Ciao for now goobers

I joined CG SCPRP about 5 months ago or something and it’s taken up all of my time everyday. I enjoy my time on it but it takes a serious toll on my time and mental health. I don’t like how bad GSD got since the start of my time to now and it’s just a bit stupid how bad I spent my time on the server. To actually force keep myself away I gave myself a 5 month ban by injecting some autoban DLL thing as currently I cant keep myself away from the server since its part of my routine now. So by the time I’m back I’ll see if it’s any better! ( I’m not a cheater that’s goofy ) I’ll still be alive for that ban and I’m always there to talk but I need that bye bye time for me. (Applying 3 times for a position that’s not getting me anywhere was a meanie time btw). Again FOR NOW bye bye. I’ll send a resignation to Zack I just don’t want a 5 month LOA

Honourable mentions:
Zack Baker ( CoS that taught me the most sorry Skinner)
Arthur Violet ( Funny man )
Sophia Linkletter ( Og Goober )
Cheetah Ivanov ( Best person ever )
Grog Leo (Gungus now)
Ace Discounti (You may have been the worse ace but you taught me everything you were the true ace. The best ace until I return)
Maksim Engima (Based CPT)
Matt Black ( Will always miss ya bud )
Kevin Stone Lee (Helped me through the first two captain rejections)
John Mainfreezer (Best Ambassador promote to O5-1)
Andre Mightybeast ( W Person )
Fang Hakari (Brothers for life)
Timi 'SHANA' ( W Minge )
And last and definitely least: Jaqueline “Tracer”

GMod funny game
Like my first word on the server it will be my last:
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