"Comet" Tiggle's ECA Application [US]

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Jul 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:246118958
Discord name: bruh1840
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I first joined in summer 2022
Vtime 2.PNG
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Comet" Tiggle [GRD-9] (Foundation) | Comet "Treason" Tiggle [0640] (UNGOC) | Tiggle Comet (CI) | Comet T. (Civ)
Civilian name: Comet T.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): U.S.A
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- E-11 LT
-DEA Senior Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: I think what makes me the best candidate for ECA is that I am very active on the server and I'm on everyday and if not nearly everyday. I work with fellow EC/ECA often and even escort them so I get to see their duties and what to do right and what not to do wrong. I have previous experience with such things from other servers and I also used to main IA and have to assist Assistants. I am always doing my best to show professional and set good examples for others. I am always willing to assist others with questions, documents, problems with others or a department, and even giving out work permits. I feel I could go up and beyond of ECA and get higher roles and inspire others to do their best and apply for Assistant.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
1. Print and fill out work permits for D Class.
2. Follow orders from Ethics, and fellow SA.
3. When no Ethics Members/Chairman are on, ECA may take place as Ethics Member within certain jurisdiction.
4. Make sure all personnel are abiding and following the Code of Ethics (CoE) and Code of Conduct (CoC).
5. ECA may authorize AA, Sweeps, KOS Past airlock, when needed.
6. ECA may interview when asked or when other people want to or if it is needed.
Assistants also do anything fellow SA and or Ethics need done or need assisted with. Assistants may help out with departments such as IA, DEA, MTF, GSD, Research, and such when is needed such as sample documents for signatures, and if anyone has questions about the CoC or CoE and even just in general any questions. Assistants may help out with arrests when needed or wanted such as if IA are busy or not responding to things such as 914 in use for example. Assistants can make sure GSD are following the handbook within D Block.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: "Comet's" parents were taken when he was the age of 13. He had watched everything that had happened, it was July 11th of 2012. He and his parents were watching a movie in the living room of their poor home. All of the sudden they heard a loud ruckus outside, they heard someone pounding on the front door. His parents told him to go hide upstairs, he hid in his parents room upstairs. All of the sudden he heard a loud scream, it was his mom. "Comet" has chills go down his spine, he didn't know what to do, he rushed to the window and looked outside. He watched 2 men in grey military uniforms drag his parents down the driveway and thrown into a black van. He ran to the phone and called the police, he had stated everything that had happened. Once the police arrived they didn't know what to do, once "Comet explained the gray uniforms, they knew it was the Canadian Military. "Comet" was put into a foster home, he had never figured out where his parents were taken. He had thought about it everyday and it always gave him chills to think about. Once "Comet" had turned 18, he joined the National Guard, "Comet" had been in the National Guard for 5 years. On July 11th of 2021, he had all the memories of his parents flow through his head, it had happened on that exact date 9 years ago. All of the sudden a giant weird looking comet hit the ground about 50 feet away from him. He and his fellow Nation Guard Privates as he was the supervisor of them ran towards it with their guns pointed. A man had broken the rock and half and stepped out of it. The man had snapped the 2 of the Privates heads and made the other one Dissolve, "Comet" screamed over the radio calling for backup. The Canadian Military had been listening in, they knew that this was an SCP. "Comet" ran faster than he had ever before, the "SCP" had not been chasing him, after he noticed he was alone about 100 feet from where it happened he saw multiple Humvees and LAVs show up, these were not the ordinary ones that were issued. He was skeptical of it, all of the sudden he saw men in gray military outfits get out, he knew they were the same people who took his parents. The men in gray noticed how he was the only survivor, they kidnapped him, put a gag in his mouth and blindfolded him. About 10 minutes later he heard multiple gates open, he was scared of where he was and who he was with. They dragged him down multiple elevators, he didn't understand how this place could be so big. He was taken to some room, the men in gray took the blindfold off, he yelled "WHO ARE YOU, I KNOW YOU TOOK MY PARENTS TOO." The men told him to calm down, and that they just had some questions to ask, he turned around to see where he was, there was some type of logo behind him. Outside of the room he could hear this purring noise but it didn't sound like an ordinary animal. He had asked the man what that noise was, the man stated "Don't worry