DIA Director NightWolf - Ethics Committee Application

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:436061098
Discord name: NightWolf#6326
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Months
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Bill 'NightWolf' Brekker (FOUNDATION) & John 'NachtWolf' Johnson (CI)
Civilian name: Bill Johnsons
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • MTF E-11 Enlisted (held - short)
  • DIA Ambassador (held)
  • MTF 0-1 NCO (held)
  • CI-Delta (activly holding)
  • DIA Director (activly holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • Mixing (2) (one of them i said "Dont RDM me" in a public area, first week, other one was me talking to a friend about a ooc subject)
  • Metagaming (1) (cuffed a armed researcher who had pac3 to look like 05)
  • Combat Cuffing (1) (cuffed a security cadet who activly had a gun out and was shooting the ground)
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
  • Position: Ethics Commitee member

  • first of all ever since i joined internal affairs which was a few days after i joined the server ive always worked closely with ethics, this may be the ethical codes, ethic's generally or their members/director. ive joined 0-1 and worked even closer with some of the ethics and especially as IA director i "often" come into contact with them. im fond of the idea and meaning of the ethics committee and come to strive to hopefully become part of it some day.

  • Second of all I honestly think that this stepup for me is the only logical option due to that i dont think i would enjoy and perform as well as site adminsitration compared to ethics to which ive already worked closely with. i do think ill have a lot to learn when i apply but im eager and excited to possibly become part of the ethics commitee and work closely amongst them and all other senior position holders and help where i can and create roleplay whenever i can. i see this position as my final goal to which if i obtain it will hopefully hold the position for a long amount of time.

  • Third of all, i honestly really want to prove myself towards the community ive been part of for almost 4 years, in all that time ive never really obtained a position of importance besides "CO" in MRP. i want to show what im capable off and hope to showcase this towards those i work with regardless of amount of time i work with them. I want to show what im capable off and how dedicated i can be, i believe i have shown this towards my agents, operatives and ambassadors within internal affairs but would like to show this on a more larger scale!

  • Fourth, at this time i believe there is a higher need for Ethics member (and 0-5) within the facility activly, i can be online at piek times for hours at a time doing what others dont have the time for to do, this can be roleplaying ensuring the ethics commitee has a active appearane, this could be managing Ethics related issues or work, or anything else that needs to be done. generally i feel like theres a great need for Ethics Commitee member and i honestly believe i'd be a good addition.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
  • Im Currently director of internal affairs, with that comes having to enforce the code of ethics. i have a great understanding about codes of ethics due to this, and i have a great understanding of ethics themselves as ive worked with and for them in the past.

  • As shown as DIA Director im good at adepting in situations, i had no idea SCP exsisted before i joined the server, and i never really did anything internal affairs related in any roleplay game. yet i believe i have done great things for the department, and held it steady and made it improve over the time ive been part of it on a fundamental level. it costed me a week or so 1 and a half to really get used to the role and then i completly fell into the role, i believe i can do the same with ethics and adept myself to become a great ethics commitee member.

  • Activity, im online every day for many hours, and in weekends usually stay online from 5-7PM to 4-5AM, during this time ive never been arrested or had a issue with the ethical commitee showing my roleplay is within standards of the ethics, code of conduct & laws.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
  • To Ensure all foundation departments follow ethical guidelines through ensuring department and group Leads follow their document (code of ethics) and enforce it in their department. ontop of this they also ensure departments follow the Legal Codex (laws) and Code of Conduct. to ensure for a controlled, ethical and organized foundation oganization. They for example will also deal with complaints on a higher level, such as a complaint against department heads or CL4 personnel that regard ethical issues. they can do this privatly and handle the situation swiftly or in the most high grade cases host a tribunal in which a verdict will be made about the situation.

  • They will also be in charge of approving or denying high risk or ethical regarding situations if they feel its needed, such as high level cross test's, actions from other high rankings if it may have a impact on how ethical the foundations decisions are and other situations.

