Accepted Disable Collisions on Keycard Panels

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Just like the keycard scanner entity itself, disable collisions on the back panel .

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not that I could find.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  1. You don't get stuck when they magically appear inside of you
  2. You don't have to struggle to funnel through a crowded doorway
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  1. Time taken
  2. Players can't stand on the panels anymore
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It may seem like a one-off occurrence, but I see this happening to people all the time, them getting confused why they're stuck, and sometimes requiring staff for a stuck ticket. Keycard scanners should not be inconvenient.
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Reactions: Harold Hawks
After the newest reset, a player was able to trap people in d block easily by standing over a nocolided Keypad. his player model absorbed the entirety of it and made it impossible to open the door
OH AS IN OPENING THE DOOR, I thought you meant being able to avoid being sho.

Yeah i didn't think of it that way, ok - That's an issue... I mean aside from what grunger said, as a potential way of resolving this, I wonder if it's at all possible to like, make keypad hitboxes ones that push away anything colliding with them? You know how like the yellow & black hazard lines in D-Block, if you try and jump up at them to get up onto the catwalk, you just get repelled backwards? Something like that, but to just stop people from standing inside a scanner and minging in that way. That might solve your problem.
That seems like a lot more of a hastle than keeping them collidable. also add in extra dev time. not everyone can arrest/shoot and thats why its not worth it
I feel like part of the problem is that scanners in the past were able to be interacted with from basically any angle, so long as you were close enough. With the new ones, you have to be within a pretty narrow cone in front of it. If any part of the model could be interacted with as with the old model, this wouldn't be an issue. As it stands though, in the very specific set of circumstances as you have described, it could be an issue. In most other cases, its an improvement.


Well-known Member
May 3, 2022
I feel like part of the problem is that scanners in the past were able to be interacted with from basically any angle, so long as you were close enough. With the new ones, you have to be within a pretty narrow cone in front of it. If any part of the model could be interacted with as with the old model, this wouldn't be an issue. As it stands though, in the very specific set of circumstances as you have described, it could be an issue. In most other cases, its an improvement.
What you're saying we could do is a complicated fix for a extremely small problem and would take too much dev time
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