Chief of Medicine Application (USA)

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"Alchemy" | "Gauntlet"

Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179221471
Discord name: Soulkiller
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I believe under a month in both UK and USA servers
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: Atlantic Daylight Saving Time
Character name(s): Cypher | Alchemy
Civilian name: James, Rodgers
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF E-11
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 2 Warnings, 1 Micspam, 1 Mixing. Micspam was because I was dumb and was playing the E-11 song, and Mixing because I was new to the server at the time and was mentioning discord and other stuff in character.
Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine? I am applying for Chief of Medicine so I can increase the activity and professionalism of the medical department. Since non-combatant doctors constantly put themselves in danger, despite being the people who are supposed to be saving the ones on the front lines. Many doctors & trainees constantly following not even a step behind operatives like E-11 & Nu-7, getting in the way, as well as getting operatives killed in the process of trying to heal/revive someone is not what medical is supposed to do.
What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?: I am quite active, I have past MedRP experience, I have good medical etiquette I.E not throwing myself into a dangerous situation as an unarmed personnel & following proper code procedures.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice: Fixing a Broken/Fractured limb | Step 1: Have patient lie down on the X-ray scanning bed (Not alt-e,) wait for scan to finish to determine which limb needs to be fixed. Step 2: Go to the medical cabinet and take out the following: Empty Beaker, Drug Jar, and the calcium test tube of the corresponding limb that is fractured/broken. Step 3: Put the calcium test tube into the empty beaker, then put the calcium filled beaker into the drug jar, patient must press E on the drug jar to take it.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?: The responsibilities are to oversee all of medical, take on trainees for proper medical training for the medical license, punish medical personnel accordingly to maintain a well structured medical staff team, that is if they are breaking protocols both medical specific & site.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what story-lines they would be involved in: Doctor "Alchemy" is an experienced surgeon who specialises in both Vascular Surgery & Thoracic Surgery saving many lives over his medical years. He's gotten the nick-name "Alchemy" from his Co-workers calling him a magician or wizard from his stellar successful surgeries on patients. He joined the foundation medical department for his interests to save as many people as he physically can, as well as wanting to steer D-Class personnel back on the right track to be a good person of society. "Alchemy" is a kind-hearted man with no hatred or distaste for anyone who has done wrong doings in the past, he believes everyone if given enough time & guidance can be a good person no matter what they have done before. He dislikes violence for both foundation members towards each other, and towards D-Class personnel.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2022
+ Support
I spent some time with 'Alchemy' and believe they have a dedication to Medical. I hope to see a bit more ideas out of 'Alchemy'. I believe that they will be a great asset that Medical currently needs and hope to see you soon as a chief. I would be happy to work alongside you as Chief.

Best regards,

Luigi Disescutti

Well-known Member
Apr 20, 2022
+ Neutral leaning to Heavy Support

I believe you would indeed be suited for a chief position, but I would like to talk to you first. If you can contact me on discord via Munchee#8931, I'd like to discuss things with you before making a final decision. Or if you can catch me in the server, that would be even better.

Luigi Disescutti

Well-known Member
Apr 20, 2022

Please meet me on site to commence a pre-emptive interview to finalize and make certain I can start you off as an essential member of the medical team.
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