Partially Accepted DEA Loadout Changes

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Jul 10, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
CL3 DEA loadout changes:
  • Agent/Operative: L85A2 > CZ 805 (with altered stats)
Add a dual combative loadout for DEA CL4:
  • Special Agent/Dpt. Manager/Dpt. Director: M60 + Deployable shield (wIth this, add the heavy weapons license requirement to all DEA CL4 jobs).
DEA CL4 loadout changes:
  • All CL4 disguise card jobs: Add Sticky Grenades to bring them in line with Senior Agent
  • Dpt. Manager/Dpt. Director > Add the Winchester 1887 as a secondary shotgun.
  • Remove the drone from Field Agent's F4 entities menu as the job doesn't have a drone controller.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Unsure if any specific suggestions have been made regarding these issues.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Agent/Operative change: Currently, the L85A2 on our Agent/Operative job doesn't serve its purpose on surface. The damage and recoil doesn't match up to the competition, and we don't believe its fair that these players are forced to use perma weapons to have a fair combat experience. By swapping out the gun, we can have a weapon more tailored to our job on surface which requires a weapon that is accurate at long ranges with low spread. The gun does not need to be above average, it just needs to be competitive with others available to both factions.

Dual combative loadout: We would like to add a dual combative loadout to all of our CL4 jobs to bring it in line with our current Senior Agent job, which has a MK8 and a deployable shield. This job would not have a disguise card or any other utility (besides handcuffs/elastics), it is purely a job meant for defensive operations and combat rather than infiltrations. The M60 is an LMG that is suitable for surface as it has a lower firerate while being more accurate at range than other options such as the M249/MK8. This would be less destructive to CI raids than those options as the M60 has a lower DPS than the other options.

If it is not possible to give DEA CL4 jobs dual loadouts, I suggest to change the MK8 on Senior Agent to the M60.

DEA CL4 loadout changes: Sticky grenades are a utility which is already present on the Senior Agent disguise card job. In head on combat, they are not as effective as just shooting someone but they are a utility that has a lot of creative uses. For instance, while disguised as a CI, a DEA can silently stick a CI from behind to deal significant damage without it being obvious who did it. Sticky grenades are also an option to use against vehicles on surface like Vodniks and BTRs while you are waiting for matadors. CI already have access to sticky grenades in their AA while Foundation can only access them on the Senior Agent job, I do not believe that this addition would unbalance surface combat whatsoever.

Similarly, adding the Winchester 1887 would not unbalance surface combat. This is because usually, shotguns are not as effective as assault rifles and LMGs in head on combat. Shotguns would only assist in DEA in their job. During infiltrations where DEA need to kill someone, shotguns are a good choice as they can kill in one shot, meaning you cannot be called out.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • May unbalance combat if the CZ805 is either too strong or too weak.
  • More LMGs may unbalance surface combat.
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As it is right now DEA CL4s lose out on a lot of the benefits of Senior Agent, just because they chose to progress in the department. I don't believe that these people should lose out just because they wanted to contribute to the department more. Most of these changes are quality of life and would not make a significant impact on the current balance of the server, besides the dual loadouts. However, by choosing to use the combative job, DEA are forced to lose out on utility such as their disguise cards, which is majorly powerful. I believe this is a good trade-off and gives CL4 DEA more options in how to approach combating GOIs.

Overall, these changes would bring more depth to the core gameplay of the department and encourage progression.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Harry Chich ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Reasons for Accepting:
We as content feel DEA does need some changes to their loadouts throughout their Department.
- Adding Sticky Grenades and the MTS to Dpt Manager
- Adding the MK-18 MOD to the Dpt Director
- Adding sticky grenades to the Special Agent

Reaosns for Denying:
We as content feel that some of these changes are a bit too strong and would ruin server balance on surface. So we have reviewed these changes and came up with our own

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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