Director of Medicine

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Momma Moofin

Apr 9, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105522856

Discord name: Moofin#5087

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Total play time: 6 days, 3 hours, 58 minutes

Age: 25

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: EST

Character name(s): Momma Moofin

Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes, but never on the UK server, but on the USA(SCPRP) server I got warned for mixing twice while I was helping a new player understand things. I felt it was unnecessary, but rules are rules and I should've used LOOC.

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?
-I want to help maintain the medical sector/staff and make our medical team as efficient as possible. Assist with anyone's medical questions or even needs. Help with the proper training to ensure medics are well equipped to help others. I've been seeing a rise in Trainees not knowing proper procedures or misusing equipment and I believe I can put a stop to the chaos some of these medics cause. I'd also like to hold lectures for any updates when it comes to procedure or even as a reminder of what we do on site as it is important to hold up the standards and values the medic team has.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:
-I play mostly support, and enjoy what I do. I am knowledgeable when it comes to proper procedures, I am quite the active medic and have had my license for a while now. I would improve our medic team by giving them some direction to give them a sense of leadership. I am very friendly and would love to provide my services as the Director of Medicine.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
-The Director of Medicine is responsible for ensuring staff is properly trained, updating any documents regarding procedures and operations of medic staff, and holding medics accountable in situations of misuse or improper procedures. Essentially the overseer of the medic staff.

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Momma Moofin is married to a world-renowned doctor. Upon finding this out, the Ethics Committee asks Momma Moofin if her husband would be interested in heading the medic department as the Director of Medicine. Papa Moofin accepts, but requests that Momma is not permitted on site whilst he works, as it could cause drama working with his spouse and he wants to maintain his professionalism.
(As Director of Medicine is male, I had to go this route.)


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

+ Support

+ Insanely active IG
+ Active in the medical dpt
+ great rp interactions
+ great person
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Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Artist Team
Jan 1, 2022
Application Denied

Good Afternoon, @Momma Moofin.

Thank you for your application and your interest in the position of Director of medicine.
However, the council has discussed and come to the conclusion that you are not suitable for the position of Director.
I recommend that you gain more experience in the medical department, (Chief Of Medicine)

Good luck, and once again, thank you for your time.
You may re-apply in one week.
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