Deniz3n / "Zen" Zephyran Developer Application

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In-game name: "Zen" Zephyran
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94216966
Age: 21
For how long have you played on our servers?: Just over a month, entirely on SCP-RP.
What country are you from?: UK
Time Zone: GMT/BST
Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: Yes. N/A.

Have you received any bans?: No.

How confident are you with GLua? (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): 7

Do you have any experience with Git?:
Yes, I have used it for several years, including professionally. See my GitHub profiles here and here (the former has more recent contributions that are more reflective of my current ability). The former linked GitHub profile also gives some examples of code quality and other skills, even if most of it isn't in Lua/GLua.

Do you have previous experience as a Developer for GMod?:
. I have some public work on GitHub here. The specific branch I have linked is incomplete and abandoned (maybe one day I'll revive it), but is more reflective of good code practices than the older stuff. Other branches (especially master) likely also include contributions from other developers. As you can see from the repository I have linked, I also specifically have experience working with ULX. As part of that specific dev work, I also have some experience with Hammer. Enough to potentially diagnose logic problems and make basic changes, but not enough to create entire new areas or anything like that.

For more insight onto my current overall code quality and other practices, though it isn't in Lua/GLua, see my main GitHub profile.

How many hours can you commit to developing per week?:
I should be able to meet the 4 hour minimum consistently, and possibly do more depending on what I've got on (maybe something like an extra 4 hours every other week). I know I can meet the minimum and at least slightly over, but my exact hours I don't know as I'd need to balance it properly against other commitments and hobbies, and I'm bad at estimating that kind of thing.

Why do you want to be a Developer? What can you help us with?:
I want to be a developer because I enjoy playing on the UK SCP-RP server and want to improve it. For example, there are various known bugs/issues/complaints that people have that I may be able to help with, such as object visibility issues (I don't know why it does that, so maybe I can't fix it, but I'd want to try) and 035-possessed people being able to struggle against it when they apparently shouldn't be able to.

I'd like to spend some time just fixing bugs and maybe improving performance if possible, though I would also like to contribute new content depending on the overall server plans and any ideas I come up with that are approved. I have experience with GLua itself, and I am currently towards the end of my Computer Science degree doing a full-time software engineering internship, so I also have experience with software engineering practices and Git usage.

Given my experience with ULX, I may also be able to create/work on new ULX commands that the server needs, such as those related to SCP-RP itself, which may aid server staff. I would also be interested in what moderation/similar tools are available to server staff that I can possibly work on, or create new things to fill gaps in the existing tools.

I have only played on the UK SCP-RP server, so I'd ideally want to work on content that affects that (whether shared between it and other server types, or content specific to SCP-RP, I do not mind). Without me playing on the servers, I simply don't know what their players want and what issues players have, and wouldn't know if my work is improving things for the players there.

Link index:
GitHub profile with most recent contributions, no GLua:
GitHub profile with GLua contributions, less recent:
Most relevant GLua work (see git blame or commit history for my own work on that, under both JoshuaLeivers and VulpusMaximus):
GitLab profile with some other content, small amount of GLua recently:

EDIT: Updated explanation of available hours to be a bit clearer.
EDIT: Added Hammer experience.
EDIT: Added more updated GitHub profile link.
EDIT: Added link index
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Active member
Apr 21, 2023

You seem very fluent in Python but Lua is much different. Garry's mod is also confusing because you can't just create your own packages without having players to install it manually in to their game so you have to code everything entirely from scratch and with what Facepunch gives you.

I think though, you'll be able to learn quickly because Python is much for advanced than Lua and is more of a grammatic change. Something I've noticed between the Github projects is that you're only fixing problems with other peoples code. Which is still nice but isn't very good example. I am still giving +Support because I know how hard it is to Fix and Debug problems with python that I just moved to Javascript because it was way easier to maintain and debug.

Good luck


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
- Wouldn't hurt to have a extra set of hands
- Seems like they have passion to work on SCPRP
- I have seen them before
- Active in the community

- As a programmer my self who has worked with Lua and other programming languages in the past I can only wish you the best of luck and I hope you get a chance at making SCPRP even better.

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