Denied Cost of knives on forums or in discord so people don't just get scammed

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 3, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Adds a channel so we can check how much the knives are worth.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
People cant get scammed and people can see what to save up for to buy off of people.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There aren't really any negatives of it because its adding a cool feature for people to see and know how much a knife is.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because people who get knives are clueless on how much it could go for and they could easily have someone make it way cheaper than what it actually is.
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Aug 28, 2021
Big - Support
The prices of knives fluctuate on multiple things, rarity, person buying, What cases can they be obtained in, etc…

Lots of people know the prices just ask around, you need to consider many things before pricing knives so there are people who normally do it for everyone. If it’s that much of a deal I will make a excel spreadsheet of the prices according to me, normally I price most of the items so it’s probably going to be the most accurate you will get


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
Not sure why anyone would pay max 5k for a knife once you already have one.

People rarely use knives in combat and to be honest, a stash full of bleach is far more impressive than some knives.
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May 23, 2022

the market for knives is reliant on the players and how many of each knife even exists at one time, setting fixed prices would make people just not want to open knives in fear of losing money more than they already tend to

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021
Suggestion Denied

Hi @harvey, Your suggestion has been denied.

Knife prices are not set in stone. It's only so much worth as someone is willing to pay for it, and prices fluctuate.​
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