DarkRP Community Suggestions

I'm sure as everyone as seen at the moment there is a lot of hype and chatter about Dark-RP returning. Personally I am absolutely onboard with the idea of Dark-RP returning but, realistically the server will need a lot of improvement. Eventually new editions to retain what we can only imagine to be a huge surge of players. Whether it be a 2 week blast or whether it is able to sustain a high population over a long period such as SCP-RP has.

That is why I have created this post. To bring a complied list of suggestions and ideas which the community thinks would improve on what old Dark-RP was. So whether you played the original Dark-RP or not if you have a idea which you think would make a good Dark-RP server or would improve on the old server post it here. So therefore if Cloak and Ventz decide to begin work on releasing the server this will make a good start on future development, hopefully meaning we can have a enjoyable server which is sustainable.

If you wish to make a suggestion please use the format below:
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Response here]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Response here]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here]
To prevent spamming the post only react to suggestions with (y) or :confused: . Unless your contribution adds to the suggestion.

This post in no way is a confirmation that Dark-RP will return just a complied list of early community suggestions if it were to return, intended to help server developers and network leadership see what the community wants before fully committing to the project.
If you'd like to sign the petition do so here.
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Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Long standing member of CG community
SCP-RP Admin | CG DarkRP Senior Mod
SCP-RP NU-7 Commander | SCP-RP Site Director
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Dec 25, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add / re-add the section of the forum used to advertise organisations under the DarkRP category

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better overview of the organisations existent
Centralized place for organisation recruitment

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Minges being able to spam troll threads/comments under posts

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Would help with the recruitment part of orgs, since the forums offer a wider range for advertisement than OOC or Adverting in game. Were it not for the organisation section on the old forums I wouldn't have joined Hive, meaning I probably wouldn't have stayed on the server and in the community for as long as I did.
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Feb 5, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove Bouncy Balls

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
No more gangs gangs with a combined health of at least 1000 raiding the pd with conglomerate armor aswell.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Makes it harder to raid i guess.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because I always found it kinda cringe that people would gear up on bouncy balls which were like 5k each with cong armor then raid the pd and maybe just about make a profit.
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Dec 25, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
VIP system , better rules , the balance between different jobs (skullbreaker and suff), legendary guns
change bouncy balls, do not remove them. the skill system should be remaded.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
the balance between different kind of VIP's ( please note that i do not suggest to remove the whole VIP system because its how owners are getting paid), the rules were complicated and some of them were idiotic and they should be reworked for new players for better understanding them. bouncy balls are needed in the game .

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

super vip was kind of an overpowered vip in the server, the amount of money you could get with the super vip printer was kind of insane compared to other vip's.
just redo the whole VIP system and make it more balanced with the jobs and printers and the tools for toolgun, one of the things that was really special to me was the adv duplicated being free and i highly suggest owners to let that tool remain that way, because in many server that tool is not free which makes the whole building a base part of the game useless for me and many other who are not able to buy vip for a really long time after the server launch because of my country and many other reason for some people.i also highly suggest the precision tool to be free to but i highly doubt the owners would let that happen.
for rules , some of them were actually good and some needed changes and some were BS
the base building rules were PERFECT , i never ever seen any other server make better rules for base building other then CN , that part doesn't need to be changed , hex shields need a bit of re doing but they were awesome tool for raiding , why? let me explain:
in CN you were able to place 2 fence behind each other , one being for example full black world glow and the one behind it with a see through and the bullets would still pass throw the fences , and the only way for raiders to be able to see the people in the base using this technique is to throw a hex shield and when you are inside the hex shield you cannot get shot and can see people throw the world glow walls which was the most balanced thing i know in the server , raiders could peak for 1 sec , shoot the people inside and get back in hex shield . but in many server you have to place a button for a world glow wall and make the wall disappear every time you want to shoot some one, which in my opinion isn't balanced for both sides and kind of shit. hex shield gives raiders a bit more chance to get inside the base and and actually fight the people inside . note that hex shield had an hp and could be destroyed with enough dmg.
my reply is already long so lets get to the other part of the suggestions.
the balance between different jobs: some jobs were kind of insane , skullbreaker was really hard to get tho still possible , but after the server launchs, after 1 month people are already going to get that job through the skills system , but people who join after 1 month are going to feel bad when a 1k hp job raids him with 2 other thief . lower his hp or nerf him in other ways . and make a rule for skullbreakers to not be able to use payday heavy armors because that's just unkillable .
the biggest part i really wanted to talk about is legendary weapons :
do not limit the amount of times you can use a legendary gun you unlock cause its pointless . make them more expensive and wipe legendary guns every now and then to make balance between players .lower the chance of xeon rifle .
bouncy balls should not be removed , for a gang member job that get 100 hp its ez to die and the only thing that can make them survive a bit longer is their shield which they may only gain with bouncy balls.