Accepted CI Quality of life, Roleplay, and fixes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 2, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1. We have 4 jail cells changing one into an interrogation room.

2. Our own electricity system we have a generator for nothing?Will as well make it easier to do raids etc (we don't have dispensers and keycards broken always making it impossible to get medical supplies and to get out of the base. Aswell let the ci technical experts do some roleplay.

3. A bigger chemistry laboratory remove to add some stuff like we have 4 burners but one vacuum chamber and one centrifuge.

4. More filing cabinets in co office since we have almost every cabinet full + a phone in co office to reach more people (like un- overseers etc)

5. A better area to keep scps scps can break the doors in our hcz meaning we could never test with them un has a good testing chamber(s) and foundation too.

6. Change the cl4 aa door to biometric (fewer people hacking in) and make us have different doors so they can't all be breached with a door charge (especially one leading to the garage, AA, and co-office)

7. (Not necessary) a small area like a foundation where we can test chemicals (like a medbay locked down room)

8. More harpoons in medbay.

9. (Not necessary) make the interrogation room have torture items (for roleplay)

10. Chaos insurgency logo on the ground in the main hall.

11. (Not necessary but cool)Electrical rooms make a way to tap into certain comms of foundation, un, and ci.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
More roleplay for ci
More stuff to do when no raid
more use of the chemistry labs
more use for unused roles like a ci technical expert.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Hard to develop
may lag the server a bit

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

more roleplay will make the server more fun to play on for ci. may take a bit to make but overall will make ci roleplay more funner.


Well-known Member
Jan 21, 2023

CI Has about 160-180 people right now, idk why our base is so small we actually had to make people line up in bunks and not in the middle of the base

Man of Culture

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
Litterally the only thing planned for CI that I know of is like a map change in like a few centuries so hey :)
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