Accepted Clipboard/Document QoL improvements

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Lord Mirai (未来)

Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Programming Team
Game Master
Jan 5, 2021
Hello. This is a list of all changes I think would be beneficial. They will be in an unordered list, from the most arduous to the "nice added bonus".

<List start>
- Skip to start / Skip to end buttons ("<<" and ">>") Would select either page 1 or the last page (here, page 2)
- Jump to page (Jump to: [dropdown]) Would go to the selected page. Dropdown would be populated with the already-existing pages.
- "Page Link" element. It would function essentially like a document hyperlink. It would give a popup to select the page to link and apply it to the selected text.
When the text is clicked, the page would be selected. This would be perfect for the document index
- Page swap. When clicked, you would get a popup to select the page to swap with and it does so (maybe after confirmation dialogue?)
- Duplicate page. It would simply copy the contents of another page. This works excellently with formatted tests or similar.
<List end>

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds/moves several buttons to the clipboard and document UIs as explained

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Makes it easier for people to write documents
- Makes scrolling to pages faster
- Might help with networking but idk if switching pages uses net messages

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might be overwhelming for new players
- Might be annoying to implement
- Could potentially be hard on the eyes

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Implementing even one of the ideas above would greatly improve the experience of writing and reading documents.
Every researcher or document-interacting person would be forever thankful for it
Absolute +Support.

This is one of the more reasonable suggestions that is just too easy to say yes to. Whilst it'd take development time and make document making potentially a tad more difficult to get your head around (realistically, if you have more than 1 braincell, it'd take an extra 30 seconds at most), it is something that is definitely needed.

Thank you for the suggestion and taking your time to make your own mockups of what it'd look like. We need more suggestions like this.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Partially Accepted

Hi @Lord Mirai (未来),

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. We'll be accepting part of your suggestion, primarily the page hyperlinks.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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