loads higher than it should be, and the humme levels are increasing? Just in the past few minutes we’ve gone from 50’s to nearly 114
Captain WIllian: Hmm, that's consistent with reality bending behavior, that has me worried about the ritual. Decant, Vivian, prepare to fire at my command
Lt Decant: Something is watching us, I am not imagining things, I know the signs something is watching us.
Specialist VIvian Whickens: I sense it too Lt. You’re batshit but I believe you on this one.
Captain Willaim: Ok people you said it. Assume they know we are here and hostile, in through that door in T-30 seconds, breach protocol
Lt. Decant What the actual fuck was that, did any one else here that. I can fucking feel its on me, wet like raw chicken sticky— as flowing blood, rotting feastering, reaching breaking down seeping thought the cracks in concrete. So will fall when the old king rises.
Captain: MOVE GODDAMMIT, they must know we are here why the fuck. Are you just standing there follow your training
Lt Decant alongside and effigy of a distant voices: Come come now, hear our choir, lavish in the spilt, form the key
Captain William: Vivian sees what the fuck is up with the Lt. Whats holding him up?
The shouting effigy: Anguish; broken one, shattered one, tortured one, promised one. Accept Accept Accept and become whole.
Specialist VIvian Whickens: “Hes just standing there, it looks like his eyes are bleeding, Possible cognitohazard SCRAMBLES on. There a group of what look like humans covered in scarlet robes with dripping “fluids”, I think it more than just blood. They look wrong, no limbs are distorted. WAIT! The fuck, there's a child, they have a child on a leash and are dragging, wait no, not them. What?
Captain William: Put your hands up this is your last and final warning cease the ritual.
Gunshots and exploding visceral sounds. (Annotated) Simultaneously as shots are fired Lt. Decant gouges his eyes out and blood flows out draining the seven robed figures in to shriveled husks.
Specialist VIvian Whickens: (static) Fuck, quick come here— Cap. I don’t know what just happened, I think the Lt is dead, I don’t know if the girl is anomalous or not but I don’t want to leave her here. (Annotated) Points to the softening visceral decay and flow.
Captain Willaim : Gag and bag,we’ll let the command figure this out. I— ill be taking the Lt, maybe base can do something to help…
Post Mission Notes:
Both the Captain and Specialist demonstrated severe cognitive trauma and were quarinted for 8 days for the potential of memetic hazard exposure. The child subject was ill responsive and displayed symptoms typical of child abuse survivors. After a debrief the subject was given Class A and targeted class C amnestics. (See addendum two).
After Action Report
Mission ID: Kappa-Omicron-13
Date █/█/2003
Location: -48.4███, -121.████
Objective: Secure thaumaturgic assets and prevent the ritual from completion
Result: Success
Mission summary
Task force of three was sent out to remote location to assess and potentially mitigate a source of Akiva Radiation consistent with ritual thaumaturgy. The ritual was stopped. One member of the team was KIA. Remaining members returned alive and with a child subject.Audiovisual transcript received by cleanup crew.
Captain Willam: Lt. Is it just me or did all of the forest just go quite?
Lt. Decant: For sure hell of a thing let me check the Kant Counter. “Whiskers” you on that?
[After an extended pause] Specialist Vivian Whickens: I wish you wouldn't call me that
Lt: Decant: Don't fall into rune circles then, and then maybe I won't.
Captain William: Ladies, gentlemen can we focus? We have a job to do. Specialist Vivian can you get me those levels?
Vivian: Sure thing boss. Wait what the hell? Ok so the Akiva Radiation definitely is following the pattern normal for occult rituals but the baseline is loads higher than it should be, and the humme levels are increasing? Just in the past few minutes we’ve gone from 50’s to nearly 114
Captain WIllian: Hmm, that's consistent with reality bending behavior, that has me worried about the ritual. Decant, Vivian, prepare to fire at my command
Lt Decant: Something is watching us, I am not imagining things, I know the signs something is watching us.
Specialist VIvian Whickens: I sense it too Lt. You’re batshit but I believe you on this one.
Captain Willaim: Ok people you said it. Assume they know we are here and hostile, in through that door in T-30 seconds, breach protocol
( The sound of an explosion is heard followed by a wet visceral ripping.)
( The sound of an explosion is heard followed by a wet visceral ripping.)
Lt. Decant What the actual fuck was that, did any one else here that. I can fucking feel its on me, wet like raw chicken sticky— as flowing blood, rotting feastering, reaching breaking down seeping thought the cracks in concrete. So will fall when the old king rises.
Captain: MOVE GODDAMMIT, they must know we are here why the fuck. Are you just standing there follow your training
Lt Decant alongside and effigy of a distant voices: Come come now, hear our choir, lavish in the spilt, form the key
[02:52:01 ]
Captain William: Vivian sees what the fuck is up with the Lt. Whats holding him up?
