"Chronicles Of The Rangers", Part 1.

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18:34, April 28th.

- "Oi Albert, what was i looking for again?"
- "Pinewood incident report 12-A, should be somewhere in the second drawer..."
- "Found it! Why is it so important anyway?"
- "The director needed it for some kind of.. project i think? Anyways just hand it over, i'll give it to him."
- "Hold on a second, now you got me curious"
- "Hurry up, we'll get in trouble."


Aproximately 13 days earlier...

In the remote town of Pinewood, nestled within the snowy tundras of Canada, a dark and tragic event unfolded. This peaceful town was once known for its tranquility and close-knit community. The two rangers responsible for maintaining law and order were Bob Gustav Smith and Jack Summer, highly respected figures within the town.

One winter's day, a series of unfortunate circumstances occurred, leading Bob and Jack down a path of corruption and abuse of power. The bitter cold seemed to seep into their hearts, freezing their empathy and clouding their judgment. As the days passed, the two rangers became increasingly disillusioned with the limitations of their roles and the lack of recognition they felt they deserved.

One evening, Bob and Jack found themselves deep in conversation, their discontent fueling their ambitions. Bob's voice, filled with frustration, broke the silence.

"We risk our lives every day, Jack. Yet we remain mere rangers, while those military bases surround us, gaining all the glory and power. It's time we took control."

Jack, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Bob. We know this town better than anyone. We can make a difference. We can be the ones in charge."

And so, their plan was set into motion. The two rangers began to exert their authority beyond the boundaries of their role, crafting their own laws and imposing strict regulations upon the town of Pinewood. Their actions were met with disbelief and resistance from some townspeople, but fear silenced their voices.

Days turned into weeks, and Pinewood transformed under Bob and Jack's iron-fisted rule. The once lively town became a place shrouded in oppression and fear. Any dissent was met with swift punishment, as public executions became a chilling spectacle, intended to quell any opposition.

As Pinewood's mayor, a compassionate and just leader, watched the town he loved descend into darkness, he knew that action needed to be taken. Gathering his courage, he confronted Bob and Jack in a heated exchange.

"You've twisted your duty, Bob. You were meant to protect this town, not enslave it!" the mayor exclaimed, his voice filled with righteous anger.

Bob, his face hardened by newfound power, sneered dismissively.

"We've grown tired of living in the shadows. This town needed strong leadership, and we were the ones who stepped up."

Jack, standing beside Bob, added with a hint of menace.

"We've made Pinewood safer and more efficient. The people should be grateful."

The mayor's eyes blazed with determination.

"You've lost sight of what it means to serve. True leaders uplift their communities, not trample upon them. Your reign ends here."

The confrontation marked a turning point for Pinewood. The mayor, determined to restore the town's freedom, gathered intelligence on their actions, and presented it to the ultimate authority in pinewood, the United Nations.

Through secret meetings and covert operations, they collected evidence of the rangers' atrocities, documenting their abuses of power and suppression of dissent. The growing momentum of the movement breathed new life into the hearts of the townspeople, inspiring them to reclaim their rights and restore justice to Pinewood.

The evidence against Bob and Jack was overwhelming, leaving no room for denial. The townspeople, who had suffered under their oppressive regime, now saw a glimmer of hope as justice unfolded before their eyes.

With their heads held high, the two rangers were apprehended and escorted away by a team of United Nations operatives, their reign of fear coming to an end. The atmosphere in Pinewood shifted from one of despair to one of resilience and determination.

The aftermath of the ordeal left the town scarred, but the spirit of unity and community burned brightly within its people. The mayor, along with the dedicated law enforcement officers who had resisted the corruption, worked tirelessly to restore order and heal the wounds inflicted upon the town.

In the weeks and months that followed, Pinewood embarked on a journey of recovery. The townspeople, galvanized by their shared struggle, came together to rebuild their shattered community. Bonds were strengthened, and new measures were put in place to ensure that no individual or group could ever seize control again.

Pinewood became a symbol of resilience, a cautionary tale that reminded the world of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of safeguarding justice and freedom. The events of that tragic period served as a lasting reminder of the strength and determination of a community united against tyranny.

As the snow-covered tundras of Canada transformed with the changing seasons, so did the spirit of Pinewood. From the depths of darkness, the town emerged stronger, wiser, and ever vigilant, preserving the values of justice, equality, and unity that had once defined them.

And in the years that followed, the memory of Pinewood's struggle and triumph served as a beacon of hope for all who heard its tale, a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of unity in the face of adversity. And as for Bob Smith and Jack Summer? Well, we've never heard from them since, they might be rotting in some jail cell in quebec or they were just executed, as they did to some of the people of pinewood.


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Jun 6, 2022
Server Lore Submission Response
Hello, Gustav.
The Senior Gamemasters and Event Team Members have reviewed your server lore submission and have decided to DENY your submission.

The reasoning behind why we decided this is because we believe this is more of a character bio/lore as opposed to server lore.
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