Dennis Security Captain application

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Dennis Fred

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:528601177
Discord name: ItsSlavic#8834
For how long have you played on CG SCP: months and in hours it’s probably 100+
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Norway
Time zone: CEST and CET
Character name(s): Dennis Fredriksen
Civilian name: Jonathan Blake
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI-B holding and MTF-Nu7-SPC holding.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: One mixing warning but that was long ago and I did have an rdm one but that one is old and they took it away because it was invalid.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?: Because I’ve been in GENSEC for quite a while now and now I want to feel how it is to be a Security Captain. I have seen a lot of unethical and untrained Sargeants, officers and cadets and I want to make a change to that and make the needs improvement sign an in-good-standing sign. They need a proper supervisor who can train the sergeants and under to be a proper GENSEC member in Site-65.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I Follow the ethics, I have played GENSEC more than any other jobs in the server which made me get combat level 21, and I know what SCP’S researcher can and can’t test on for example a Jr. Researcher trying to test on SCP-096 and I always follow orders from the above. I’m working on being more professional and it’s been going fantastic for me these last few days. I want to see a d-block where not half the GENSEC team are joking around and not giving d-class a reasonable warning for their termination. I always give proper orders to cadets and officers on where they should be like two people on the airlock for example and when a researcher comes to d block I always ask them which scp first and then d class so I know he's not testing doing a unetical test and that he/she can't and doesn't take to many or few to a test. I also instruct officers and cadets on what they're supposed to do and what they're gonna ask the researcher. I was unsure about becoming one and that I will fall into a panic mode if I do something wrong but now I feel like I’m ready to be the best Security Captain I can be.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: To oversee the GENSEC team. Like Looking at the performance of the Sargents, Stabilise the security team if it’s chaos, and professionally handle riot sweeps. Make sure that the staff are mature, competent and reasonable.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: My brother Gerald Fredriksen who is a Sargeant got me a job as a security cadet in a foundation called the SCP foundation. On the first day of my job I saw the people, we call “d-class” getting shot as soon as they entered the airlock. I couldn’t believe some people could do that to another human being without giving them a 2nd chance in life but when you’re a lover-rank you couldn’t do much about it. after a year, my brother was shot and killed by a d-class because the officer forgot to search him. I almost wanted to quit my job but then got promoted to an officer. After 12 years, I saw sergeants killing d-classes after experiments because they couldn’t bother returning them and I wanted to report to the Captain but he didn’t care at all. I got promoted to Sargeant after a Security Captain saw what an honest job I was doing at d-block and now after 18 years I will become the next Security Captain in Site-65 and make a change to everything.
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Dennis Fred

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2021
I'm a bit new to applications and all so if it's garbage then I'll fully understand.


New Member
May 28, 2022
-active as security sergeant

-kinda bossy but know what he's doing

- good leadership
-unsure how he is under pressure


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
+/- Support
Haven't seen him on much but the app does look good for the most part. Will look into records of his performance among other GENSEC SGT-CPTs. Good luck to you on the overall application. [May edit after a bit]
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Dennis Fred

Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2021
+/- Support
Haven't seen him on much but the app does look good for the most part. Will look into records of his performance among other GENSEC SGT-CPTs. Good luck to you on the overall application. [May edit after a bit]
I do play GENSEC more than other jobs but I will make an improvement on my activity in security. I will show you that I'm a suitible captain.
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Reactions: Cybek


Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
Application Accepted:
Finding the app good and your performance in game appropriate for CPT.
Find Cybek on TS or Discord for your interview onto the next step in this Application.
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