Cornelius Rabbits IA Ambassador Application [US]

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Aug 3, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:588078036
Discord name:Mrs Kwan#3232
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Month
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST
Character name(s):Cornelius Rabbits
Civilian name: Cornball Rabbits
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No I am clean
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Because I feel like I want to take a step up in the server and go for a role that requires more leadership and responsibilities. As soon as I was eligible to play IA, I did the test and started playing straight away and IA has been my favorite and most enjoyable role I have played in the server. I want to help around more in the server and train new IA and help IA agents with issues and problems along the way. I want to better the server and make sure that agents are following the legal codex and code of ethics. I also want to be a leader and role models to agents and make their time on the server as enjoyable but safe and responsible as possible.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I believe I am more than capable of becoming an Ambassador, I have developed while playing on the server and have enough knowledge to help and be a strong leader. I understand that being an Ambassador is a difficult role where you need to be as responsible as possible and during my time of being a IA Agent and also playing in other leadership roles such as a GENSEC sergeant I gotten to love and understand this server. I have a great understanding of the legal codex and the code of ethics and will be able to help out at anytime with question from Agents and be a good leader. I will make sure never to turn my back on other IA staff and be there to be a helping hand.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written over 10 documents and a good document must be a good length and explain everything well, the documents should always be formatted to what you are writing about like how an arrest report must be formatted to the format seen in the IA spawn. Documents must be unique to you and has your own spin on it and finally the spelling and grammar should be perfect and no mistakes must be found and this can also help with making it easy to read. In my opinion a document must also be interesting and make the reader not be happy to have finished but tell a story and that can help with imagining what really happened.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
-Help Agents and operatives with their jobs and come if they need me and make sure they are on freq.
-Helping with CL4 arrests.
-Helping as a CL4 like closing bulkheads or Airlock door if no Captain on.
-Manning Checkpoint Charlie or get a IA agent/operative to do it.
-Make sure all is following Code of ethics and legal codex.
-Train new agents.
-Make sure Agents are acting ethically and responsibly.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Cornelius Rabbits was born in [REDACTED] Canada and grew up in a small town with 1 older brother. Cornelius would soon to become obsessed with the Military around 4th grade and his dream would be fighting for his country. But Cornelius's parents did not approve of this and would hate to see their son go fight in a war, so Cornelius decided to respect his parents wishes and went to college studying law but hated every moment of it. Half way through college Cornelius decided that he wanted to pursue his dream and signed up for the army. He tried hard and become the highest performing cadet in the military and soon went on his first tour in war zones. After many tours and being injured, Cornelius was a very high rank but decided to come home after 16 years in the army. He came home to extremely mad parents and they kicked him out the house straight away. With the money he saved he decided to rent an apartment and start a college degree again.
Coming to the Foundation:
Shortly after arriving home he saw a black van sitting out of his apartment everyday for a few weeks. But one day 2 men dressed in black jumped out of the van and started walking up the apartment stairs, Cornelius was terrified and grabbed a knife to protect himself. KNOCK! KNOCK! Cornelius jumped back and said "who is it" shaking out of raw fear but Cornelius knew how to fight so he opened the door. There stood 2 men with what seemed no weapons on them, they stepped into his apartment and Cornelius jumped at them but the men effortlessly took him down.
"what do you want with me" said Cornelius
"we have a job just for you, but you must read the conditions first" said the men as they through a big book on Cornelius's chest and the men walked out. Cornelius was stunned and intrigued so he stood up and started reading the book. The book was rules about the job and what comes with it but does not say what the job is. After reading for 4 hours straight Cornelius ends up at the end of the book which tells him a time and place. Cornelius arrives at a bus stop in the middle of the woods and stays there and as it hits 2:38 a van comes around the corner and takes Cornelius and puts a blindfold on him. After a long 4 hour car ride the car stops and every gets out. They pull the blind Cornelius out of the van and go in a couple elevators and big doors until they unblind fold him in a room with no windows. They test and tell him all about the SCP foundation and after 4 months of training he becomes a GENSEC. Cornelius was a GENSEC for around 20 years until he was 56 and that's when he become a IA agent. He had seen them around but they were always busy, they are retired officers who are highly trained but are getting too old for the normal combat. Cornelius loves being an IA agent and after and while of following the code of ethics and the legal codex Agent Cornelius Rabbits applies to become a IA Ambassador.
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Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2023
Hello, I would like to start this message by thanking you for taking the time to apply for the ambassador position. After lengthy talk with the IA team we have come to the decision that this application is to be denied. Further info regarding your denial is available upon request. Good luck.

Signed: Dpt. Director Jonker "Ignotus"
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