Darren Laurens Blacklist amnesty might aswell give it a shot

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Active member
Nov 11, 2023
Your in-game name: Darren “Schizo” Laurens

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:536990847

Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/EndOfThePath/

Date of blacklist: June 16th

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?: Ban evasion Being associated with blacklisted players

Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now): VPN Private internet access + Mysterium VPN

Please list any alt accounts: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199350862107/ this was one of my alts i used to play CG while i was permanently Banned also in the ball park of about 15 discord alt accounts in the period of june this is when i was alting with blacklisted players

https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199497825065/ this was a family shared account i used to evade a CI blacklist and check up on the discord

1 Discord alt i made in october this was strictly to handle a difference i made with someone i well thought was just spreading lies about me as i had no way to contact them i got CI roles and used this to contact them and sorted the situation with them afterwards i knew i was gonna be banned so i just talked in the CI channels to where afterwards i was banned from the server the alt account was strictly just for solving that different with that other person we had it was stupid of me to make that account but i chose to do i'm sorry for it i didn't mean any harm by it

im unsure if that alt i made disqualified me from appealing if it does then im yea go ahead ban and delete this acc

I heavily regret as i mostly made it without thinking about alternatives to the situation however i'm very sorry for itI did not insult anyone or any staff

Who blacklisted you? (if known): Yeke

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url) https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/scp-rp-rules.2244/

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I have effectively cut contact with a majority of the blacklisted players i was interacting with except for data tor who i still talk with occasionally however none of our discussions/dms nowadays concern civil networks

I've stopped all alting and cut contact with people who encouraged me to do so

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted? I have been warned and banned but this is my first blacklist i had many warnings as i was a huge minge in the ballpark of around 40/50 and around 10 bans

Why should you be unblacklisted: At the time i believed most of if not all civil networks players were out to get me i will state everything that transpired

After data tor was demoted from beta 1 he made a gc with other B1 members i was also in this gc we mostly talked and chatted i made sure to stay out of any and all blacklisted/against the rules of civil networks activities

In late april i was demoted from Delta PLP this was for me saying a racist remark in CI gamenight to where i was demoted i stayed in CI for another 2 weeks before i was striked by a delcom for disobeying orders i left the ts and i resigned after being told i was demoted to gamma afterwards i was blacklisted

I moved on from civil networks until data tor showed me all the shit that was being said about me mostly about what really happened how i was actually demoted how i was harassing someone (This claim was by someone from the USA completely fake allegations who told this to the same delcom who demoted me and this person spread it around)

I checked my ban on CG discord which should of been up by now and saw i wasn't unbanned and decided to appeal on the forums afterwards i was told by falcon that i had been banned for 6 weeks from the discord for ban evasion which at the time i had done no ban evasion activities

I talked to falcon in dms about this to where i was informed about the delcom reporting this the evidence used to ban me for 6 weeks from the discord was a out of context screenshot in a private GC i had made when i was being sarcastic

I saw this at the time as something completely malicious including the harassment claims afterwards data tor provided me with more info on what the 2 commanders “Said” about me in private chats mostly shit talking he's autistic etc etc etc

I talked with former delcoms in CI who backed up data tors claim and i was furious i decided to come back to CG and tried to appeal my blacklist was left on read by the same commander and ignored i had also made an alt free spirit to see what was going on in the command channels i saw a little about what data had claimed this included

People i thought were people i was friends with saying stories that were completely false i later found out the truth behind it as it was the 2 ci commanders spreading lies about the situation no clue about the motive

Afterwards i was 100% convinced that the entire CO team hated me the whole time which pissed me off i started heavily minging as a ranger

This led to me getting banned fairly by a Super admin for breaking into HCZ as ranger and disabling the turbines afterwards i decided i was just gonna leave CI behind and focus exclusively on foundation jobs i joined MTF NU-7 where i played semi actively this was until i was playing as a ranger to where me and one of my friends who was a CI

We're just talking. He hopped in a vehicle to where I shot the vehicle once with a gun, the ranger pistol afterwards. I was pulled into a sit by a Hmod and was told I was gonna be banned for 1 week I believe? For NITRP i heavily disagreed and was angry as from my POV i did nothing wrong

I was convinced staff were just out to get rid of me i appealed denied for i forget the reason i talked about the situation in the main Civil gamers discord to where cloak responded i responded back claiming the staff was bias and i was perma banned from the main discord plus SCPRP

After this i was furious at CG as from my point of view i thought it was just the staff team trying to get rid of me i was wrong however at the time i failed to realise all the minging i had been doing and trash talking led me up to that permanent ban and not what i was replying with

It was mostly a rash decision which i regret over something that happened in less than a week and i had not fully processed it however i convinced myself that it was CGs fault after several days the groupchat i was in was convinced to start alting on CG to where i decided to join

Over the course of about a week i would say about 70 alt accounts were made if i had to guess i would say roughly about 15 of those accounts i made the rest were made by other bl players



If NL or staff require the unedited photo dm me on discord Man of Iron#2724 i censored the names and slurs said and people involved as i do not want them harassed

At some point yeke claimed one of the accounts was me and was sent into the groupchat i was involved and realised it was pretty much over for me i dmed yeke hoping to sort out the situation but yea i realised it was over for me

I went outside and when i came back i checked my dms and realised i was blacklisted i figured as much as i knew i was done for for participating with the alting

Afterwards i effectively left CG i did come to regret a week after as it was a decision made in haste and i didnt think it through properly as i know if i did i would of not helped nor participated with these people

Nothing much occurred until around late august to where one of these blacklisted players had invited me to a GC and started releasing my face i had sent him this like 3 months prior he started inviting his friends so i invited 2 people i knew to which we argued back in forth hurling insults at one another

This was until one of the people who i invited added yeke to the group chat to where he effectively saw everything and the people involved

I want to state how wrong i was and i made a decision in haste to join a bunch of blacklisted players into whatever they wanted to do i regret this it was mostly a events leading up to these things and i heavily regret assisting and participating with this group of blacklisted players

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I won't minge nor break any rules and wont purposefully start massive arguments in OOC i used to this alot metaphorically throwing a match into a pool of gasoline i did this as i had enjoyment out of it i was wrong and i caused a lot of controversy in the server

I was also extremely toxic and people sometimes got the wrong idea of what i meant at times as i liked to taunt in OOC about it also argue in OOC about everything that occurred

i just wanna say im sorry for all the minging i have caused and distruption to the network and that my group that i associated with have done

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: Mainly due to the fact that i still have friends in CI and wish to speak to them and play with them again plus i enjoyed the server plus i still regret not thinking anything through before i did it

if i missed everything it was by accident as its been quite a bit so the details are a bit fuzzy in my head for me
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Blacklist Response

Hi @alt_account ,

Thanks for taking the time to make an appeal.

Fortunately, a person such as yourself is not in the community anymore, you have done nothing but disrupt the network, community, and the people you care about. Your age reflects on your maturity. You're way too volatile and much more reflection is needed. It's apparent you still care about the community, this is shown through your alt accounts in recent times and harassing our players, it's a shame you care so much to be a part of the network, perhaps one day you will be accepted once again. Please take the appeal time to reflect on your actions and I do hope one day you will grow up.

Based on the above, You will not be unblacklisted anytime soon, you may make another appeal in 3 months.

Kind regards,
CS Winkie​
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