Disable Auto-Breaches Under 40 Players


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Disable auto-breaching under 40 players. Breach queues will become "suspended" until the 40 player threshold is met. Time will pause once it dips below 40 players and resume when the threshold is met again.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Preserves server health below 40 players.
- Frequently D-Class or CI breach SCPs anyways during low pop. This gives a tiny nerf to an auto-breach happening on top of SCPs already being breached (happens all the time during low pop on US)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Not many, really - unless it's a slow morning for CI raids/D-Class escapes in which case playing an SCP to wait to be breached is kinda pointless.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
Over the past 2 months I've been on during low pop hours (5am EST to 11am EST) and consistently nearly every morning D-Class have escaped and disguised due to the extremely low population of gensec, or CI has raided at the bare minimum MTF. Having this change where auto-breaches are suspended would essentially allow SCPs to continue to be breached without severely screwing over the site when they are breached. Several times as well, SCPs may be breached by D-Class or CI to have an auto breach happen on top of that. When that happens with less than 10 combatives on site, it triggers code black scenarios.
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Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2024
- Support hard

Removing core aspects of gameplay just due to low pop is not the way to handle these things

it could also pretty much backfire leading to even less players in low pop hours since other classes also depend on people paying SCPs, like E11, research for sampling... etc. Which also could lead to way more minging in low hours because people are bored

I didnt feel like breaches are an issue in UK while on low pop (most of the time on low pop i see like 3-5 E11 playing and a bunch of other MTFs that will help), but if its really an issue in USA i guess you could decrease 1 SCP per queue while on low pop with a minimum of 1
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Dayumian max

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Apr 5, 2024
- Support hard

Removing core aspects of gameplay just due to low pop is not the way to handle these things

it could also pretty much backfire leading to even less players in low pop hours since other classes also depend on people paying SCPs, like E11, research for sampling... etc. Which also could lead to way more minging in low hours because people are bored

I didnt feel like breaches are an issue in UK while on low pop (most of the time on low pop i see like 3-5 E11 playing and a bunch of other MTFs that will help), but if its really an issue in USA i guess you could decrease 1 SCP per queue while on low pop with a minimum of 1
Feb 24, 2023
+ support

I don't get why anyone in their right mind would want to be on the server to RP, and then be one of 2-3 people who are able to respond to a breach, versus high pop where its more than doable.

But I do agree with Dennid on 40, not 60. As they still have lowered health then, and its a decently balanced breach if people flag onto combat.
I like the idea but I think a number like 40 would be more suitable
I echo this sentiment. Over 40 people should be a good enough number to deal with things. Given the majority of players on this server are in an MTF regiment of some sort anyhow. But @Emilia Foddg is right about this seeming to be more US focused. Breaches overall need a good look at but again are sadly a selling point for the server; a lot of people prefer the combat to rp so finding the balance is a little tough.
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