What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Removes @Emilia Foddg from the community.Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not on the forums in any capacity.Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Excises a chaotic, unstable and overly eccentric element that largely contributes negatively to the server overall.
- Sanity's decline wanes.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Divine Light severed - You are a flesh automation animated by neurotransmitters.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I didn't think I would ever be making this post - But as my perspective has been forced to turn inwards, I think that this is probably the best option for me right now. I won't go into too much detail, but all you really need to know is that in my irreverence and more, I am the one in the wrong here. That is all.I joined the community last year off the back of the biggest loss of my life; At the time, I was hurting and looking for some kind of distraction or way to numb the pain, so I figured I'd look for a GMod RP server to screw around in. In particular, I remembered one I played on briefly, at least a decade or so ago? I vaguely recall a map that was like... Some kind of big dirt crater with a run-down town in the middle - And off to the side of the map was just straight up an SCP facility made with assets seemingly ripped directly from CB. I didn't play for long, but I do recall some RP I made up on the spot about extracting an object in the shape of a stella octahedron from some kind of entity at the demand of someone else, who promptly disappeared. amidst all the vagueness, that's the clearest part I remember. I had wondered if that server was still a thing and if so, how it was doing, so I went looking for it, But in my attempting to find it, I found CN SCP-RP. Initially, I joined with the intent to minge, but I ended up getting invested and interested, so I stuck around. The rest is history.
And of course as a lot of you might have noticed for the past several months, I've taken a lot of lengthy LOAs for various reasons. I think I'm at the point where being on the server simply isn't fun anymore, plus the community has changed so much that there are less and less people I recognise within it. So I suppose this was the natural conclusion - For now, I think I will take an extended break and return at some point in the future. Potentially, the near future. I will continue to haunt the forums, unless I am forcibly removed or otherwise. In the meantime, I wish you all a happy Go To Floor 3.
I guess in the end, I really have

@yedekkral The only IA agent that works with hard evidence.
@Flare I'm no longer salty about it.
@Auburn I don't think either of us could have ever predicted this when you were giving the E-11 tryout I joined. Your progression in the server and mine both. Good luck as a CS, friend. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
@Holland I vaguely recall you also being part of the above mentioned tryout? My memory's starting to fail me. I wish I had more to say, but I see you and I wish you the best of luck.
@Jesse Phil Fring @'Blue' Yes, you get a mention.
@Jonas Enry @Sven Sky Good luck.
@Edwin @Scotsman o7
@FrostByte Obligatory mention.
@BiggyCheese To my recollection, you don't have a forum account. But I remember you. And you get a mention.
@Joshbond SL material :clueless: Great RP'er and extremely helpful when I needed it.
@TheSCPAddict001 Good luck. I believe in you.
@Cece @Kayla I remember back when you were both Consultants and... Honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention and memory isn't serving me well right now, but my point is, I've been here to see you go from there to both in Staff, and EC (& O-1? I remember you were in O-1 for some level of time, unsure if still)/DoM & A-1 respectively. I wish you both the best of luck because with your current run of it, you seem to really need it.
@phill-dee//Andy Patterson I mean, I sort of kept my promise, but I also didn't. I'm sorry about that.
@Archangel Hey, I think you'd like this suggestion.
@Stealth I thought about not writing something like, just leaving this entry blank and moving on to the next, but I felt that would appear too passive-aggressive and not my intent at all, but then I was like, "Do I even have anything to say to Falcon? ...What do I even say?" So it's one of those leaving mention messages, but it's not really well thought out.
@BoltSive You get a mention.
@Corr "Perseus" Vynd ...Sorry, I couldn't keep my promise.
@Rizzie Dumbass. (playful)
@Biscuits Dumbass. (derogatory)
@Kree @Super Duper Carpe Time @Jonny Guaca @'Juliet' @Pyrite @Sceptre @idkwhatghost'snameontheforumis @The Guardian @Starling6 @Critical No idea what to say, but I couldn't not mention you. I guess, pretend I copy-pasted what I wrote for Falcon, but for each of you individually.
@Giudon o7
@RedMann The best and most underrated E-11 COM, as well as a great, long-lasting ECC and my GM mentor. Sorry that I completely blew it not all that long after I got GM.
@Johnson J. Marauder Been CI COM for longer than I've been on the server
At least I was around long enough to see you switch sides of ISD... Or uh- AO, now. Also again, definitely consider going for GM, that would be very funny 
@Jacub Keep getting those Ws. Good luck as Core Dev.