The shouting effigy: Anguish; broken one, shattered one, tortured one, promised one. Accept Accept Accept and become whole.
Specialist VIvian Whickens: “Hes just standing there, it looks like his eyes are bleeding, Possible cognitohazard SCRAMBLES on. There a group of what look like humans covered in scarlet robes with dripping “fluids”, I think it more than just blood. They look wrong, no limbs are distorted. WAIT! The fuck, there's a child, they have a child on a leash and are dragging, wait no, not them. What?
Captain William: Put your hands up this is your last and final warning cease the ritual.
Gunshots and exploding visceral sounds. (Annotated) Simultaneously as shots are fired Lt. Decant gouges his eyes out and blood flows out draining the seven robed figures in to shriveled husks.
Specialist VIvian Whickens: (static) Fuck, quick come here— Cap. I don’t know what just happened, I think the Lt is dead, I don’t know if the girl is anomalous or not but I don’t want to leave her here. (Annotated) Points to the softening visceral decay and flow.
Captain Willaim : Gag and bag,we’ll let the command figure this out. I— ill be taking the Lt, maybe base can do something to help…
Post Mission Notes:
Both the Captain and Specialist demonstrated severe cognitive trauma and were quarinted for 8 days for the potential of memetic hazard exposure. The child subject was ill responsive and displayed symptoms typical of child abuse survivors. After a debrief the subject was given Class A and targeted class C amnestics. (See addendum two).
Addendum Two:
Interview By Dr Mecalani
Date: █/█/2003
Location: Site ██████████
Subject: S.C.P. 9174
Examiner: Dr. Dr Mecalani
Procedure: Standard Class C Amnestic Administration Post treatment interview.
Dr. Mecalani: Can you tell us your name?
S.C.P. 9174-1: I… am not supposed to have one [subject quietly cries]
Dr. Mecalani: Ok, do you know why you are here?
S.C.P. 9174-1: Y–ya, the other Dr. said I was in a car accident and my mommy and daddy were hurt
Dr. Mecalani: Yes, unfortunately that is what happened, you were badly hurt and we needed to treat you.
S.C.P. 9174-1: I… thought my mommy and daddy were taken in fire cause I didn’t love them enough?, Thats what the mean man and women said? the mean people took me?
Dr. Mecalani Mean man and woman? You’ve always lived with your mother and father, they loved you. There never has been a fire nor mean people who “took you”. I am sorry, I didn’t realize just how badly the car crash hurt you.
S.C.P. 9174-2: [Pauses for an extended moment looking off into the distance]. I see what you are doing to us, I am not against it, but I will do my best to help us go along with it for her sake.
Dr Mecalani: Her sake? Are you not S.C.P. 9174 and what do you mean it won’t work?
S.C.P. 9174-2: They changed us, they broke us, we thought they saved us at first from the first bad place, but took us only to another. Did the people in blue with guns just take us to another bad place?
Dr. Mecalani: People in blue. Please elaborate?,
S.C.P. 9174-2: Yes,the people in blue with guns who took us from the really bad place.
Dr. Mecalani: (muttering) you shouldn’t remember that? Are you not the girl we rescued, did you do something to her?
S.C.P. 9174-2: I am as much him as he is me, we are broken but together one. They broke us, and I work to keep us from shattering?
Dr. Mecalani: Interesting, do you remember what happened before you got here?
S.C.P. 9174-2: Yes but no, bits and pieces, fragments, a blurry picture filled with holes, images that I can’t place. I know that the story you told her was a lie, but not what happened in its stead. But it seems much better than even the story I can piece together.
[Interview 01 Ends]
Shaped of lock and key to there which was not there which was not there
Dr Mecalani Post Interview Notes:
S.C.P. 9174 displays complex dissociative memory profiles consistent with the records recovered showing extensive targeted childhood trauma. Her overall cognitive faculties appear to remain intact and undamaged. In addition to the disjointed memories of traumatic events it appears to suffer from delusions not inconsistent with textbook schizophrenia. The occurrence of it at such a young age is atypical but not unheard of.
Other than the anomalous, in the sense of atypical not in the sense of an anomaly, resistance to amnestics, I believe it is capable of supervised reintegration into society. I will forward my conclusion to Dr Emmert, as she has more expertise in this feild than myself.
Interview By Dr. Emmert
Date: █/█/2003
Location: Site ██████████
Subject: S.C.P. 9174
Examiner: Dr. Dr Mecalani
Procedure: Standard Class C Amnestic Administration Post treatment interview.
Dr. Mecalani: Can you tell us your name?
S.C.P. 9174-1: I… am not supposed to have one [subject quietly cries]
Dr. Mecalani: Ok, do you know why you are here?
S.C.P. 9174-1: Y–ya, the other Dr. said I was in a car accident and my mommy and daddy were hurt
Dr. Mecalani: Yes, unfortunately that is what happened, you were badly hurt and we needed to treat you.
