Chocholanz's Game Master Application [UK]

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): chocholanz
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: I've been playing on SCP-RP for over a year.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Bulgaria
Time zone: GMT+2
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Charles "Titan" *also known as Charles "Gears"*
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-D Cooper 'Death' [EOP] [R&D]
Civilian name: Rumen Borisov
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:505520314
Discord ID (name#0000): chochozagorski
Do you have a mic?: Yes, but I'm not fluent English.
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
First application for Game-Master. -Trial Mod
= -OSA
= -22415
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
My first warning was for Naming Cons and was on 22 January 2023 for naming myself as "The Administrator" when I first joined.
My second warning was for RDM and was on 21 January 2024 and was for killing a Conscript for calling me a "Dumb Monkey".
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I don't have any experience as an 'Event Manager' or a Game-Master. This will be a new adventure for me!
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
During the Week Days I can be on for 2 to 4 hours.
During the Weekend I can be on for 4 to 8 hours.
Exam days: Around 1 hour.
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
I want to become a Game-Master to contribute to the community and give it as much as it has given me over the last year, to gain a more insightful way of seeing things, and get a whole new set of eyes.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I think that my consistency and dedication, my knowledge of how to use Pac3 (importing models, textures, sounds; using proxies and clamps; etc.) and the reputation I've earned will make me stand out over the other applicants.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
CI: Supply Hunt:
Story: After many unsuccessful raids the Commander of Terror Cell 65 reaches out to R&D Cell ███ and requests a meeting. The R&D wants to get valuable intel on shipments that Site 65 has taken over the past few months. In return, they are willing to give a location of an abandoned bunker containing possible valuables. After getting the information they needed they headed to the location and started exploring it. After reaching further inside they start to find more and more valuable equipment. After they reach the end they see a big case sitting on a podium and after it's taken off an alarm starts blaring with a countdown of 2 minutes. The Operatives have to find their way to a safe location with the valuables they found or leave them behind before they find out what happens when the timer reaches 0.
Requirements: At least: 10 CI. Game-Master Side: 2-3 Actors as the R&D Cell ██ sponsors.

UNGOC: Task Force:
Story: On ██/██ a report was made to the FOB of the United Nations located near a small town called Pinewood about a potential terror group planning to attack the Mayor's Office during the ██ planned elections. After hearing about it the United Nations contacted JTFC and requested them because of a potential attack on the people of Pinewood. Shortly after arriving, the Task Force gets a tip about the whole underside of the stage being rigged with a biological bomb with a 2-minute timer on it, and without wasting any time they go to try and disarm the device. After everyone is safely checked and returned to their homes the suspects are apprehended and the United Nations finds out about the 'Anonymous' informator who betrayed the terrorist to make a deal with the United Nations for a lighter sentence.

Requirements: At least: 6 UN (1 Attache/Ambassador), 5 to 6 Civilians, and 6 to 7 CI as the Terrorists (Different Clothes). Game-Master Side: 4 Actors as the Soldiers from the Taskforce.

Foundation: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Sentient Hyper-Intelligent Enforcer Liquidation Droid)
Story: After yet another loss by the Foundation and a dozen dead bodies the Research Department gets assigned an unusual task. They have to create a fully working prototype of a Droid that can assist Mobile Task Forces during dangerous situations like Containment breaches and Contamination outbreaks. The Executive researchers request a Technical Expert to supervise and assist during the creation of the machine. After a few hours and a half dozen tests, they are ready for a first run to see how it performs. Unfortunately, a Containment breach happens and 079 finds his way into the Facility systems once again and attempts to take complete control of the Droid. Now the Researchers have to find an effective way to stop their creation before 079 takes full control over it.

Requirements: At least: 2 Exec. Researchers and 1 Technical Expert. Game-Master Side: 1 GM as the Droid/079 Virus.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Gateway to Hell?:
Story: During a normal day at the Foundation, rumbling can be heard in HCZ and a hole appears in the ground near SCP-███ "The Garden". After closer inspection, the tunnel seems endless and a
D-Class subject is sent down it via a cable line. After 20 meters all contact is lost and the cable is cut from the harness of the Subject. After 30 mins a task force of 2 armed E-11 Biohazard units are sent down to investigate. After passing 20 meters the 2 start falling and their harness break. After they wake up from the fall they find themselves in a dark cave filled with skeletons, ashes, and the dead body of the D Class. After further expeditions, they find a large throne and a red creature with horns, sitting on it. It resembles the Devil, just like they were told when they were children. It seems that the creature wants to escape and to do it it needs more souls to do it. After seeing that there isn't any way for them to fight it they make a plan to try and find an exit. During all of the expeditions, the foundation has kept sending D-Classes to attempt to get a hold of the expedition team but with no luck. Without them knowing with every D-Class sent down there the creature becomes stronger and stronger and very soon it might break out of its chains and come to collect the damned souls walking over the Earth.