about it." Comet knew they were hiding something from him, he just couldn't figure out what it was and what was going on. The man looked at his nametag, it stated his last name, the man said "I see your name is Tiggle, I've heard of that somewhere." He had a large amount of chills go down his spine, he started to wonder if this man knew his parents. Comet stated, "Do you know my parents?" the man responded "Maybe, maybe not, I want some information off you." The man asked what had happened, he had stated about how a large comet hit the ground but somehow didn't make an impact upon them, and also how a strange man came out of it and somehow killed his fellow Privates. The man in gray had known he knew too much, he found Comets military ID and took it, the man looked up on the computer Comets name and all of the information on him. He had seen everything that had happened and how he had a report on him about his parents being kidnapped. The man offered him a job, he couldn't take a risk letting him go with this information. Comet had thought about it and had hated working in the National Guard, he could barely get enough money to feed himself, let alone pay his bills. Comet accepted the offer, he asked what kind of job and what he would do, he had been given information off what this place was, it was called the "SCP Foundation" they had explained how they had these creatures with powers in the facility and how they needed to keep it secret for the sake of humanity. The man said he would be put in "Epsilon-11 Nine Tailed Fox." The man told him he needed a code name, Comet thought about it and decided off the name "Comet" due to the incident that had happened. About 2 months later Comet finished his Basic Training, he was officially an Epsilon-11 Nine Tailed Fox Private. Fast forward 2 years, Comet has just been promoted to LT, he was starting to get tired of his job, he wanted something new, something with more power that he could also help others. Comet decided to do an interview for Ethics Committee Assistant, about 2 weeks later he had checked the mailbox in his bunks, he saw a letter. Comet saw it was from the Ethics Committee, he ripped it open as fast as he could, he opened the letter and read that he had been accepted to being an Ethics Committee Assistant. Comet was so excited and so happy at the same time, he continued reading and it stated to stop by the Ethics Wing to receive his new keycard and uniform. He rushed to the Ethics Wing as fast as he could, the Ethics Wing Intern gave him his uniform, and keycard, they told him he needed to do his Training and that it was today. Comet opened the door, rushed in and was given an overview and told what to do by the Ethics Member. Comet was put on a Probationary period for 3 weeks and had to walk around with his supervisor. During his Probationary period he watched his supervisor show him the duties they were to do, he watched and learned how to print work permits for D Class willing to help, he had assisted in multiple interviews, he had gotten to authorize sweeps when D Class had a document that was contraband or even just a bunch of keycards and weapons, he even got to authorize Advanced Armory when things went wrong with SCP Breaches. He had passed his Probationary period he was officially an Ethics Assistant, he was so happy with his new job. Comet had done very good at his job, he had been awarded Assistant of the month. Comet was so into this job, he was paid well, had more rights and power, and got to do his favorite thing to do which is helping people, it was the most perfect job he could ask for. Comet had helped the foundation so well, he made a treaty with the UNGOC, dealt with corrupt personnel. Comet had made the best documents ever seen in the foundation, he was liked all around, everyone knew him and inspired to be just like him. Comet had a very large incident happen that he later was known for. About 100 chefs filled Core Sector, they had starting screaming "NO PAY, NO WORK" the chefs were mad about how they had such little pay and how they had made food for ALL of the foundation but given low pay. Nobody knew what to do, and was too scared to step up, Comet thought about it, gained some confidence and stood up to go out there. He asked for them to settle down, they stood there with their signs up enraged. Comet asked what they were unionizing about, they stated how they were given low pay for the good work they do, Comet thought about it and made the conclusion maybe if he gives a slight more pay they will stop unionizing. Comet asked how much they wanted, they stated $40 dollars an hour, their current pay was $10 an hour. Comet thought it was outrageous how they wanted 4 times the amount they are currently paid. But then he thought about it and realized the foundation had a ton of money to spend recently that nobody knew what to do with, he stated "Fine, but I don't wanna see anymore of this unionizing, I want to see you all doing your job and not complaining." The Ethics Committee was proud how he dealt with it, they were very happy about how he dealt with the union without anyone being hurt in the process. The Ethics Committee decided to make him lead of Assistants, Comet was so happy, he was so proud of how he had done so well in the Ethics Committee Assistant position and that he was loved all around.

