Consultant Application | USA | Joshua "DOG" Ward

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Jan 29, 2023
Steam ID:
Steam Account Link

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
June 2022 | Roughly 1,032 hours​


In what country are you located?:
Currently The Philippines

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Joshua "DOG" Ward

Civilian name:
Joshua Ward

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I need to speak so that I can preach.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Ci - Alpha - [Held]
  • Combat Medic - [Holding]
  • Anything Else - [N/A]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 202403.png
Expired Warns & Bans
Appealed Warns & Bans
False Warns & Bans
Jul 2022 | RDM Warn
(So long ago I don't even remember how I got this.)

Feb 2023 | Fear RP Warn
(I got this because I didn't correctly understand Fear RP rules at the time.)
Jul 2023 | Lag Machine Perma Ban
(I was spreading 37-page bibles around the site, and it caused the
server to lag and crash.)
Mar 2024 | IP Grabber Perma Ban
(A-1 doesn't understand that is a shortened YouTube link.)

[In Character: Scriptnet Section]
(Original Questions In)
[Out of Character]
[SCRIPTNET REQUEST - SEE FILE: Promotion_Request_Consultant.xlsx]
[SCRIPTNET REQUEST - DECRYPTING FILE: Promotion_Request_Consultant.xlsx]

Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
["Over the past few months, I've been assigned as an on site doctor at Site 65. During this time, I've tirelessly provided aid to Foundation personnel. Because of this, I've listened to, met, and conversed with a wide variety of people. I believe I have the compassion, drive, and determination to further my medical career and become a beacon of hope for anyone who steps foot into Medbay."]

What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
["I believe I am suitable to be a consultant for the medical department because I've spent an unfathomable amount of time studying the medical field, preparing myself to deal with any medical related endeavor, be it a simple sickness or a broken bone to sicknesses with anomalistic natures. I am confident in my skills in medical fields, my experience, and my ability to efficiently converse with foundation personnel. Because of this, I think I am prepared to host combat medic tryouts, train trainees, and participate in high clearance medical procedures on the site."]

[SCRIPTNET REQUEST - SEE FILE: Medical_Procedures.xlsx]
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Correcting Bone Factures
Curing Common Diseases
Diagnosing Bone Fractures -
(It is fairly easy to diagnose fractures through obvious signs that can be expressed by a patient. However, in order to more effectively correct and find the exact location of a fracture, the patient will need to get scanned by an X ray machine located in the Medbay.)

Effects of Bone Fractures -
Arm Factures | Inability to switch equipment
Leg Fractures | Inability to run or jump

Correcting Bone Factures -
(After finding the exact location of the fracture, administer the appropriately labeled calcium drug jar corresponding to the fractured limb highlighted by the X ray machine.)
Diagnosing Common Diseases -
(It is important to cure common diseases as soon as possible, or else risk a possible disease outbreak within the site. Fortunately, these common diseases have obvious signs that can be easily spotted. However, in order to ensure correct treatment, the patient will need to be scanned by the disease scanning device located in the Medbay.)

Common Diseases And Their Corresponding Cures -
| Chest Infection
Chlorphenamine | Sinus Infection
Dextrome | Common Cold & Coughing
Erythromycin | Bacterial Infection
Oseltamivir Phosphate | Influenza
Termination | "Soup"

[SCRIPTNET REQUEST - SEE FILE: Loading... . . .]
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
Phycological evaluation
Medical License Training
Approving Medical Documents
Host Combat Medic Tryouts
Unlike senior doctors, who are already expected to conduct psychological evaluations, consultants are expected to have evaluation sessions with high level personnel, SCPs, and GOIs.Consultants are expected to be able to train trainees who meet the level requirement. They must be ready to teach about nearly every aspect of medical knowledge trainees must know.Consultants have the responsibility to accept medical documents that are exported onto the ScriptNet, including psychological evaluations conducted by senior doctors, and so on.Due to the recent implementation of a tryout system within the Combat Medic role, consultants now have the responsibility to host Combat Medic tryouts.

[SCRIPTNET REQUEST - SEE FILE: Foundation_Personnel_Profile.xlsx]

[SCRIPTNET REQUEST - DECRYPTING FILE: Foundation_Personnel_Profile.xlsx]

SEE FILE: Loading... . . .]

Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Full Name : Joshua Ward
Codename : "DOG"
Age : ▀▀
Current Occupation : Sr Doctor
Security Clearance : 3
Birth Place : South Africa East London

Weight : 78kg
Height : 5.8
Eye-Colour : Amber

Dr. Joshua Ward, born ▀▀▀▀, known by the code name "DOG" was a prominent figure in the medical community of South Africa, particularly renowned for his contributions in surgery, including complex reconstructions and extreme transplant procedures. His expertise and dedication had earned him widespread recognition across the African medical landscape.

However, when complications arose on ▀▀▀▀, leading to a series of events that culminated in Dr. Ward being unjustly accused of murder. Despite vehemently denying the allegations, he found himself in a legal quagmire, ultimately resulting in his transfer to Site 65. The official narrative presented his departure as a tragic suicide.

Thank you for reading my application. Kind regards:
Joshua "Dog" Ward

Encrypted Message Recieved . . .

Decrypt? | Y/N
Input | Y
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File Decrypted, File Attached

Recieved By:

Message Subject: Application Denied

Hello Dr. Ward, I am contacting you to inform you that your application for Consultant has unfortunately been denied, the reasons for your denial are acts of unprofessionalism and disregard for medical policies sometimes. While we agree you would be a fun person to have on the team as you can create great situations and help people a lot we have decided that you are not currently fit for the position, we would recommend you work on your professionalism before applying for consultant again, you may re-apply in 2 weeks. If you wish to contact me about this you may do so through my Email, Have a nice day Dr. Ward. (Discord: playdoughzombie)
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