Dan B' Level 2 SWB SGT Demotion Appeal

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Jun 10, 2022
Name: Alejandro Bambozzini
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:576383033
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: I reached out and got denied the demotion appeal as I didn't listen to higher ups orders.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Smokey
Rank demoted from: SGT
Who demoted you?: Algiers
Date of demotion?: 5/11/2023
What is the case against you?: I took out a helicopter that wasn't my appropriate grade during the war even though no one else was on.
Is this true?: Yes
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: None
What is your side of the story?: I was getting ready for war and I had a stockpiled helicopter ready to take out and it was a CAIC, an A grade heli, while I was B grade. The issue was that no pilots were on for war, so I took the initiative to take out a CAS heli for war. The issue was that it wasn't my grading. I've been told by squad leads, CC and Reg Command multiple times that I deserve A grade and prior to this, I had been allowed to fly CAICs and eurocopters (A grade helis) by reg command and squad leaders and performed just fine. Algiers, the person who demoted me, had went into our Teamspeak and told me to not take out a CAIC, leaving me with only a KA 50 since MI 24 is barely flyable. I didn't agree with his decision, especially since he wasn't in game and didn't get in game until 25 mins into the war. This meant I had to take out one KA50 and 1 MI 24 for the whole 25 mins. I didn't follow his orders and continued to take out the CAIC to manage stocks well and after I lost the stockpiled heli, I took out a KA 50 and an MI 24 and went ground until he finally came on about 12 mins till peacetime. As I said before, I was allowed to fly these helis before by both reg commands during war, which I didn't see much of an issue but CPT Algiers thought it was extremely bad and not allowed and demoted me and stripped me of my grading and ability to fly. I believe I shouldn't be demoted since I was trying to take initiative as an SWB member and try to help in war as much as possible. His order went against that and our performance during war would've been worse / restricted and he was not online during the war and giving us restricting orders. I think a lesser punishment was due in this situation but promotions are considerably hard to get in SWB and a demotion for one thing after constantly trying to perform well is just unfair. Apart from that, taking away our ability to fly is just damaging the regiment and NWO as a whole and is just extremely bad decision from the CPT.
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Appeal Accepted

Hi Dan Bambozinni,

Thanks for taking the time to make a roleplay demotion appeal.

The main reason for your demotion is not the fact that you took out the heli outside of your grade. It is the fact that you ignored the order of a LT in the regiment who was in the teamspeak. You were not taking his decision seriously and went against his orders. After you were demoted, you still didn't understand why it was a problem you didn't follow what he said. Having a SGT who is almost SL (Squad lead) is just a thing we are not supposed to have.

However, I have spoken to reg command and we have agreed to accept the appeal but we are gonna give you a reg strike.

I hope you understand why we made this choice.
SC LGEN Dr ''T'' Daquavion​
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