S.C.P. 9174-1: I… thought my mommy and daddy were taken in fire cause I didn’t love them enough?, Thats what the mean man and women said? the mean people took me?
Dr. Mecalani Mean man and woman? You’ve always lived with your mother and father, they loved you. There never has been a fire nor mean people who “took you”. I am sorry, I didn’t realize just how badly the car crash hurt you.
S.C.P. 9174-2: [Pauses for an extended moment looking off into the distance]. I see what you are doing to us, I am not against it, but I will do my best to help us go along with it for her sake.
Dr Mecalani: Her sake? Are you not S.C.P. 9174 and what do you mean it won’t work?
S.C.P. 9174-2: They changed us, they broke us, we thought they saved us at first from the first bad place, but took us only to another. Did the people in blue with guns just take us to another bad place?
Dr. Mecalani: People in blue. Please elaborate?,
S.C.P. 9174-2: Yes,the people in blue with guns who took us from the really bad place.
Dr. Mecalani: (muttering) you shouldn’t remember that? Are you not the girl we rescued, did you do something to her?
S.C.P. 9174-2: I am as much him as he is me, we are broken but together one. They broke us, and I work to keep us from shattering?
Dr. Mecalani: Interesting, do you remember what happened before you got here?
S.C.P. 9174-2: Yes but no, bits and pieces, fragments, a blurry picture filled with holes, images that I can’t place. I know that the story you told her was a lie, but not what happened in its stead. But it seems much better than even the story I can piece together.
[Interview 01 Ends]
Dr Mecalani Post Interview Notes:
S.C.P. 9174 displays complex dissociative memory profiles consistent with the records recovered showing extensive targeted childhood trauma. Her overall cognitive faculties appear to remain intact and undamaged. In addition to the disjointed memories of traumatic events it appears to suffer from delusions not inconsistent with textbook schizophrenia. The occurrence of it at such a young age is atypical but not unheard of.
Other than the anomalous, in the sense of atypical not in the sense of an anomaly, resistance to amnestics, I believe it is capable of supervised reintegration into society. I will forward my conclusion to Dr Emmert, as she has more expertise in this feild than myself.
Interview By Dr. Emmert
Addendum Three:
SUBJECT: RE Kappa-Omicron-13 Recovered Subject
RECIPIENT: Site-64/SiteAdministration
CC: Board of Anomolous Classifaction
To whom it concerns,
Due to the extensive trauma and lack of supervision it would have upon release into the foster system, and given the previous experience of her. The Ethics committee has decreed the subject now S.C.P. 9174 and that it is to be given a structured education and assessed for future foundation employment upon its 18th birthday. Due to incomplete amnestic treatment, it is not to be cleared for societal reintegration.
Transfer to Site-██ for its low risk pediatric anomalies unit is to be done to S.C.P. 9174 immediately.
RECIPIENT: Site-64/SiteAdministration
CC: Board of Anomolous Classifaction
To whom it concerns,
Due to the extensive trauma and lack of supervision it would have upon release into the foster system, and given the previous experience of her. The Ethics committee has decreed the subject now S.C.P. 9174 and that it is to be given a structured education and assessed for future foundation employment upon its 18th birthday. Due to incomplete amnestic treatment, it is not to be cleared for societal reintegration.
Transfer to Site-██ for its low risk pediatric anomalies unit is to be done to S.C.P. 9174 immediately.
Addendum Four:
Excerpts from “Cantos of the fallen key
Lines 20-24[Annotation as found]But not was she to be for one cannot be emptied without once being full,
The replacement must be drained, stolen from the joy and glee,
Filled with the desperate treatment of oppression and hopelessness
For only can the whole be truly broken and shaped anew
We must find a focus for our grand ritual. Someone filled with love some one we can help shape.
Lines 43-48
For in sorrow and pain. In hateful verse and fear
In agnish uncertain hopefully of and end to naught.
Can then only the lock beformed.
Can only then the shattered key be accepted
To bring force to a new age it cannot be forced but only pleadingly accepted.
[Annotation as found]
We found the perfect focus, one of our members has connections to the foster system they will be able to help break and shape her to be what we need. All is going to plan. THe focas should be made into the perfect vessel within three years.
Line 231-236
[Annotation as found]Of blood and worship, of freedom and sorrow
Of that which could never be forged in scarlet hues
Of that which converse demands its existence
Of doors of keys of locks brokens made whole
Of scraps and ruin given obedient form.
The focas is ready. It has been taught to run to fear, to obey. Its chains ruin deeper than mear iron bonds. Given the chance, given the fruition of our grand ritual it will accept the change the completion which will bring our king.
1: The "Personalites/Identitys" an individaul with Disocitaive Identity Disorder(DID) has.
2: The Primary/most active/visiable alter in a system
3: The collection of alters that exist in a single person with DID
4: An archetype of alter typically fulfilling the role of protecting the host from events/memories that would otherwise harmthem
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