Denied Director of Engineering

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This post is in addition to the other engineering job change post that is currently open. While that job focuses on the three existing job, this focuses on adding a single job.

This suggestion would add a Director of Engineering job. This would function the same as any other department director, and would be the superior to the Engineer, IT Technician and Technical Expert.

The job would have access to !bantech or whatever the job ban command for engineering jobs is.

The 2 holders of the role would be selected by Site Administration via forums applications, like the other directors.

EDIT: To give an exact specification for this role, this would be a new job created using VJobEditor with the following specs:
  • Whitelisted, selected by Site Director+
  • 2 slots
  • Can repair electrical boxes
  • SWEPs: Repair Tool, Technician Tool, Tablet, Clipboard, Gravity Gun, Gestures, Keys, Vehicle Repair Tool
  • CL4 keycard
  • Comms access: Foundation, O-COMMS, Foundation /c1-/c4, /ets

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I recently included this in another suggestion which was denied. The stated reasons were "dev work", which Auburn recently confirmed is not needed at all (you can create jobs using VJobEditor, which any Senior Admin+ can do in game) and "job bloat", which doesn't make sense as it only added one single job that only two people could ever play - I believe Content may have misunderstood the rest of the suggestion and thought it was adding more jobs, but it wasn't (either that or they're insane - it's a single job, I'm not asking for a whole new MTF to be added).

Another suggestion for a CL4 job, though not specifically a director role, was also suggested. This was denied as not being "necessary", but literally nothing in this server is - this is a Garry's Mod server, nothing here is necessary, it's fun. This also specifically asks for a director role, rather than a generic CL4 role.

Previously, suggestions to add a department structure overall have also been accepted or denied, and either way have never been done. No actual reasons have been given for this - only generic non-reasons like "not necessary" or "not planned". If you're going to deny this, actually give a reason. Literally any actual reason.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Significantly improves progression for engineering roles
    • In addition to the linked suggestion progression improvements
    • Provides a senior CL4 position to progress to - allows progression both within the department, and up site administration and above through this department
  • Significantly improves roleplay opportunities with/as engineering roles
    • In addition to the linked suggestion roleplay improvements
    • A director role adds a lot more opportunity for cross-department roleplay
    • Director role opens up RP opportunity related to CL4+ roleplay, both for the role itself and the other departments involved, and for any subordinates that are involved within the department
    • Director role acts as an RP lead, creating projects, documents, and other opportunities and RP bases for the rest of their department
  • More roleplay opportunities for everyone else
    • As mentioned above and in the linked post, providing a more active and sensibly structured engineering department provides a whole department for other departments and the like to do RP with
  • A likely massive reduction in overall "minge" behaviour on these roles
    • With actual oversight and a role able to handle job bans, plus someone able to overall keep track and organise things, adding this role would likely significantly reduce minge behaviour. Problematic players can be kept track of or dealt with much easier, and actually providing proper RP and gameplay opportunities to people in the first place will mean they're less likely to go and do whatever they want instead.
  • Doesn't require any dev work at all. Can be done entirely by a Senior Admin using VJobEditor in like a day.
  • Another role for CI and the like to kidnap.
  • Provides a good base for the upcoming containment maintenance system, which would require engineering staff to enter containment chambers and the like (which isn't currently possible for many SCPs with maximum CL2 roles)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • One additional role (not an actual issue, but I think Content thinks it might be, somehow - I'd appreciate an actual explanation for this if they deny it for that)
  • More people doing actual roleplay instead of constantly being on combat roles - I think some CT and SL think this is a bad thing, somehow

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
In addition to the linked suggestion, this would significant expand roleplay opportunities both within engineering, and with other departments. It would also likely essentially solve the minge problem on the engineering roles. This provides massive benefits for everyone.

EDIT: As linked in a reply below here, there was an extended discussion/argument about this suggestion in mess-hall that is from here:
to here:

I strongly recommend that Content or anyone else looking at this read through these, as they cover a lot of arguments made both for and against, by multiple different people.

I also recommend reading this reply with a list of ideas that a director could do that couldn't currently be (feasibly) done.
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2022
It's a Director job, so Site Admin would have to approve them after applications.
Oh fuck its a director position, that is even worse; you are giving someone the power to minge even further, think of all the power they when they are in a director level position that can encourage organizations like pam to become tech expert and cause issues

It's not hard to bullshit an application, especially if it's a tech expert job. They can get all their friends to support them, and if they want to be extra, they use Grammarly to polish their essay on "how they can be a great leader."
Oh fuck its a director position, that is even worse; you are giving someone the power to minge even further, think of all the power they when they are in a director level position that can encourage organizations like pam to become tech expert and cause issues

It's not hard to bullshit an application, especially if it's a tech expert job. They can get all their friends to support them, and if they want to be extra, they use Grammarly to polish their essay on "how they can be a great leader."
If site admin approves a minge for a director role, they deserve to be removed from SA.
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Well-known Member
Mar 5, 2024


Since you are the one who seems to really be pushing this idea, I expect YOU to be the first DoE and I expect YOU to take this 100% seriously. If you genuinely believe in serious change for the department then you'll have to spear head it, even if that means having to shoot (job ban) the occasional techie who is on ONLY to minge.

