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did you read my post or just, like skim it and go for the comments. i want to bring this issue to the community, not wait for people to not read anything about it.
The community main issue is not ableism for sure, if you put it like this there are other forms of discriminations that are ignored, such as hate towards femboys and furries which is clearly ignored by Server Leadership but NO ONE has ever made a problem about it. There are bigger issues that are simply ignored but NO ONE CARES because it's childish to start reacting like this, I have been called a wop countless times on this server, or made jokes about my nationality, I never made a post nor anyone else that says "Ahh someone called me Mussolini because of my nationality". Acting like this is simply childish
Mar 30, 2023
The community main issue is not ableism for sure, if you put it like this there are other forms of discriminations that are ignored, such as hate towards femboys and furries which is clearly ignored by Server Leadership but NO ONE has ever made a problem about it. There are bigger issues that are simply ignored but NO ONE CARES because it's childish to start reacting like this, I have been called a wop countless times on this server, or made jokes about my nationality, I never made a post nor anyone else that says "Ahh someone called me Mussolini because of my nationality". Acting like this is simply childish
This is just proof of what ableism is, by the way, and take the time to reflect on it.
Mar 30, 2023
Calling something childlish because either it does not affect you, or you dont agree with it does not make it that, even more, it is the biggest issue for disabled people, hands down. problem is we dont speak, because of what will be said, like what you just said.
Then? why are you dogpiling on this article, when you should know better than anyone else how people are treated here.
Im just trying to make you understand that within the years that the word retard has been used which is literally for so fucking long most people that play online dont intend to target disabled people and you should stop making it a big deal because this community has a very little use of this word


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022
I understand the use of hateful speech being something as Toxicity or offending you but seriously if you get that upset over it simply make a sit. At the end of a day it's a word and a video game you can always look away or simply just not acknowledge it. If a word hurts you that much simply don't be on the internet. There is much bigger platforms that are worse than ur examples!


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
its pretty clear hes trolling with the "my account got hacked part"
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"erm erm actually, this word that i like to use, that was used throughout history to dehumanise disabled individuals is not a slur or wrong to say, because um erm, even if its a complicated social issue, look at this dictionary, because erm, it says exactly what i am not saying. erm so yeah i will keep saying a slur, because i like belittling people, knowing this slur is devastating to the disabled community, erm. ??"
That doesn't help your situation...


Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022
I'd really like to weigh in on the situation, so basically