What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Altering of 22415s ruleset and minor tweaks to their kits.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge, no.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. 22415 can help stop/support situations like they where intended to do without being worried about being pulled to a sit
2. Possibly less nuke situations if we had these three helping us keep people alive in a noncombative manner
3. More 22415 players
4. 22415 would be more fun to play if they where not held back by rules which I feel could be worded better.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. The 22415s can be annoying to play against as a breached SCP
2. People could misuse my suggestion to adding the leash restraint to Danny.
3. Giving the role more freedom could make people minge, ideally not since it's whitelisted but
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This might be an unpopular or distasteful post but I feel it's important as someone who plays this SCP as a secondary to my main role and really enjoy them but I also see the flaws of why they are no longer very popular. When they where initially added there where some things that where way to powerful which I will admit, it was unbalanced and unfair to the scps (especially ricky). But while saying this because of how strong they where introduced different rulings and new rules where put in place to make them feel less oppressing but overtime this has left them kind of useless with other balance changes.
My examples of this would be -
I have a few suggestions for a fix to the mannequins -
1. Changing of the ruling of 'direct harm' to a better worded rule with examples to explain things to avoid the situations of players and staff alike getting mad at 22415s doing the little they can to help. I would suggest changing "May support Foundation personnel in breaches, as long as it doesn't directly harm anyone (including SCPs)" To, May utilize abilities and items in their kit to support foundation personnel in breaches as long as they are not causing direct harm to anyone (including SCPs and GOIs)
- An example of usage of powers which are inline with the rules would be pushing an scp away from a doorway to give foundation personnel time to reposition
- Another good example would be using your powers to put a individual who was downed by an scp into the dimension and healing them before assisting them in getting to a safe location.
- An example of usage of powers which are not inline with the rules would be pushing an scp directly into a tesla gate or nerve gas, this would be you causing direct harm.
- Another example of usage of powers which is not inline would be pushing an scp into the corner of a small room resulting in them being shot by many combatives and taking more damage than they would of if they where not pushed into the corner.
2. Giving each helper something unique to their role similar to Ricky having the cuffs.
- Yes I am aware that Danny already has a medkit but my suggestion is simple, give him the leash that other medics get so he can help move people to safety.
- and for Jamie I suggest giving him more power for his reality bending abilities, he only has the dimensions and him being able to use them more often would make him being able to save people more impactful similar to his brothers unique ways of push and heal. If the amount of power Jamie gets is unable to be changed then I believe just making his walk/run speed faster than the other two would make him more impactful.
3. Changing of this rule, it's misleading to what is actually enforced and expected "May not directly assist in the harm of any living thing, including SCPs (e.g. cannot assist combatives in their duties in any way, except to get them to a safe location)" I suggest it is changed to "May not cause direct harm of any living thing but you may support foundation personnel in duties such as containing breaches and evacuations. You may not assist foundation in, countering GOI raids, transporting combative personnel into containment chambers or entering D-Block (Sweeps).
- Changing this would give more clarity and room to play the SCP without worrying about being pulled to a sit over peoples interpretations of a very misunderstood SCP. You would also not have to deal with as much whinning as you hear on a day to day basis from SCP players yelling at you that 'that isn't allowed!' when your whole purpose is to help foundation in a noncombative way.
Lastly, these SCPs are really well made and what is holding them back is the RULES and the player base. Changing the rules to allow more wiggle room will make it more fun and impactful! And ideally changing the rules will stop players from being so toxic towards 22415s who are just doing their job, helping!
Altering of 22415s ruleset and minor tweaks to their kits.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge, no.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. 22415 can help stop/support situations like they where intended to do without being worried about being pulled to a sit
2. Possibly less nuke situations if we had these three helping us keep people alive in a noncombative manner
3. More 22415 players
4. 22415 would be more fun to play if they where not held back by rules which I feel could be worded better.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
1. The 22415s can be annoying to play against as a breached SCP
2. People could misuse my suggestion to adding the leash restraint to Danny.
3. Giving the role more freedom could make people minge, ideally not since it's whitelisted but

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This might be an unpopular or distasteful post but I feel it's important as someone who plays this SCP as a secondary to my main role and really enjoy them but I also see the flaws of why they are no longer very popular. When they where initially added there where some things that where way to powerful which I will admit, it was unbalanced and unfair to the scps (especially ricky). But while saying this because of how strong they where introduced different rulings and new rules where put in place to make them feel less oppressing but overtime this has left them kind of useless with other balance changes.
My examples of this would be -
- Dimensions where nerfed ( Reality anchors, Tesla gates, the ghost like image that appears when your in the dimension on the other side )
- Ricky had his beam removed
- The addition of the rule that they may assist in containing SCPs as long as they do not cause 'direct' harm is heavily misunderstood by the player base and when you push an SCP to keep them away from people they start screaming profanities or mixing at you because they think the mannequins are supposed to just stand around and let SCPs hurt people because that is their interoperation of the rules.
- The new thaum update with much more useful abilities that thaums are actually allowed to use to assist combatives in a noncombative manner.
I have a few suggestions for a fix to the mannequins -
1. Changing of the ruling of 'direct harm' to a better worded rule with examples to explain things to avoid the situations of players and staff alike getting mad at 22415s doing the little they can to help. I would suggest changing "May support Foundation personnel in breaches, as long as it doesn't directly harm anyone (including SCPs)" To, May utilize abilities and items in their kit to support foundation personnel in breaches as long as they are not causing direct harm to anyone (including SCPs and GOIs)
- An example of usage of powers which are inline with the rules would be pushing an scp away from a doorway to give foundation personnel time to reposition
- Another good example would be using your powers to put a individual who was downed by an scp into the dimension and healing them before assisting them in getting to a safe location.
- An example of usage of powers which are not inline with the rules would be pushing an scp directly into a tesla gate or nerve gas, this would be you causing direct harm.
- Another example of usage of powers which is not inline would be pushing an scp into the corner of a small room resulting in them being shot by many combatives and taking more damage than they would of if they where not pushed into the corner.
2. Giving each helper something unique to their role similar to Ricky having the cuffs.
- Yes I am aware that Danny already has a medkit but my suggestion is simple, give him the leash that other medics get so he can help move people to safety.
- and for Jamie I suggest giving him more power for his reality bending abilities, he only has the dimensions and him being able to use them more often would make him being able to save people more impactful similar to his brothers unique ways of push and heal. If the amount of power Jamie gets is unable to be changed then I believe just making his walk/run speed faster than the other two would make him more impactful.
3. Changing of this rule, it's misleading to what is actually enforced and expected "May not directly assist in the harm of any living thing, including SCPs (e.g. cannot assist combatives in their duties in any way, except to get them to a safe location)" I suggest it is changed to "May not cause direct harm of any living thing but you may support foundation personnel in duties such as containing breaches and evacuations. You may not assist foundation in, countering GOI raids, transporting combative personnel into containment chambers or entering D-Block (Sweeps).
- Changing this would give more clarity and room to play the SCP without worrying about being pulled to a sit over peoples interpretations of a very misunderstood SCP. You would also not have to deal with as much whinning as you hear on a day to day basis from SCP players yelling at you that 'that isn't allowed!' when your whole purpose is to help foundation in a noncombative way.
Lastly, these SCPs are really well made and what is holding them back is the RULES and the player base. Changing the rules to allow more wiggle room will make it more fun and impactful! And ideally changing the rules will stop players from being so toxic towards 22415s who are just doing their job, helping!
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