Crota's Intelligence Ambassador application. [UK]

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Feb 13, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:
7-8 Months



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

'Crota' - Foundation Name [NU-7 and Intel]

Civilian name:


What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF A-1 CPL , MTF O-1 LCPL , MTF NU-7 SGT [Daybreaker-Lead] - Held

Currently Holding - MTF NU-7 PVT

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

failrp ban for mrdm
ltap ardm
failrp toxicity
rdm ban for ltarp

These were all 7 months ago and took place at a time where i didn't take the server seriously however I have learned from my mistakes and improve my maturity and I am way more serious on the server.

Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?

The reason I want to join Intel is due to the state it is in right now , I want to help the current director with developing the branch and improve the activity of intel agents which is quite low right now , I am normally on Intel on lower player times and some times on peak times , I will consistently hold intel trainings and will attempt to improve branch morale whenever I am on on or off the job.

What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?:

I believe I am suitable for Intel Ambassador due to the fact of my experience in nearly all MTF regiments including ISD , I also was the 2nd lead of Day breakers and I am extremely knowledgeable of surface roleplay and surface operations , this means whenever I am on surface I am capable of leading multiple operatives and making sure whatever objective I am tasked with , is completed. I also am quite good at hosting trainings thus whenever surface activity is low , I can host some trainings in the down time , I also am quite experienced in interrogation which is a key thing in intelligence for agents and above!

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I have written multiple documents during my time as an agents , my main one was where I discovered multiple CI command names. I personally believe to make a documents good they must have these key features

Good Grammar
Clear point of the document
Good Formatting
Information is clear and efficient
No pointless information on the document

What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?:

The responsibilities of an Intelligence Ambassador is:

Authorise Deep Cover infiltrations
Train new Intel Agents
Oversee any operations which intel agents are doing or which are being tasked to you.
Prevent data leaks on surface
assign intel agents for negotiations and interrogations or do them yourself if needed

Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

'Crota' wasn't someone who liked crowds , he was someone who liked to stay by himself and do his missions by himself but he still held his friends dear , however during after Operation [REDACTED]-2 He changed , the death of his squadron was something which impacted him but their deaths wasn't for no reason , even though this operation was successful the casualty rate was extremely high , the ethics committee tribunaled and ethically executed the man who sent the intel agents on this suicide mission. However 'Crota's valour wasn't unseen as he was the only one who came back. He was asked to come into the office and was handed a new key card card , the director said to 'Crota' , "Welcome new ambassador , your valour wasn't forgotten and has been recognised , I pray for the deaths of your fellow colleagues however move on and make the intelligence something those dead man can be proud off"

PS - Thanks for reading my application , if you haven't met me PM me on discord or need to ask me some discord , PM me on discord , i'm always available!


Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
You are pretty active on intel and show good leadership potential and would be a great fit for intel due to nu7 roles
Apr 12, 2022
**Due to me being close to Griffith, This may be biased**


- Activity
- Mature
- Detailed
- Good person to talk to
- Great Leadership Skills

- Ex-DBCOM - Knows who hes working with

Eirik Higgs

Well-known Member
Dec 7, 2021
Ive known griffith for along time, he has changed his behaviour drastically and seems to be a better guy now

Ben D

Active member
May 11, 2022
Hello Crota: The intelligence department and the community are grateful for the time and effort you invested in expressing interest in the intelligence department. Because of your exceptional leadership abilities and performance—which are beyond praise—and because you went above and beyond as an agent to do things that are expected of an ambassador, the intelligence department decided to welcome you to the intelligence team. Your willingness to devote more time to training new agents and your use of closed communication at the highest level of professionalism clearly demonstrate your suitability for the position. Things considered, welcome to the team. Your expectations have increased significantly, but don't worry—we'll let you know what they are. benefits will also be provided to help offset the additional duties.

Contact me to receive your interview and goodluck!
Kind Regards,
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