you know it’s gotten bad when war thunder is somehow more fun than this server so bye, might come back but i doubt it cus i prefer gaming to feel like fun and not a job
@luka you stink, tho you were smarter than me for leaving earlier
@Mirage you stink as well
@nonky (cant find name) whale oil beef hooked
@Archangel helped me get started when i just got OSA
@Rushi MTF Nu-7 SPC Tom “Rushi” Lewis…
@Saphira Harlow i hate you for not giving me beta
@Houston Benton stop larping
@Leaf Ericson unreasonably based
@Otters chinese goi
@Nukegoboom chinese goi
@the parabellum (cant find name) chinese goi
@Tarz ew soon to be chinese goi
@pynput (cant find name) stop infoleaking bruh ?
@Garry ‘the cook’ (cant find name) unironically the greatest CI commander imo
@Jason M. O7 my guy, bs demotion ngl, kup mi hotdoga z zabki jak bedziesz
@Scopes cheers for trying to plan my OSA visit to US even though i totally forgot about it
@Cloak omg cloak ping!! anyways you’re a great fella also thanks for giving me s9 operative role when @Serrt STOLE IT from me
@jambon my guy stop being silly ?
@Karol 'Negotiator' W. japierdole…
@Nomad_600 idk if youre the right nomad but you were a great ci com
@Monarch some of the best events ive ever seen were hosted by you, o7
@Reiner Zufall the fingers method…
@Naffen grats on gm bro keep it up (beeep beeep beeep)
@Adlactor Nell thanks for promoting me to lcpl in nu7 even though i hadnt even been ingame as a SPC lmao
if i forgot you just say in the comments and i will ignore you
now for the image dump

@luka you stink, tho you were smarter than me for leaving earlier
@Mirage you stink as well
@nonky (cant find name) whale oil beef hooked
@Archangel helped me get started when i just got OSA
@Rushi MTF Nu-7 SPC Tom “Rushi” Lewis…
@Saphira Harlow i hate you for not giving me beta
@Houston Benton stop larping
@Leaf Ericson unreasonably based
@Otters chinese goi
@Nukegoboom chinese goi
@the parabellum (cant find name) chinese goi
@Tarz ew soon to be chinese goi
@pynput (cant find name) stop infoleaking bruh ?
@Garry ‘the cook’ (cant find name) unironically the greatest CI commander imo
@Jason M. O7 my guy, bs demotion ngl, kup mi hotdoga z zabki jak bedziesz
@Scopes cheers for trying to plan my OSA visit to US even though i totally forgot about it
@Cloak omg cloak ping!! anyways you’re a great fella also thanks for giving me s9 operative role when @Serrt STOLE IT from me
@jambon my guy stop being silly ?
@Karol 'Negotiator' W. japierdole…
@Nomad_600 idk if youre the right nomad but you were a great ci com
@Monarch some of the best events ive ever seen were hosted by you, o7
@Reiner Zufall the fingers method…
@Naffen grats on gm bro keep it up (beeep beeep beeep)
@Adlactor Nell thanks for promoting me to lcpl in nu7 even though i hadnt even been ingame as a SPC lmao
if i forgot you just say in the comments and i will ignore you
now for the image dump