E-11 LTYes
DEASenior AgentYes
Last edited:
Jul 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:246118958
Discord name: bruh1840
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I first joined in summer 2022
View attachment 12913
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): "Comet" Tiggle [GRD-9] (Foundation) | Comet "Treason" Tiggle [0640] (UNGOC) | Tiggle Comet (CI) | Comet T. (Civ)
Civilian name: Comet T.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): U.S.A
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- E-11 LT

-DEA Senior Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-View attachment 12911
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: I think what makes me the best candidate for ECA is that I am very active on the server and I'm on everyday and if not nearly everyday. I work with fellow EC/ECA often and even escort them so I get to see their duties and what to do right and what not to do wrong. I have previous experience with such things from other servers and I also used to main IA and have to assist Assistants. I am always doing my best to show professional and set good examples for others. I am always willing to assist others with questions, documents, problems with others or a department, and even giving out work permits. I feel I could go up and beyond of ECA and get higher roles and inspire others to do their best and apply for Assistant.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
1. Print and fill out work permits for D Class.
2. Follow orders from Ethics, and fellow SA.
3. When no Ethics Members/Chairman are on, ECA may take place as Ethics Member within certain jurisdiction.
4. Make sure all personnel are abiding and following the Code of Ethics (CoE) and Code of Conduct (CoC).
5. ECA may authorize AA, Sweeps, KOS Past airlock, when needed.
6. ECA may interview when asked or when other people want to or if it is needed.
Assistants also do anything fellow SA and or Ethics need done or need assisted with. Assistants may help out with departments such as IA, DEA, MTF, GSD, Research, and such when is needed such as sample documents for signatures, and if anyone has questions about the CoC or CoE and even just in general any questions. Assistants may help out with arrests when needed or wanted such as if IA are busy or not responding to things such as 914 in use for example. Assistants can make sure GSD are following the handbook within D Block.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: "Comet's" parents were taken when he was the age of 13. He had watched everything that had happened, it was July 11th of 2012. He and his parents were watching a movie in the living room of their poor home. All of the sudden they heard a loud ruckus outside, they heard someone pounding on the front door. His parents told him to go hide upstairs, he hid in his parents room upstairs. All of the sudden he heard a loud scream, it was his mom. "Comet" has chills go down his spine, he didn't know what to do, he rushed to the window and looked outside. He watched 2 men in grey military uniforms drag his parents down the driveway and thrown into a black van. He ran to the phone and called the police, he had stated everything that had happened. Once the police arrived they didn't know what to do, once "Comet explained the gray uniforms, they knew it was the Canadian Military. "Comet" was put into a foster home, he had never figured out where his parents were taken. He had thought about it everyday and it always gave him chills to think about. Once "Comet" had turned 18, he joined the National Guard, "Comet" had been in the National Guard for 5 years. On July 11th of 2021, he had all the memories of his parents flow through his head, it had happened on that exact date 9 years ago. All of the sudden a giant weird looking comet hit the ground about 50 feet away from him. He and his fellow Nation Guard Privates as he was the supervisor of them ran towards it with their guns pointed. A man had broken the rock and half and stepped out of it. The man had snapped the 2 of the Privates heads and made the other one Dissolve, "Comet" screamed over the radio calling for backup. The Canadian Military had been listening in, they knew that this was an SCP. "Comet" ran faster than he had ever before, the "SCP" had not been chasing him, after he noticed he was alone about 100 feet from where it happened he saw multiple Humvees and LAVs show up, these were not the ordinary ones that were issued. He was skeptical of it, all of the sudden he saw men in gray military outfits get out, he knew they were the same people who took his parents. The men in gray noticed how he was the only survivor, they kidnapped him, put a gag in his mouth and blindfolded him. About 10 minutes later he heard multiple gates open, he was scared of where he was and who he was with. They dragged him down multiple elevators, he didn't understand how this place could be so big. He was taken to some room, the men in gray took the blindfold off, he yelled "WHO ARE YOU, I KNOW YOU TOOK MY PARENTS TOO." The men told him to calm down, and that they just had some questions to ask, he turned around to see where he was, there was some type of logo behind him. Outside of the room he could hear this purring noise but it didn't sound like an ordinary animal. He had asked the man what that noise was, the man stated "Don't worry about it." Comet knew they were hiding something from him, he just couldn't figure out what it was and what was going on. The man looked at his nametag, it stated his last name, the man said "I see your name is Tiggle, I've heard of that somewhere." He had