craig deez blacklist amnesty

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(Craig Deez)

Well-known Member
Aug 21, 2022
Your in-game name: Craig deez
Your SteamID:
Your steam community link:
Date of blacklist: no idea
To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: chargebacking i think
Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now): none
Please list any alt accounts: none
Who blacklisted you? (if known): cloak
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: i will never doing any of the black listable things again and follow all rules
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted? yes
Why should you be unblacklisted: because i hold by my stance that i did nothing wrong and there was no evidence against me but i feel like i spent enough time from the server to excuse the thing i allegedly did
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: i promise that i will not break another rule
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
becuase its the best SCP gmod server out their and i enjoyed playing it and spent a good amount of money on it to so i would just like to play again
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Feb 21, 2021
Appeal Denied

Hi @(Craig Deez)

You have not provided any information that would allow me to identify you. Your blacklist is also not appealable - please see our format, where it states -
'Blacklist amnesties are a method for players to have their blacklist lifted. You are not eligible to make an amnesty request if you were blacklisted for;
a) causing serious damage to CG, e.g. serious exploits,
b) compromising personal information,
c) chargebacking.'
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