Coral Lycensofts 2nd DOM Application [USA]

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Feb 27, 2023
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP

Been back consistantly since febuary

In what country are you located?


Time zone:


Character name

Coral Lycensoft

Civilian name

Ana Jhonson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes, its my primary form of communication. Many know and recognise my voice so its always hard for me to stay hidden if someone’s chasing after me.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Current Medical consultant
Prior Medical consultant
Prior Ethics Assistant
Prior Site advisor

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?

Nope! I’m too much of a goody two shoes, no warns or anything of such. I always avoid breaking rules and aim to always abide by them.


"Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine? "​

I wish to assist the current medical Director in improving the medical department, I'm wishing to strive for more quality of life changes for medical policy and testing. This includes reward and punishment systems to uplift good rpers and those with a good work ethic, and restrict the damage goofy goobers can cause. I'm very active around site and I want to ensure order is kept throughout medbay.

" What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine? "​

I will say, i was initally planning on waiting for a Dom slot to open, before going for ethics. No slots opened untill now.

I get along swimmingly with all the medical command staff and am usually seen hosting lectures and mentoring the younger medical staff... Along with Reeducating . I’ve held multiple medical lectures before resigning from my consultant position to focus on my assistant role. But after a month or two now I can say that I’m able to consistently oversee medical and ensure it prospers! People who know me can also say that I always remain professional
I've been a consultant twice as of this current date, and it seems whenever theres a problem, regardless of the number of consultants on- people levitate towards me to get it sorted. I listen to both sides of every argument and make my final choice accordingly. I’m fair and unbiased and only lose my temper when its required (Or in rp related scenarios). However, I use my anger in moderation. In regards to my activities, I'm currently in charge of the patient care quality control sector of medbay and have implemented a new system thats currently on trial; The trusted and un-trusted sr doctor system, it elevates the good doctors and restricts the bad ones. I ensured there would be no bias into this system via a full consultant and medical team vote, along with barring myself from putting candidates onto the voting lists. This shows a level of ingenuity to solve issues around the department, and ensure the best quality possible to staff around site 65.

" What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP? "​

The responsibility of the DoM is to overlook the applications of consultants and ensure they allow in the best candidates that will shine in the role!
They are to approve or deny any projects that may include any of their personnel, to ensure both their staff’s safety but the safety of those involved in said project. This also includes ensuring any day-to-day medical duties in terms of overlooking and observing to keep all in a steady balance.
They are the main members of medical leadership in charge of communication with other departments, unless the task is specifically given to a consultant. Especially if it includes medical reasonings, this may be for training of MTF field medics, or other staff to ensure everyone is physically healthy in all departments if a medical personal is unable to be stationed there.

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved?

[Locating audio file]
[File found]

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[Voice recognition : Consultant Coral Lycensoft]
" It's supprising, isnt it?"

[A muffled responce is heard questioning the Consultant.]

"The fact people still remember me, I could of sworn they would of forgotten me due to how long my absence was."

[Another muffled responce]

"I know, I know. You know i'm remaining on the safe side in refferal to information about me sir. Theres no need to be concerned, you know my lips are locked, in a more litteral sense. Even torture wont leak your secrets out of me."

[The responce seems more angered.]

"That was not due to my interference, you know how nosy the site inspectors can be. Still I must remain respectful, we'd have no business here if i was as stone cold as I am on my usual duties."

[Yelling is heard, the exact responce cant be decythered.]

"Appologies, i'll watch my tounge... sir.."

'You know the Conciquences if you act out of line Enforcer... I'd recommend you don't raise your voice.'
[The tone is an eerie sence of agression, voice recognition unknown. A slight distortion is heard.]

"I know Sir..."

[There is a pause before the Consultant speaks up.]

"One of my patents has vanished, i'm unsure where he's vanished too. I'm presuming you dont want me to Investagate due to his attempted interference?"

'No. He was only going to cause problems. His absense wont be missed.'

"Yes sir.."

'Now I want you to get to as high of a position in the foundation as you can, so you can stop information flow. I do not care what position it may be, ethics- a director. I couldnt care less. Just follow your mission and collect debters. Do you understand..'

"Yes sir... I won't fail."

'You better not, and keep me informed about that Lurker demon... I belive i need a meeting set up with him soon..'

"I'll see it done.

[Distortion is heard through the recording, Coral curses under her breath. Soon seemingly scrambling.]

"Shit- this is on?.. I need to delete thi-"

[Recording stops]


[File Missing]
Nov 12, 2023


Coral is very active in and near medbay. You are also interacting with other medical staff all the time (I can tell because most of the time I am disguised as the medical staff as an Internal Affairs Ambassador). You are actively trying to run the place smooth and good. If you don't deserve the Director of Medicine then I do not know who does. Good luck on your application.

Iris Valentine

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 30, 2023
+ Support!!

Coral has always been an angel in medical and even part of why I came back to hang around.

+ Always promoting RP and getting medical involved
+ Looks after the betterment of the department
+ anti-minge policies she has been working on are a godsend

Dr Random K.

Blacklisted Player
Oct 8, 2023
Site 54
Seems like the most active Consultant, or at least the most noticable one from my experience. Seems like a good fit for the position.
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Coral Lycensoft

Subject: Director of Medicine Application Verdict

Greetings Coral,

We thank you for showing interest into the Director of Medicine position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. We are pleased to inform you of your new assignment as Director of Medicine.

We hope this message finds you in good faith,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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