Denied Custom SCP Suggestion: SCP-2528-D (and its host, 2528)

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Jul 3, 2022
The following is an SCP with inspirations taken from SCP-2528, and SCP-7528 (seen in the game SCP:5k).

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
First and foremost adding SCP-2528. It would be a set of bamboo plants with a retro/digital texture like so:
The bamboo itself will be within a 4x4 device on a table in its chamber for purposes of containing the SCP which I will discuss below.
SCP-2528-D F4 page:
Total level: 85
SCP level: 20
Class: Keter
Type: Cognitohazard
Description: A culmination of sentient data originating from SCP-2528 taken form with a single directive: "DOMINATE". SCP-2528-D is a vengeful AI capable of hijacking computer and mechanical systems with memetic subroutines in order to expand the influence and growth of SCP-2528.
Breach tool?: Yes.
When breached: Causes facility power spike.
Can speak?: Through apparitions and speaker systems.
Model: should be invisible. ( or given a model be the same as apparitions)
Movement speed: 265 hu
Can go through doors and bulkhead.
Could potentially sample the bamboo.

Abilities should have a particle FX when SCP-2528-D is using them on their targets. (Reminder that the values i have below are merely a suggestion. Please consider that they are subject to change for balance.):

SCP-2528-D SWEP:
(hold R to select ability.)

Logibomb -D targets a Display sign, TV screen, or Keypad to portray a distorting image that if looked at for (3) seconds, causes this image become more vibrant in your screen, then makes your head to explode. The screen's effects last for (13) seconds before it goes on cooldown. This ability has (3) charges. Cooldown: (25) seconds per charge. e.g.

The affected device should look something like this in its screen. Can be countered by Scramble headsets, provided they don't drain completely.

Helminth - Target a Vehicle, Phone, or PA system; cause it to emit pulsating soundwaves, inducing disorientation to nearby players, as well as damaging them slightly while they remain within the radius of the targeted device. Alternatively, target a single player's communication device, and induce the same effect to them only. Deals (100) damage over the course of (10) seconds. This ability has (2) charges. Cooldown: (25) seconds per charge.

Proliferate - Target a recently deceased corpse. Create an apparition of data taken physical form to take its place. These entities gain the same effect as Helminth, and can block other players. Cooldown: (25) seconds. The entities oughta have around 25 hp or so, so they can be destroyed. Maximum (6) apparitions at once. Attempting to go over the limit will get rid of one.
Apparitions should look something like this, doesn't need the FX to be in motion to avoid performance issues.

Sanctify - Target a recently deceased player's corpse. Create a data node pillar that connects to SCP-2528. Having a node emits a barrier onto SCP-2528, protecting the bamboo from anyone getting near it. SCP-2528-D may teleport to any placed node.(teleport may have cooldown). Damaging a node or destroying one will alert SCP-2528-D of what is happening. Maximum (4) nodes can be placed at a given time, attempting to go over will destroy one. This ability has a cooldown of (120) seconds before placing another. The nodes should have around 200-300 HP.
The nodes should emit light and sound so that if by chance they end up in would-be unusual spots (e.g storage fl2), Foundation has a means of finding them.

SCP-2528-D will be unable to use Helminth, and Logibomb, and Sanctify if facility turbines have been turned off!

How do you contain this SCP?

Containing this SCP should consist of destroying all nodes to be able to access the device SCP-2528 is on. Upon passing a Lvl 3 hack on the device, it will surge with power, causing SCP-2528-D to retreat back to the bamboo and enter a dormant state again. Turning off facility turbines will severely hinder this SCP's ability as well, leaving it unable to use PAs, Displays, and TVs. The concept of what essentially surmounts to an egg-hunt might annoy some people, but consider where traffic is in-game. It should be only occur on rare occasions where a node would be difficult to find after a breach. ERT should be immune to all of SCP-2528-D's abilities.

Gameplay loop:

When not breached, SCP-2528-D is considered dormant unless SCP-2528 is disturbed, such as a D-Class touching it. Consider roleplay options with what you have available to you.

When breached, you have a couple of ideal options and things to keep in mind.
First, establishing a node so you aren't contained so fast will be important. Even if its the first bloke you find. Foundation will be unable to contain you unless your nodes are all found. Paired with a long cooldown, placement and positioning is crucial. Since your options for attack is limited, having another SCP breached helps you make up the lack of offensive capability. Solo breaches will make it extremely hard for you to snowball into a larger threat. If the turbines get turned off, and power to the site goes out completely, you will be unable to use your abilities effectively. However, Proliferate should work as intended.
That being said, your best strength is being disruptive to the containment of other breached SCPs. The SCP rewards tactical playstyle more than just dumping your abilities in the hopes that something happens.

Rules that would likely be needed to this SCP .
- Can not place apparitions or nodes in spawns.
- Can not attack surface GOIs without a node in garage or courtyard.
- Can only place nodes in Foundation.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Adds an SCP to a severely lacking roster of cognitohazards, only of which two is playable. (096, 323)
- Provides new strategies and options to SCP players, and hostile GOIs.
- Gives Foundation a plethora of projects and tests they can do with this SCP. (typical for new SCPs)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Considerable Devwork
- Trial and Error balancing
- Might require a shift in location for existing PAs, Screens, etc.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

This forum is probably the best possible way to get feedback on content ideas from other players on a more efficient scale than asking in mess hall and have the ideas be lost. New SCP ideas usually go 50/50 when it comes to reception, so I am hoping that this one not only appeals to the community, but the content team as well. It would be pretty neat to have more playable cognitohazard SCPs in foundation, especially one with greater complexity than 096.

Considering some of the suggested things here, I am confident that I have presented a relatively balanced if not weaker-side SCP that has a considerably weak start and some glaring weaknesses.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Peace.
Jul 3, 2022
But this will never be added due to devtime i think. (Im not sure how hard is it to implement something like this.
You could say this is almost applicable to most suggestions seeking to add content.
This is more of a passion suggestion if anything. I'm sure the dev project queue is quite large, so this going on the backlog is arguably a good scenario lol.
Best-case this excites them enough to start work on it right away.
You could say this is almost applicable to most suggestions seeking to add content.
This is more of a passion suggestion if anything. I'm sure the dev project queue is quite large, so this going on the backlog is arguably a good scenario lol.
i agree - i think this would be fine for backlog content

Best-case this excites them enough to start work on it right away.
i mean yes, this is generally the ideal expectation and i think this happened back when i solved the warfunds debate, although that incurs the issue of "actually we're delving too much into this without thinking" which if i understand correctly, has locked it in development hell, which imo is also fine, i would rather the necessary time was taken for that to happen correctly, than have a potential repeat of dimensions/d-block riots

there are also a lot of exciting things already on the dev tracker imo. but it's important to remember that just because it's on the dev tracker, doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen - things may be cancelled for some reason or another, so don't keep your hopes up. but it is nice to flick through and see some really cool ideas with the hopes that it can be implemented well.
Jul 3, 2022
This would be a unique SCP to see on the server and could make for some fun gameplay/testing also. My concerns are any instant kill abilities; can't wait to spawn in my office and die instantly because the entity hacked the computer screen, and general development time. This will probably just get added to the ever-increasing backlog of items.
Tbf, if you're killed in your spawn, its already breaking the SCP Golden Rule. I am hoping the values initially presented are somewhat fair. Like the instakill isn't gonna happen because you're being targeted by an instakill ability, but rather something you would *ideally* have a little control over. Similar how 096 will just instakill you, but only if you look at him.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Aura_ ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: This SCP is not needed on the server, and also seems too similar to SCPs we currently have on the server (079)

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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