*Meanwhile at CI base*:
Raid Leader: We have some solid intel about a potential anomaly near 008 and by the sound of what's happening near it, it sure as hell has them freaked out. We have a simple objective. Get inside, find the anomaly, and make sure it causes trouble and chaos.

Requirements: 10-12 MTF (2 E-11 Biohazards), and 6-8 CI. Game-Master Side: 1 Actor for 'The Devil' role and 1 actor for the right-hand demon.

List an example mission for each of the following:
O-1: Lawsuit: After a kidnapping conducted by O-1 under the Orders of The Ethics Committee the footage was leaked and are asking them for ransom or they will give it to A-1 and their superiors. With their not-stopping beef that will be all they need to put the Ethics Committee in a bad spotlight. O-1's objective is to find the culprit and get the footage destroyed. After investigating the keycard scanner logs in the LCZ CCTV room and not finding a name but a regiment they start to dig deeper. After finding out who is responsible they learn that the reason for his doing it was the wrongful tribunal against his best friend being demoted to a D-Class. They find the footage and destroy it. After being interrogated he was amnesticated and put in the D-Class Program.
A-1: Internal Security: An infiltrator inside the Chaos Insurgency alerts A-1 for a defector going to CI with pictures and schematics of Floor 3.
They have been reported to work for the
Medical Department as a Consultant. A-1 has to find them before the files reach CI, so they start questioning the Director of Medical about the evaluation of his/her Consultants for any clues that might lead to the Identity of the defector.
After finding out a clue about the true identity they get information that he/she is on the way to the surface and needs to stop them before they leave and it's too late

Nu-7: Riot In Progress:
After fake propaganda puts the Canadian Military in a bad spot civilians start to hate them and begin listening to the Pinewood Defence Force. After the Civilians unite they begin walking towards the Military base with flare guns and Molotov cocktails and start demanding to be let inside to see what they are doing. In the meantime, the UN and Nu-7 have to come up with a plan to get the Civilians to trust the Canadian Military again before they find their way inside.
DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency: It's a normal day in the Foundation when the DEA gets a phone call from the UN asking them for a favor. A large drug operation has been detected within Pinewood and the drugs they have been selling have killed many Civilians from ODs. The DEA has to find the main supplier by interrogating the small dealers and making deals with them. After they find the supplier in a few weeks the casualties stop and the drugs are off the streets.
E-11: Trouble in Paradise: During a normal shift patrolling HCZ an announcement says that Generator 1 has failed. After deeper investigation, it seemed that a virus infected the main console and was stopping power outputs to the Containment Chambers. E-11 has to find the person responsible for this and stop them before they release chaos into the facility. After finding out the culprit they recognize him as their old colleague who got kidnapped by CI and after a deeper investigation, it seems that he was Class Fed.
CI: Special Delivery: After the Intelligence Retrieval Unit intercepts enemy communications they find out about a convoy en route to the Site-███ that is passing by Pinewood containing explosive materials. CI create a plan to make a roadblock to distract the drivers and steal the trucks and their contest. After returning to their base they find the boxes to be full of nitro, anti-tank rocket launchers, and several boxes full of munitions 9x19mm and 5.56x45mm ammo types.
UNGOC: False Alert:
After an alert is sent to all people in Pinewood panic starts rising. When the UN finds out about it saying that there is a contamination, they get a bit worried if it's not their worst nightmare. After their IT Teams track who sent the message, they pinpoint the location of the Lakehouse and inform the Citizens of Pinewood that the alert was a glitch. Shortly after arriving, they found a rogue DEA that found out about 008 and was about to send the document online. They arrested him and returned him to the Foundation.
Surface: B.O.L.O.: After an unknown tip was given to the Pinewood PD about a possible threat concerning the safety of the Citizen the Local Police Forces, S.W.A.T., and Canadian Military Units mobilized to a possible location of a suspect. After investigating the property the Canadian Military found leftover samples of what seems to be a virus but they cannot confirm which one. After pursuing the suspect they find him with a spray bottle containing a mutated version of the 'Common Cold' with a 10 times bigger mortality rate. They safely secure the pathogen and isolate a vaccine that is distributed to every Citizen in Pinewood.
Research: Ghosthunters: Multiple Hume and Transdimensional Shifts are detected all over the Site. After E-11 was mobilized Research Department was asked to study the Shifts and find a way to restore them. During the situation, some reality benders showed increased strength, more stamina, and immunity against reality anchors. After every second those reality benders become stronger, and the Researchers have to find a way to fix the shift before they break free and murder everyone.

