Dan McCarthy's Ethics Application

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Dan McCarthy

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70512706
Discord name: Ty_Jimmy (Sphee#3520)
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1588 Hours
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Dan McCarthy
Civilian name: Finn McCarthy
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Ethics Committee
- Medical Consultant
- Nu-7 SGT
-Ethics Assitant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
The ethics committee is responsible for reviewing and approving research involving D-Class subjects to ensure that the ethical rights or welfare of the participants are protected. Membership on the ethics committee is a rewarding and challenging opportunity for individuals who are interested in contributing to the ethical conduct of research and the protection of the foundation's ethical code. I would love to serve on the committee to ensure that the code of ethics is upheld and enforced among all members of the foundation.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
What makes me a suitable applicant for the ethics committee would be my past experience in said position. I can provide quality role-play and as well as clear judgment on ethical dilemmas. I have around 6 months as an ECM and I know the roles and duties of such and I understand what the foundation needs are and how to empower the foundation to do more. I also have an established relationship within the community which would allow me to address concerns as well as questions that are asked. Furthermore, as I have in my past, I would like to uphold the code of ethics once more as well as prove the foundation with a strong ethical backing.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
The Ethics Committee is responsible for overseeing and ensuring the ethical conduct of activities in the foundation as a whole. The primary objective of the committee is to ensure no person/entity is treated inhumanely.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The ethics committee reviews applications for ethics assistants and makes amendments to the code of ethics.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Dan McCarthy was a young man who grew up in the state of Texas. Upon completing college he applied to be part of the Texas State Troopers and was accepted, during his duty, he happened to respond to a call of an orange glob roaming around. Upon approaching the scene he saw a large gelatinous mass roaming the area. As he was on scene multiple helicopters landed with military men deploying with unrecognized weapons that shot a beam. Upon approaching the men he was asked to either take a deep breath and breathe in or come with them and help the foundation. McCarthy at the time had no idea of the foundation or what they did. Upon arriving at site 65 McCarthy was assigned the role of combat medic and was debriefed about what this strange military did. Upon realizing his current task, he pushed to move up the rank, later down the road Dan found himself promoted to Medical Consultant, after this promotion he was approached by an ethics committee assistant regarding the department's code and conduct. Upon speaking with the ECA, Dan liked his line of work and asked him how he could be like him someday. The ECA responded, “Please submit your application and we will see how it goes.” Dan was accepted as an ethics committee assistant and he began to go to work. Three months later, he applied to be part of the ethics committee. To his surprise, he was accepted and started doing his duties in his position. Unfortunately, McCarthy’s wife passed away and he took a step back, however in doing so he was removed from his position as an Ethics Member. Afterward, Dan took some time off and is looking to return to his current spot and uphold ethics once more.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Resources Team
Jul 25, 2022

My otter in christ, you using AI to write the lore for you comes off as lazy, ECM isn't just leadership and helping people, you are an RP leader, you create RP, if you can't show to everyone that you can show your understanding of SCP lore or the creativity to come up with cool storylines, idk why you even decided to apply.
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Dan McCarthy

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022

My otter in christ, you using AI to write the lore for you comes off as lazy, ECM isn't just leadership and helping people, you are an RP leader, you create RP, if you can't show to everyone that you can show your understanding of SCP lore or the creativity to come up with cool storylines, idk why you even decided to apply.
As I stated before lore has no impact on my leadership skills in game. The only reason I used chat GTP to assist me as I am very bad at writing lore of any sort.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Platform Team
Resources Team
Jul 25, 2022
As I stated before lore has no impact on my leadership skills in game. The only reason I used chat GTP to assist me is am very bad at writing lore of any sort.
That isn't an excuse, your not even showing any effort into it, thats the problem, its my opinion that is.

Dan McCarthy

Well-known Member
Sep 27, 2022
That isn't an excuse, your not even showing any effort into it, thats the problem, its my opinion that is.
I appreciate your feedback, however, I have been in this position before and I understand what it requires. I know lore does not determine how a person acts.
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