Rule Suggestion Deep Cover metagame rule change

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Jan 27, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

I have 2 options for this suggestion, both technically resulting in the same outcome but one being a rule change and the other being a minor content change.

Option 1 - Add an amendment to the metagame rule that exempts Deep Cover and Assessment Team jobs from being able to see their ranks above their heads

Option 2 - Remove the rank prefix when playing on Deep Cover and Assessment Team jobs

^ For example, if CI-C MCOM "Garry" was to be on the Deep Cover job, it would just say "Garry" above his head

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

1. Realism - why would disguised infiltrators of an enemy base brandish their actual rank on their arm if they knew they could be captured and resold or interrogated for information if they were a high rank?

2. Metagame prevention [option 2] - if a disguise kit bug were to occur where it shows the infiltrator's actual name above their head, it would help prevent people from metagaming and seeing that they are CI/GOC (lets be honest they're getting metagamed no matter what but maybe this would help a little bit against newer players who see CI-B "Shitass" above a gensec's head and start ID checking)

3. Interrogation RP - would force interrogators of the disguised infiltrator to ask for their rank, adding an interesting risk to interrogation RP (do you ask for their rank, potentially sacrificing a roll for profit?)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

1. The given - developer time. God forbid we add anything to the rule clarifications page. It would just be too much!

2. The demand for DEA to get the same treatment, although since they are not a regiment IDK how this would work

3. Soy that CI DCs are no longer free money upon being captured and you need to do some RP to find out how much they are worth

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Overall this is looking to balance disguised raiding a little bit more in favor of CI and GOC, and while I know the thought of that will cause the masses to riot, I believe that the overall metagame clarification that anyone can see anyone's rank just by looking at them makes this still balanced in favor of Foundation, who frequently has intruders wandering into their base to be free captures & no longer need to roll for ranks of undisguised people with no keycard. I don't think the negatives are all too bad but maybe I'm biased and evil :unsure: let me know in the comments down below and make sure to drop a like and subscribe no kizzy
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sorry i dont like ci so i have to minus support this : (
remove the name above heads
the big problem with this is that it is largely a moderation nightmare. you can say "make them visible only to mods" but that isn't taking clips (which are usually from a non-mod perspective) into account.

i do think something needs to happen with this, but it's a very difficult thing to work out
Option 1 is just the better option, hands down for this reason here:
the big problem with this is that it is largely a moderation nightmare. you can say "make them visible only to mods" but that isn't taking clips (which are usually from a non-mod perspective) into account.

i do think something needs to happen with this, but it's a very difficult thing to work out
It just makes logical sense. They remove the keycards from the DC's before a raid, I don't see why they wouldn't remove their patches and shit too. #makespiesbetter
Option 1 is just the better option, hands down for this reason here:

It just makes logical sense. They remove the keycards from the DC's before a raid, I don't see why they wouldn't remove their patches and shit too. #makespiesbetter
i was talking about removing the names entirely. removing just the ranks should be fine for moderation, that's not important for them. to staff, a failrp break is failrp regardless of whether it's a beta or an mcom. if it's about something rank-specific like MR auth, they can just check that that person is the right rank in the regiment tab
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