@Prplex As above, but replace Core Dev with Sr. Admin.
@casseno1 Chad Cube enjoyer. Sorry about the thing with the test, again. I hope you can get that done, because that's an interesting test.
@Cain_Morris13 I think you can do it. I believe in you. You've shown impressive growth over the past few months and I hope that everything ultimately works out.
@Judge Sorry for this mention. And everything else, too.
@MrSiens How do you do it? I'd have lost my mind ages ago... Again.
@François "Napoléon" Keep on keeping on.
@AssassinsAim @Asura @Houston Benton Interestingly enough, I didn't really interact with you much in the GM team. I know we've had our differences and for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
@'Athena' @Julien White @Lord Mirai (未来) You've been great to work with. Good luck.
@Ronin You've been great to work with. Good luck. I think you're going to need it.
@TheKupKake ...Actually how? Like, how?
@Bismarck Good shit, my man.
@Noob_Numeralix Common Fenriz W. Good luck.
@Harry I think you're going to do great things. Good luck.
@Skinner I think this is you? Good luck - Don't waste the chance(s?) given to you.
@Poli ...I mean, I tried... Sorry.
@Aurelius "Fusilli" Great E-11, now a great Site Advisor. Additionally see the one two below next.
@Charles "Ze" Whittme Great to work with. W ECM and W -1. Also see the one below next.
@Dennid Dennid. Also see the one below.
@Charles "Ze" Whittme @Dennid @Merrick Travolta @OopsForgotTheOtherOne @Nukegoboom @Tim Drake @Aurelius "Fusilli" @OopsForgotTheOtherThree I won't waste the chance given to me. It'll just be... Later than you thought, I guess. Sorry!
@Naffen @Cheetah @YandereMuffin @Bananolas I let you down. For what little it's worth at this point, I'm sorry. I'm think I'm going to take a long walk and think deeply about what I've done.
@Broda I'm not sure what to say. We've had a lot of differences in opinion, and... There's just a lot to unpack. But ultimately, you were right.
@Zen We do a lot in sync, huh? Joined E-11 at the same time, left it around a similar time. And left left around the same time. It's weird how that works out.
@Niox You are the last of us. Good luck out there.
@Content Team This doesn't mean you're free.
@Ellie This happening, after you said such a nice thing to me, too. It's a terrible coincidence.
@Yeke @Requis @Rushi ...Sorry. For what it's worth, I think back fondly on our interactions.
Following the few discussions we've had, I can certainly empathise with your position. I neither envy you nor Yeke in the slightest. Not with working on and developing the services, not with dealing with the playerbase, and certainly not with the office politics. Good luck with the Network. You have a bunch of great things here and you cultivate them well, and in different and novel ways. You continue to come up with great ideas and sometimes they don't go as intended. That's just the creative process, unfortunately. I can say for certain that your herculean efforts thus far would have driven lesser people crazy and that you're strong to be where you are and continuing onward. Remember that, because I hope it can be good and help put everything into perspective going forward.
And for the love of everything, please take some kind of a break. I can't possibly imagine doing any of this for as long as you have without incurring some kind of problem mentally.
@Flare I'm no longer salty about it.
@Auburn I don't think either of us could have ever predicted this when you were giving the E-11 tryout I joined. Your progression in the server and mine both. Good luck as a CS, friend. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
@Holland I vaguely recall you also being part of the above mentioned tryout? My memory's starting to fail me. I wish I had more to say, but I see you and I wish you the best of luck.
@Jesse Phil Fring @'Blue' Yes, you get a mention.
@Jonas Enry @Sven Sky Good luck.
@Edwin @Scotsman o7
@FrostByte Obligatory mention.
@BiggyCheese To my recollection, you don't have a forum account. But I remember you. And you get a mention.
@Joshbond SL material :clueless: Great RP'er and extremely helpful when I needed it.
@TheSCPAddict001 Good luck. I believe in you.
@Cece @Kayla I remember back when you were both Consultants and... Honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention and memory isn't serving me well right now, but my point is, I've been here to see you go from there to both in Staff, and EC (& O-1? I remember you were in O-1 for some level of time, unsure if still)/DoM & A-1 respectively. I wish you both the best of luck because with your current run of it, you seem to really need it.