  • As ethics its also partly your responsibility to bring roleplay to MTF 0-1, along side the whole facility, you have access to anything u could need to create the perfect roleplay for everyone involved, and its your responsibility you do this. this is not limited to 0-1, but for every single department or group.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • Responsibly for handling the following Applications:
    Internal Affairs Applications (Director, together with 05)
    Department of Medicine (Director, together with 05)

  • Documents:
    The ethics commitee is responsibly for ensuring the code of ethics is being updated based on new additions to the foundation and other factors to ensure the foundation remains ethical and organized. this ensures roleplay quality in many situations since this will define what people in roleplay shoudnt be doing, such as shooting dclass with warning, greatly increases QOL in many cases. (decreases server RB)

  • Ensuring Department Quality
    I believe its also ethics responsibility to ensure quality of departments such as internal affairs to make sure departments dont fall behind or die / decrease in activity (this would be done by the department leads, ethics can make sure this actually happends), to ensure a more balanced and healthier envoirment for the server itself. they can make sure this is being done by talking to the department directors and taking actions based on that.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
A man named [REDACTED] was involuntary picked by the SCP foundation to become D-class personnel after being honorary discharged out of the NATO army, he was assigned the name 'D-4051 NightWolf' upon his arrival. the foundation saw this person as the perfect D-class due to his highly covert personnality in the army as noone would notice he went missing, yet they expected him to die like so many other D-class personnel for the better cause of the foundation, to protect the world. although after the D-class had survived for almost a year while gone through so many expiriments they found it a good idea to make him a security cadet within the foundation as he used to be part of the army and this would benifit the foundation more. when he got pulled out of D-block in order to become a security cadet he quickly within a matter of weeks realised and saw as to how many Ethical Rules made by the [REDACTED] were being broken by his fellow security cadets around him and even his officer, after making a complaint towards the [REDACTED] where he pointed out the issues going on in Dblock by security he was given a chance as a Internal Affairs Operative, lead and taught by well respected director of internal affairs Nick Lance. he quickly realised he liked and even loved enforcing ethical codes and allowing everyone to have a humain stay whilst he worked for the greater cause, after serving within the internal affairs he was quickly made agent and got to do more advanced things like Investigations, causing him to make reports of great important which were locked behind clearance level 5, only able to be accesed by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]. the [REDACTED] saw these documents and after a decision with the DIA Director he was given a chance of being the DIA Ambassador, a rank with high expectations and a high clearance level, he started getting used to the managerial position like he was once in the army, and started doing the best he can and show great dedication towards the foundation and their causes, even sometimes speaking face to face to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] causing his believe to greatly improve in what they could achieve and how many lives they are saving and continued to do good work for the foundation as the Ambassador for many months. After the director left, he was made director and started executing plans which he believed would greatly improve the department and generally improve the foundation as much as he can, this was one week ago.

Director of internal Affairs "NightWolf" has now shown to be greatly effective as director of internal affairs, being involved in many large scale operations and situations. its been over a month since the last input, and since then he has worked to make internal affairs a better place for its agent and increased the qualities of its agents and has gotten multiple ambassadors to join upon the ranks. he has also been part of a tribunal subcommitee to deal with a situation together with the Ethics Commitee themselves to ensure the quality of the foundatiosn personnel along with investigations ordered by the 05 Council themselves to ensure matters that only Clearance level 5 personnel know about. generally the director has stood out highly above the rest of his men causing the ethics commitee to give him a chance to become part of the ethics commitee, after a long time thinking about this proposal the director has accepted the position and is now part of the ethics commitee, where he has done large scale operations such as reviewing entire facilities like Site- REDACTED at a time together with MTF 0-1. hes done outstanding work and has worked with other members of the commitee to bring permanent changes to the foundation for the better.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022


+ Active IG/TS
+ Had good RP interactions with.
+ Friendly

Good Luck.
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CG Platinum VIP
Dec 24, 2020
Hello there, I'll be going with a +Support
+Active in-game
+Good roleplay ability
+good leadership
+Nice guy

-Rarely seen on teamspeak +Seen on Teamspeak
-Recently got warned
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Active member
Feb 7, 2022
I'll give my full support for you.

Simply put, my time in Internal Affairs was really fun cause you often then not managed it in a very realistic and very fun way for others, at the expense of no-one else. Your roleplay's amazing, you're activity is quite good, even on teamspeak.


Well-known Member
Feb 10, 2022

+ Good At Role-play
+ Mature And Friendly
+ Active In Game And Team-speak
+ 'Well' Filled Out Application

Good Luck!
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Deleted member 1285

+ Is the director of internal affairs, therefore already has a great starting point for ethics.
+ Friendly and good person to play with
+ Never had a bad experience with night wolf and I assure you they would fit for the ethics role

Good luck night wolf!
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Reactions: NightWolf


Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
+Active in-game and in teamspeak
+Great Leadership
+Handles RP Situations quite well
+Not had any bad experiences with him
+Like the name

:devilish: :ninja: :alien:
¯\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)_/¯
Good Luck NightWolf <3
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Deleted member 55

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: NightWolf's application for a position on The Ethics Committee.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position for The Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be on The Ethics Committee. However, you will be put on a trial period for the position. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee.​
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