a large amount of chills go down his spine, he started to wonder if this man knew his parents. Comet stated, "Do you know my parents?" the man responded "Maybe, maybe not, I want some information off you." The man asked what had happened, he had stated about how a large comet hit the ground but somehow didn't make an impact upon them, and also how a strange man came out of it and somehow killed his fellow Privates. The man in gray had known he knew too much, he found Comets military ID and took it, the man looked up on the computer Comets name and all of the information on him. He had seen everything that had happened and how he had a report on him about his parents being kidnapped. The man offered him a job, he couldn't take a risk letting him go with this information. Comet had thought about it and had hated working in the National Guard, he could barely get enough money to feed himself, let alone pay his bills. Comet accepted the offer, he asked what kind of job and what he would do, he had been given information off what this place was, it was called the "SCP Foundation" they had explained how they had these creatures with powers in the facility and how they needed to keep it secret for the sake of humanity. The man said he would be put in "Epsilon-11 Nine Tailed Fox." The man told him he needed a code name, Comet thought about it and decided off the name "Comet" due to the incident that had happened. About 2 months later Comet finished his Basic Training, he was officially an Epsilon-11 Nine Tailed Fox Private. Fast forward 2 years, Comet has just been promoted to LT, he was starting to get tired of his job, he wanted something new, something with more power that he could also help others. Comet decided to do an interview for Ethics Committee Assistant, about 2 weeks later he had checked the mailbox in his bunks, he saw a letter. Comet saw it was from the Ethics Committee, he ripped it open as fast as he could, he opened the letter and read that he had been accepted to being an Ethics Committee Assistant. Comet was so excited and so happy at the same time, he continued reading and it stated to stop by the Ethics Wing to receive his new keycard and uniform. He rushed to the Ethics Wing as fast as he could, the Ethics Wing Intern gave him his uniform, and keycard, they told him he needed to do his Training and that it was today. Comet opened the door, rushed in and was given an overview and told what to do by the Ethics Member. Comet was put on a Probationary period for 3 weeks and had to walk around with his supervisor. During his Probationary period he watched his supervisor show him the duties they were to do, he watched and learned how to print work permits for D Class willing to help, he had assisted in multiple interviews, he had gotten to authorize sweeps when D Class had a document that was contraband or even just a bunch of keycards and weapons, he even got to authorize Advanced Armory when things went wrong with SCP Breaches. He had passed his Probationary period he was officially an Ethics Assistant, he was so happy with his new job. Comet had done very good at his job, he had been awarded Assistant of the month. Comet was so into this job, he was paid well, had more rights and power, and got to do his favorite thing to do which is helping people, it was the most perfect job he could ask for. Comet had helped the foundation so well, he made a treaty with the UNGOC, dealt with corrupt personnel. Comet had made the best documents ever seen in the foundation, he was liked all around, everyone knew him and inspired to be just like him. Comet had a very large incident happen that he later was known for. About 100 chefs filled Core Sector, they had starting screaming "NO PAY, NO WORK" the chefs were mad about how they had such little pay and how they had made food for ALL of the foundation but given low pay. Nobody knew what to do, and was too scared to step up, Comet thought about it, gained some confidence and stood up to go out there. He asked for them to settle down, they stood there with their signs up enraged. Comet asked what they were unionizing about, they stated how they were given low pay for the good work they do, Comet thought about it and made the conclusion maybe if he gives a slight more pay they will stop unionizing. Comet asked how much they wanted, they stated $40 dollars an hour, their current pay was $10 an hour. Comet thought it was outrageous how they wanted 4 times the amount they are currently paid. But then he thought about it and realized the foundation had a ton of money to spend recently that nobody knew what to do with, he stated "Fine, but I don't wanna see anymore of this unionizing, I want to see you all doing your job and not complaining." The Ethics Committee was proud how he dealt with it, they were very happy about how he dealt with the union without anyone being hurt in the process. The Ethics Committee decided to make him lead of Assistants, Comet was so happy, he was so proud of how he had done so well in the Ethics Committee Assistant position and that he was loved all around.

E-11 LTYes
DEASenior AgentYes
If confused from the Beta part, I've been Beta twice.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee

To: "Comet" Tiggle

Hello Lieutenant, the Committee has evaluated your application and decided that you need more time before coming within our ranks as a member of our Assistant Program.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member of the Committee for any information.

-From Ethics Vice Chairman, Espeon "Eeveelution" Vastila

Application Denied
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