Cheif Executive researcher application

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Well-known Member
Dec 18, 2021
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

My playtime is 1w 1d 07h 19m as of 06/01/22



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:

GMT 00:00

Character name(s):

Researcher Cheif

Civilian name:


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes, I have. The first warning I got was for not crediting properly, I misunderstood what credits were for when I first joined, and I accepted that and learned how to do better. The second warning that I got was for RDM, I killed another D Class with a knife in a fight, and it was RDM. I apologised for that and said I won't do it again. I was banned also, for 4 days, for NRP. I didn't take the RP on the server seriously at the time, but recently I've been doing better and trying my best to RP and keep up with things. I understand this makes me look bad, but I really want to do better and I want to be in a position where I can help others learn to enjoy what I do now. I hope you are considerate of this, but if this is below your standard for what a researcher should be, then I understand.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I want to be able to show others the greatest side of SCP RP. From playing with the higher level researchers and MTF staff with level 4 access, I've been shown what the really fun part of being a researcher is. Everyone knows that you can download these addons from the workshop, find out what each one does yourself and be done within an hour max. The beauty of SCP RP is that you are able to explore these addons and this lore through genuine interactions, and by being a researcher in this server, you can genuinely research these SCPs and find fun topics to study and test on them.

When I first started to play on the server, I had no idea what SCPs were or why there were so many, but after having played with people like Quibbles or the other research staff, I was able to learn how to properly structure reports, what types of experiments to conduct on SCPs, how to run the experiments themselves, and where the fun actually lies beneath all the complicated lore.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

If I become an Executive Researcher, I will be the one on the forefront of teaching new researchers how to run proper experiments, coaching them in the way that I do best, as a human, and not as a robot. I find that in every aspect of my life, I have struggled to learn from people, because a lot of the times I have wanted to learn something, it was done in a very robotic and no-nonsense way, but with my experience having managed people and taught employees in my workplace, I've discovered that it's genuinely fun to learn something when the person teaching you has passion, and that is the type of Executive Researcher that I want to be. The one with passion, who shows all the newcomers the ropes and how to do the job.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

While I have submitted reports that I believe to be excellent in quality, they are as of yet to be graded after the past few days. I learned personally from Quibbles how to write my documents, and I'm going to explain the key points that I think makes a good research document.

Firstly, having the document be organised and following a format makes the entire thing easier to read. You could have a 10 page written report of what happened in an experiment, but if it's all just plain text describing what happened, then it's going to make you want to tear your eyeballs out reading it. A excellent document will have excellent structuring.
Second, having your conclusion backed up by multiple tests, and not having a single test report. If you go in to your research with the goal of finding one thing in particular out, then it will not be a very thorough experiment. If you want to have an accurate, and excellent paper, then you should test your idea several times.
Third, the last thing I will list as the most important for an excellent document would be the detail you put in to it. While an under detailed document will be considered bad, so will a needlessly overdetailed document. It's important to have a sense for how much you should explain something and how you should explain it. For example, writing about every word said in a room before the experiment is way too much, but being concise and saying what you did, how you did it, and why will be much easier to read and will keep attention for longer. Also, saying "entered room, explained experiment" would be the opposite end of this where it is too little.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

In my opinion, it is the responsibility of an Executive Researcher to lead others and to pave a path for everyone else. The server is still new, and so this role, for now, should be given to those who understand what the role of a researcher is, and is able to convey that understanding on to the others coming after them.
The other responsibility would be to accurately give feedback to experiments that are done at all levels. You are supposed to be the golden standard, as Quibbles put it perfectly in his application, for the rest of the research teams. In this regard, I think it would be beneficial to both run your own experiments, but also to focus a lot on taking part in other experiments. Whether that means you're doing so as an Executive Researcher, and guiding them in person, or even taking part as a D Class and not putting the pressure of heavy serious RP on from the start, so you can guide them in many ways other than just with your title.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

In the past, Researcher Cheif was a young, dumb, and excitable teen with nothing but a promising future. Having had all the support he needed in his life, he rushed forward in to his first job at Site-88. He was naive when he started his career as a researcher, studying alongside his more senior colleagues and reporting the effects of their testing, he submitted short, idiotic and useless research reports.
Of course, all stupidity comes to a screeching halt in the face of SCPs. After an idiotic joke, he accidentally opened a door he shouldn't have, and one thing after another, he witnessed his colleagues be toyed with. Some getting away with the same PTSD symptoms he had, but the security staff... well, lets just say they didn't fare so well.

After an impromptu transfer to site-065, Cheif began his career as a promising, slightly more battle hardened in a way, researcher. He quickly gained experience, and submitting more immersive, detailed and professional reports about serious topics. Even now, he's probably holed up in a lab somewhere, looking for something else to itch the curiosity that the ones who study SCPs often find themselves drowned in.
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Noah Kraus

MRP War Veteran
Jan 4, 2021

Application Accepted

Hi Chief,

Thanks for taking the time to make a Executive researcher application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Researcher comms in TeamSpeak and poke me so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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