Medical: Code 3: After a growing rate of sick surface personnel a test was conducted on the sick operatives and was found that were infected with a new pathogen. The doctors have to work fast in the development of the cure before someone dies. After multiple versions of a prototype of a vaccine the virus takes its first victim, Patient Zero. After confirming it's lethal the whole facility is placed under Code 3 and everyone who has met an infected has to be checked if they are as well to ensure the safety of the other staff. They have to find a stable vaccine and distribute it to the Civilians before the lethal virus gets to them first.

-edit: Changed fonts, reworked some events added more detail, and fixed grammar.
-edit 2: Changed Coloring from whole paragraphs to only the first mention of a certain team/department to make readability more easier.
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Greetings. Today, I will be going with a Neutral -Support for your application, for the following reasons:

- Application exceedingly plain issue partially resolved
- Ideas hard to read from excessive fonting issue resolved
- Faction ideas aren't exactly bad, but you went into the personnel requirements and small details as opposed to exactly what the event should be and how it plans out. Even then, they're too simple in my opinion.
- Group ideas being 'shallow' is an understatement issue partially resolved
- Interactions haven't yielded much depth, in my experience with you
- pretty active and friendly

Not gonna lie, I think you have potential and you seem serious in what you do, but I cannot support your application unless the above are resolved. Thank you for understanding and good luck.
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Greetings. Today, I will be going with a -Support for your application, for the following reasons:

- Application exceedingly plain
- Ideas hard to read from excessive fonting

- Faction ideas aren't exactly bad, but you went into the personnel requirements and small details as opposed to exactly what the event should be and how it plans out. Even then, they're too simple in my opinion.
- Group ideas being 'shallow' is an understatement
- Interactions haven't yielded much depth, in my experience with you

- pretty active and friendly

Not gonna lie, I think you have potential and you seem serious in what you do, but I cannot support your application unless the above are resolved. Thank you for understanding and good luck.
Hello Mirai,
After reading thoroughly through your post I have changed a few things in my application:
1. I changed the font as it was too excessive.
2. Rephrase every event to give a more detailed story.
3. Fixed grammar issues over the entire application.

I am grateful to you for leaving your opinion and sharing what you like and don't like about my application!
May 7, 2022
Hello Chocho, I will be giving you a Neutral leaning to +Support.
The reason for this is your ideas are pretty solid but it was hard to read as the there is too much colouring and formating of the text which is distracting when reading, well at least for me. I think you have potential to be a good GM so good luck with your application!
Hello Chocho, I will be giving you a Neutral leaning to +Support.
The reason for this is your ideas are pretty solid but it was hard to read as the there is too much colouring and formating of the text which is distracting when reading, well at least for me. I think you have potential to be a good GM so good luck with your application!
I will leave a +support. The app seems decent and you where willing to fully update the formating. Altought still too much color. I would recommend making the main text white. Only put colors on stuff that is important like the name of the events or the dpt that is involved.
Thank you both for leaving your opinions and what you think was too much for the application!
I have removed 95% of the colors only leaving the first mentions of the teams/departments in each event to signalize who will be participating in the events! I also removed unnecessary bolded chunks of text that were accidentally mixed up while doing the first version with the massive colored paragraphs and now should make reading easier!
Hello Mirai,
After reading thoroughly through your post I have changed a few things in my application:
1. I changed the font as it was too excessive.
2. Rephrase every event to give a more detailed story.
3. Fixed grammar issues over the entire application.

I am grateful to you for leaving your opinion and sharing what you like and don't like about my application!

I still have reservations toward this, but your acceptance of feedback and subsequent alterations have changed my verdict to Neutral. See above for full response
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