Coral Lycensofts 2nd Ethics member application [USA]

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Coral Lycensoft

Game Master
Game Master
Feb 27, 2023

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP
152 hours +
(the new time checker makes it iffy to figure out. Sometimes it shows as 7 days other times its only 6.)

In what country are you located?

Time zone:

Character name
Coral Lycensoft

Civilian name
Ana Jhonson​

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

Yes, its my primary form of communication. Many know and recognise my voice so its always hard for me to stay hidden if someone’s chasing after me.​

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Current Medical consultant
Prior Medical consultant
Prior Ethics Assistant
Prior Site advisor​

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
Nope! I’m too much of a goody two shoes, no warns or anything of such. I always avoid breaking rules and aim to always abide by them.​

" What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why. "​

- Ethics committee member has been a role i've strived to get even from before by brief hiatus from the server. From my first encounter I believed this would be the best path for me- to me it seemed like the perfect role to help me improve the living conditions for all here and uphold my strong moral clock. I used to be a nieve assistant, wishing to make changes for the better, without haveing a wider vision through my narrow glasses. Now that im older, I have a wider vision- not just the rose tinted glasses per say. All I wish to do is make changes for the better of the foundation, I’ll be able to help without the delays, I’ll be able to boost moral and happiness. Despite that being more of a wishful thought.
- Of course, there will always be restraints, both in logistical and relations wise. But just to not sugar coat it, I want to lessen the relationship strain between the Ethics committee and site command. I’ve witnessed the strain between both departments and hope to allow us to coexist. Yes, I know this task will be hard and maybe even damning me to an early grave. Our goals may not aline, however if we can find that near perfect middle ground. Hopefully, we can strenthen the foundation as a whole.
- I also wish to improve our ties with the GOC, Since my arrival back there have been far to many wars... The politics may be rough, but give me some time and I can hopefully assist in some form of treaty.

" What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee? "​

- I’m on decent terms with many senior staff- I’m well known in the facility for my professionalism and dealing with many, many issues when it comes to my medical staff. People also know me as a fair judge in terms of issues, I prefer to gather information on both sides before coming to a conclusion (unless there is immediate damming evidence).

" What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP? "​

- Resolving conflicts between staff members, conflicts arise frequently- we’re all human after all and are dealing with anomalous items and creatures that aren’t fully understood. Tensions can rise among groups resulting in squabbles, its up to ethics to try and resolve these issues- and to ensure the fighting doesn’t result in something more serious. Its also their job to uphold the legal and ethical codex in any and all humanitarian issues. They are also permitted to put down KOS orders on d-class’ in riots and breaches.

- One of the responsibilities is to read over research proposals if they require a signature from an ethics member and approve it if the test itself applies to the Codes of Ethics. This is to ensure there are minimal or no fatal injuries to staff or D-class personal. In regards to testing, they are permitted to approve both sampling and cross testing. They must always ensure any documents they overview and accept are don’t to a professional standard.

- Ethics members are permitted to call a facility wide evacuation of personal and staff, this is called a code black and is to only be called in the most serious of containment breaches if the ERT fails to contain the breach. If the situation worsens, the Ethics committee members have knowledge of the [REDACTED]. They are also able to Authorise AA to MTF units to aid in breaches.

- It’s the Ethics member responsibility to look out for the facility and perform damage control to ensure the facility’s secrecy and safety. They need to ensure the safety of all inside.

" What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?) "​

- The Ethics committee are also responsible for overviewing and having a say in applications, to see if candidates are accepted or declined, these include CL4 positions, both Junior or Senior. They only assist in this when absolutely needed.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Darkness surrounds this small little cove covered by willow trees, darker then the night sky.. Void]

"Maybe the goal is achievable this time.."
[A woman's voice spoke out.]

'Oh please, don't make a fool of yourself. You know they don't trust you... not after you vanished.'
[Answered another, the tone cold- almost mocking.]

"I don't expect them too, trust is something that's earned... a concept you never seem to comprehend."
[The ending sentence sounded more hostile, an insult.]

'Watch your tongue Enforcer... You wouldn't want me to send you back with no memories like last time... would you?'
[A clear threat.]

