What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion changes the External Affairs Dpt. Manager's weapon from the ASVAL to the EBR.
This also gives Field Agent CL4 override to most CL4 doors since it's part of the job to have the authority of a CL4.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge. However if something has been suggested before, the unique portion of this suggestion would be adding CL4 override to External Affairs Field Agent since the job was made before the override feature was added.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Department Manager Possitives:
The possitives of this suggestion would make EA Dpt. Manager more enticing to obtain and play. As it stands the only difference between Manager and Special Agent is that Manager has more responsibilities and can say "get to garage for raid". Because of this, not many people are willing to go for Manager unless they have friends already in the department to talk with. Manager is also just long overdue for a loadout change, ever since the DSR was removed from the job (sad day for DEA) it has had and kept the same kit as Special Agent. This would give the EBR a use again since it was replaced with the Virtus MCX for Alpha-1.
Field Agent Possitives:
Field Agent has had a CL3 for the longest time(since it was released). With the somewhat recent addition of keycard overrides, it would give Field Agent the ability to open/close some CL4 doors which they can't do at the moment even though they hold the authority and knowledge of a CL4 (It's in the job description for the players who aren't aware).
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I personnally believe that there are not many negatives to this suggestion since EA Field Agent is only recieving override to common CL4 doors/bulk heads and Manager should have its kit changed slightly so that there is uniqueness to the job. HOWEVER I do emplore anyone who sees a downside to this to express your opinion in the comments.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes DEA more desirable to play and strive for higher ranks. Only recently had a small influex of people, however most are older DEA players who relapsed.
This suggestion changes the External Affairs Dpt. Manager's weapon from the ASVAL to the EBR.
This also gives Field Agent CL4 override to most CL4 doors since it's part of the job to have the authority of a CL4.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge. However if something has been suggested before, the unique portion of this suggestion would be adding CL4 override to External Affairs Field Agent since the job was made before the override feature was added.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Department Manager Possitives:
The possitives of this suggestion would make EA Dpt. Manager more enticing to obtain and play. As it stands the only difference between Manager and Special Agent is that Manager has more responsibilities and can say "get to garage for raid". Because of this, not many people are willing to go for Manager unless they have friends already in the department to talk with. Manager is also just long overdue for a loadout change, ever since the DSR was removed from the job (sad day for DEA) it has had and kept the same kit as Special Agent. This would give the EBR a use again since it was replaced with the Virtus MCX for Alpha-1.
Field Agent Possitives:
Field Agent has had a CL3 for the longest time(since it was released). With the somewhat recent addition of keycard overrides, it would give Field Agent the ability to open/close some CL4 doors which they can't do at the moment even though they hold the authority and knowledge of a CL4 (It's in the job description for the players who aren't aware).
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I personnally believe that there are not many negatives to this suggestion since EA Field Agent is only recieving override to common CL4 doors/bulk heads and Manager should have its kit changed slightly so that there is uniqueness to the job. HOWEVER I do emplore anyone who sees a downside to this to express your opinion in the comments.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes DEA more desirable to play and strive for higher ranks. Only recently had a small influex of people, however most are older DEA players who relapsed.