Directors actively help build RP scenarios for their staff, so what ideas for this department?

I wholeheartedly believe in you Ellis. Show us what ET&S can be.


Since you are the one who seems to really be pushing this idea, I expect YOU to be the first DoE and I expect YOU to take this 100% seriously. If you genuinely believe in serious change for the department then you'll have to spear head it, even if that means having to shoot (job ban) the occasional techie who is on ONLY to minge.

Directors actively help build RP scenarios for their staff, so what ideas for this department?

I wholeheartedly believe in you Ellis. Show us what ET&S can be.
I would absolutely be up for this, and if it does get added, I plan to apply. Some ideas I've got are:
  • Department policies update - splitting it out into policies and a separate handbook that is a guide for new players (how to make good documents, how to fix things, maps, etc.)
  • Operation to work with RSD to observe SCPs, look over documents, etc. and propose an improvement to a containment chamber. Good ideas get rewards and we bring them to SA to approve - maybe get staff or GMs to do some RP enhancement regarding actually setting them up, and then maybe have an end result of some new permaprops or whatever depending on what the ideas are. Some things might even be something to put as a forums suggestion.
  • Operations for various departments and MTFs to work with them for a short while and figure out things they might want (new things, office changes, something to improve their work, etc.) and then make them happen. Maybe SOP wants some offices changed - a few people could then work with a staff member to do that, put things in the right places, etc. and then get them permapropped. Maybe E-11 has some idea to improve breach response. Maybe site admin wants Engineering to come to their offices more often to repair their terminals. Lots of possible end results.
  • Operations regarding specific SCPs. For example, when the new 999 containment chamber is added, maybe an operation to figure out what to put in there to keep 999 occupied and the like.
  • Encouragements to do good reports. Like mentioned above, a new handbook, but also actually improving the SCiPNet folder layouts, having an actual document rating and approval system like RSD and ISD, etc. Maybe some rewards for especially good or useful documents.
  • Possibly some kind of subdivisions, but may depend on what works best. Possibly something that encourages specific areas of RP that don't necessarily have proper gameplay elements yet, like Containment Engineering, or IT. I have some ideas of how those could be made interesting.
  • Some kind of clearance escalation system. For example, Technical Experts might be able to get permission from ethics to regularly enter their offices for maintenance checkups and the like without being amnesticated. Or something similar for CL4 SCP chambers like 008 (maybe linked in with a Containment Engineering division?). Would be some kind of system where a document format is made and can be printed and signed off on by different people, depending on what specific clearance is being granted - e.g. an E-11 CO and the Engineering Director for a CL4 SCP, or an Ethics Member, an O-1 CO and the Engineering Director for ECO. Opens up a lot more areas that are normally very restricted, and can have a lot of variety, both in the specific things and areas available, and the RP involved in them.
  • Some kind of agreement or something with ISD to encourage informants within the department. On UK, they already are working on some informants stuff, but I feel like this would be a good fit for engineering staff to be a part of. It would encourage actually following the FLC and the like within the department as there's RP to be done there, and also it makes some amount of sense - engineering roles are everywhere and go all around the site. They see a lot of things, sometimes things they maybe weren't supposed to, and that's the right sort of situation for an informant to be in.
A lot of these I simply could not do without the engineering director being a thing. Like the clearance escalation - how am I supposed to propose this when I don't have the clearance to know there's something even there to do IC? I can't encourage good document work when I can't even approve documents. I can't implement operations and the like without any authority. I can't create multiple divisions for similar reasons. I can't make inter-departmental agreements or the like when there's no role that can make those agreements. Even things that I can do are made more difficult - I made the current department policies on UK, but creating and updating them is quite a bit more difficult when you don't have the authority to do that so have to propose every single minor change to site admin. I don't even have access to the E&TS UK drive that I created anymore because they removed everyone from it during a drive compromise of some other departments and SL refuse to add me back because I'm not a department director or SA+.
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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 5, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi Zen,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Similarly to your other suggestion regarding CL3 roles, there are not enough things for a CL4 ET&S job to do. This would add job bloat, particularly CL4 job bloat. To elaborate on the meaning of that per your suggestion, it adds another role that would spread the playerbase out further between the more "active" roles on the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
Suggestion Denied

Hi Zen,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Similarly to your other suggestion regarding CL3 roles, there are not enough things for a CL4 ET&S job to do. This would add job bloat, particularly CL4 job bloat. To elaborate on the meaning of that per your suggestion, it adds another role that would spread the playerbase out further between the more "active" roles on the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
Are you aware of the concept of roleplay? There doesn't need to be some new SWEP or something to do more stuff. It's also a single 2 slot job, it's not exactly adding a new regiment.
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