Cosmic Ethics committee assistant application [UK]

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Apr 25, 2022
Steam ID

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP: roughly 400 hours


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
British Summer Time.

Character name(s):

Civilian name:
Johnny Sonns

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes and I can use it most of the time, only exception is late at night typically around 12ish.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I have held Omega One CSG
- I hold Chaos Insurgency Delta
-I hold Security Captain

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received two kicks for being AFK and I have no warns or bans.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee assistant
- I believe I am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee assistant for a number of reasons, five of these are the following:

Due to my past in O1 as a CSG and my current role as a captain and Delta of CI it shows I am a capable person and I am able to listen to orders but that I am also able to take charge when needed and guide people to success. Additionally, since I was in O1 I understand all of the IC rules and regulations fully which would avoid any potential problems from arising.

My second reason for me being above other candidates is I am able to keep a level head during debates or tense situations, this is important because it is crucial to act on logic rather then emotions which could lead to problems arising later on or the wrong choices being made at crucial points. I also believe that my ability to go and collect my own information that I can use in debates when needed is a crucial skill that other candidates may not possess. Examples of this is my past works in Omega One which I can go into more detail if needed privately.

My third reason for being above other potential candidates is I have a very good reputation on the server and I am known for being able to help newer people learn the ropes, I do this via the GENSEC position. However you can also ask people about me being a staff member where I answer questions and do all possible to help. So in short I have a good reputation on the server and not many people if any have a issue with me.

My fourth reason is that I act reasonably at all times when I am Role playing and don't mess around or disturb other peoples RP experience, I also know when it is okay to have a laugh and joke and to take things seriously and I believe is is important to know this difference however I don't believe some candidates would know the difference.

My fifth reason is due to my past in Omega One I fully understand the Legal Codex, Code of Conduct and most importantly the Code of Ethics since I worked to enforce it. This means I will not be unsure on what to do in situations.

I also believe that my skills at writing documents and taking down notes put me above other potential candidates, I believe this because it is important go get all the details noted down to avoid and confusion or miscommunication later on when choices are being made.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

The Ethics Committee assistant has quite a few responsibilities in RP some examples of these are:

The first example of a responsibility that a assistant would perform is ensuring that the Code of Ethics is upheld even if the committee themselves are not on site and ensuring the site doesn't violate anything, this is particularly important since it means the personal on the site and the D class wont get unfairly treated.

The second example is taking complaints from D class personal if needed, examples of this is severe breaches of code of ethics by a Captain for example. This is important since it is crucial that the committee receive all possible breaches in the code of ethics or code of conduct so it can be taken seriously

The third example of a responsibility of a Ethics Committee assistant is ensuring that the different departments of the site stay ethical and following general protocols, this goes for all departments. This is very important since if this is not performed the Site can very quickly begin to do downhill and not function as intended and treat the people unfair

A fourth possible responsibility to just generally relaying information between the committee and the site as a whole to ensure the smooth running of the site and that all needed information is relayed to and from them. This is important to maximise site efficiency of the site and the ongoing within it.

A fifth example is just performing general tasks for the committee with that be oversee a sweep in D block or go take notes on a meeting for them. This is particular important as you are the committees representative at these events and are to take your role seriously and do everything that is required

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

I am a 28 year old male who served in the elite mercenary team 'Phoenix' however after a raid on Foundation site [REDACTED] my entire squadron was wiped out and only I remained. After this encounter with the Foundation I was recruited into Nu-7 'Hammer down' where I excelled and was then scouted and took up a place in the ISD, Internal Security Department. However after spending time in ISD, it became time for a change. And I found that change to be the in the Ethics committee.

Due to my past as a ISD member I know all the tricks in the books and all the loopholes there are. I am harsh when it comes to incompetence I will not be afraid to call it out, however those who improve themselves will gain my respect and prove their worth.

" A chance is a gift and it is to be used wisely Mr. [REDACTED] we expect better from people in your positions. I hope for you sake you don't make a mistake since next time we may not be so forgiving"

Conversation between "Cosmic" and a unknown person.

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
He was a member of o1 as well as being a current captain and he’s great at both thing so I don’t see why he wouldn’t be good at assistant
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Cosmic's application for a position as Ethics Committee Assistant.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be an assistant. Please contact me on Discord once you're ready for your interview.

You will be put on a trial period for a week.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Ethics Committee Director​
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