"No sir.."
[Her tone was quieter, submissive]

'Just do as you're told. As your design intends...'
[The condescending tone

"You know me and my twin were a mistake, don't sugar coat it. You just hate it when things don't go you're way. When you aren't in control."
[A loud thud is heard along with the cracking of stone, someone chocking briefly, before another thud follows.]

'Don't get lippy with me Half-Breed, Know your place in the natural order, you are my servant. My helper. My slave. Don't forget it.'
[Pure rage is heard in this strangers tone, clearly the aggressor in the attack,]

"Y...yes... s-ir..."
[The woman chocked out.]

'Good... Maybe this choice of yours can benefit me... If you become one of these Ethics members, it'll stop them from asking questions.'
[A devious scheme was forming from this entities mind.]

"There's no confirmation-"
[She was cut off.]

'I Do not care, either way you will be punished if any information of my business is spilled to the Foundation. I placed you there to RESTRICT the information flow...'
[A stern tone, pacing was heard seemingly in a circular motion.]

"I know sir... That was the mission parameters, but I need to follow their rankings. If i don't the mission will-"
[The woman tried to inform in her neutral tone, only to be once again cut off.]

'It doesn't matter Enforcer, either you succeed, or fail. If you fail, i will punish both you and your twin in the most psycologically horrific manners my twisted mind can comprehend. Untill you're nothing but a drone for me to control. Feel lucky that you have the minuscule semblance of humanity you do. If it didn't benefit you in your missions, I would of ripped it from you already.'
[The threats only continued.]

" - leave Jase out of this, if i fail its my failure, not his."
[The woman tried to plead, only to be cut off by a sadistic laugh.]

'Don't forget my warnings wouldn't want to cause you brother suffering would you?'
[The entity mocked, The woman bit her tongue, remaining silent as distortion arose before the entity vanished. The woman looked to the floor, mumbling profanities.]

"Curse that fiend... The void will turn its back on him eventually... He's losing sight of why we exist..."
[The woman mumbled before she turned walking away from their meeting place, soon vanishing into a cloud of black feathers]​

Coral Lycensoft

Game Master
Game Master
Feb 27, 2023
+/- Neutral
Coral you are a good person, but you have just came back in the past month or so from what I know. As well you are only holding a jr cl4 role right now so I would at the bare minimum like to see you get ECA back before trying to get ECM.
I've been back for around 4 months (Since febuary), the vtime change wiped my true hours so im unsure the exact numbers i've been on.
Nov 17, 2022
I personally believe you would be a great fit for the role while yes you are absolutely qualified and a wonderful person you've only recently got back into the swing of things and I think a lot of people would agree you should go for ECA or SA again before trying for ECM. I have no doubt that you'd be perfect for the role but there's candidates that have been going at it for much longer and are currently holding much higher roles and have been active on site for a long time.
Nov 29, 2022
I personally believe you would be a great fit for the role while yes you are absolutely qualified and a wonderful person you've only recently got back into the swing of things and I think a lot of people would agree you should go for ECA or SA again before trying for ECM. I have no doubt that you'd be perfect for the role but there's candidates that have been going at it for much longer and are currently holding much higher roles and have been active on site for a long time.
same opinion
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Estere 'Orca'

Active member
Nov 15, 2023
Big +support
No offense to other applicants but I feel most confident in Coral becoming ECM. I recall the first few days I got to know Coral once she returned to the community and she was nothing far from lovely. She is someone I would trust most in this position due to her honesty, professionalism, experience, and how approachable she is. Even though she only recently returned, I think all the good traits about Coral is enough to overlook the "recent" return.
In my eyes Coral is the most suitable applicant for ECM and I believe if chosen she would not let us down.
Best of luck<3
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Active member
Nov 24, 2023
+ Support
- Good Larper they came down to me when i was 079 and RP'd with me asking if i was doing fine and if E-11 was being nice they did the samething when i was 7722
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023

I think you'd do well in the position though I think you could use some more experience in Senior CL4 positions. If you do get accepted it will have been deserved, if you don't then I recommend you go down that other path first.
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