@phill-dee//Andy Patterson I mean, I sort of kept my promise, but I also didn't. I'm sorry about that.
@Archangel Hey, I think you'd like this suggestion.
@Stealth I thought about not writing something like, just leaving this entry blank and moving on to the next, but I felt that would appear too passive-aggressive and not my intent at all, but then I was like, "Do I even have anything to say to Falcon? ...What do I even say?" So it's one of those leaving mention messages, but it's not really well thought out.
@BoltSive You get a mention.
@Corr "Perseus" Vynd ...Sorry, I couldn't keep my promise.
@Rizzie Dumbass. (playful)
@Biscuits Dumbass. (derogatory)
@Kree @Super Duper Carpe Time @Jonny Guaca @'Juliet' @Pyrite @Sceptre @idkwhatghost'snameontheforumis @The Guardian @Starling6 @Critical No idea what to say, but I couldn't not mention you. I guess, pretend I copy-pasted what I wrote for Falcon, but for each of you individually.
@Giudon o7
@RedMann The best and most underrated E-11 COM, as well as a great, long-lasting ECC and my GM mentor. Sorry that I completely blew it not all that long after I got GM.
@Johnson J. Marauder Been CI COM for longer than I've been on the server

@Jacub Keep getting those Ws. Good luck as Core Dev.
@Prplex As above, but replace Core Dev with Sr. Admin.
@casseno1 Chad Cube enjoyer. Sorry about the thing with the test, again. I hope you can get that done, because that's an interesting test.
@Cain_Morris13 I think you can do it. I believe in you. You've shown impressive growth over the past few months and I hope that everything ultimately works out.
@Judge Sorry for this mention. And everything else, too.
@MrSiens How do you do it? I'd have lost my mind ages ago... Again.
@François "Napoléon" Keep on keeping on.
@AssassinsAim @Asura @Houston Benton Interestingly enough, I didn't really interact with you much in the GM team. I know we've had our differences and for what it's worth, I'm sorry.
@'Athena' @Julien White @Lord Mirai (未来) You've been great to work with. Good luck.
@Ronin You've been great to work with. Good luck. I think you're going to need it.
@TheKupKake ...Actually how? Like, how?
@Bismarck Good shit, my man.
@Noob_Numeralix Common Fenriz W. Good luck.
@Harry I think you're going to do great things. Good luck.
@Skinner I think this is you? Good luck - Don't waste the chance(s?) given to you.
@Poli ...I mean, I tried... Sorry.
@Aurelius "Fusilli" Great E-11, now a great Site Advisor. Additionally see the one two below next.
@Charles "Ze" Whittme Great to work with. W ECM and W -1. Also see the one below next.
@Dennid Dennid. Also see the one below.
@Charles "Ze" Whittme @Dennid @Merrick Travolta @OopsForgotTheOtherOne @Nukegoboom @Tim Drake @Aurelius "Fusilli" @OopsForgotTheOtherThree I won't waste the chance given to me. It'll just be... Later than you thought, I guess. Sorry!
@Naffen @Cheetah @YandereMuffin @Bananolas I let you down. For what little it's worth at this point, I'm sorry. I'm think I'm going to take a long walk and think deeply about what I've done.
@Broda I'm not sure what to say. We've had a lot of differences in opinion, and... There's just a lot to unpack. But ultimately, you were right.
@Zen We do a lot in sync, huh? Joined E-11 at the same time, left it around a similar time. And left left around the same time. It's weird how that works out.
@Niox You are the last of us. Good luck out there.
@Content Team This doesn't mean you're free.
@Ellie This happening, after you said such a nice thing to me, too. It's a terrible coincidence.

@Yeke @Requis @Rushi ...Sorry. For what it's worth, I think back fondly on our interactions.
Following the few discussions we've had, I can certainly empathise with your position. I neither envy you nor Yeke in the slightest. Not with working on and developing the services, not with dealing with the playerbase, and certainly not with the office politics. Good luck with the Network. You have a bunch of great things here and you cultivate them well, and in different and novel ways. You continue to come up with great ideas and sometimes they don't go as intended. That's just the creative process, unfortunately. I can say for certain that your herculean efforts thus far would have driven lesser people crazy and that you're strong to be where you are and continuing onward. Remember that, because I hope it can be good and help put everything into perspective going forward.
And for the love of everything, please take some kind of a break. I can't possibly imagine doing any of this for as long as you have without incurring some kind of problem mentally.
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