Chip's Security Captain Application (USA)

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Jul 16, 2022
Steam ID: 76561199237640287

Discord name: managerruler#0579

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Week.

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EDT

Character name(s): Chip (Chip Is The Main Person), Manager (Manager Is the Secondary Person)

Civilian name: Manager
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I Hold None Of The Above.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I Have Received No kicks/band or warnings, I am a good and mature role-player, Who can calmly make mature decisions, Who does know how to operate on the Code Of Ethics, Knows who is in command And follows orders from a higher ranking personnel.

Why are you applying for Security Captain? I am applying for Security Captain because I like doing things within D-Block, I like to teach the new recruits of the server (Cadets) on how to properly play and how to properly treat the D-Class, I also want to make the GENSEC and the D-Class have the best possible experience on the server. I also want to teach Future generations of personnel proper ethics and Teach Future Generations How to successfully be part of the security force.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: What makes me suitable for Captain is that I am non-biased, Mature in thinking, Know how to manage multiple people, And can assert myself properly. These Traits would make me a good fit for Security Captain Since the Captain job needs calm, non-biased, Flexible and mature judgement. I Am Slow To Anger and I Also know what to do in a roleplay situation, The Foundation Needs these qualities for swift and strong leadership that will last for a while.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: The responsibilities of the Security Captain are to make sure that the D-Class do not riot and to make sure they are properly treated by all the GENSEC staff and anyone in D-Block, The Security Captain also has to make sure that the GENSEC are in line and not roaming out of D-Block or breaking the code of ethics, Protecting the foundation with strict loyalty and command the lower Security Units.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Chip is 24 years old. He loves his work here at the facility as an Security Sergeant. To become a Security Sergeant Chip had once been a Soldier of the US Army. He came into contact with an SCP one day, but the MTF unit who captured the SCP saw potential in him. So, they took him into training to become a cadet at Site-19. Chip was originally a Cadet at Site-19 and progressed the ranks by being an exceptional officer. He was quick on his feet, had Mature, fast thinking, and was a well rounded man. He continued in the Gensec profession until he became A Sergeant. Once he became a Sergeant he noticed the work of the captains.. He was very much interested. He made a request to become a candidate for the Security, it got accepted and he started his work as a trainee, after he got trained he continued to happily work at Site-19. Until Site-19 had a Code Black. Most of his friends He made and fellow combative personnel at the facility were KIA or turned into 049-2 Instances. Fortunately, he made it out with his life and got transferred to Site-65, where he currently resides in and continues to work happily As a Security Sergeant.
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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
General Security Department


Hello there,

This is Dpt. Chief Man Manson and I want to state thank you for applying for this position.

Your application is looking okay. I would recommend that you expand on the traits that you've given and explain why those traits make you a good fit for security.

Your application will be pending at this time. Make sure you are active, engaged and leading your cadets/officers as a role-model. If you have any questions about leadership, let us know and we can help guide you!

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Man Manson and Dpt. Chief Omar
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Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
General Security Department


Hello there,

This is Dpt. Chief Man Manson and I want to state thank you for applying for this position.

I am happy to congratulate you on a successful application as you have been accepted. Talk to either Dpt. Chief Man Manson or Dpt. Chief Omar to continue with your application process.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Man Manson and Dpt. Chief Omar
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