Your Discord name & tag: Jxsnn#0001
What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: DarkRP
Date of ban (if known): 25/07/2021
Reason for ban (if known): reason: "carrying on drama, appeal no earlier than 8/8/2021"
Who banned you?: Hydro
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: I was banned twice prior to this, once for 1 day and the other for 3 days.
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): I am sorry, I really like the server and I would love to be in the CivilGamers Discord server to speak with my friends and have fun. I have learnt from my past mistakes and I will not continue the useless drama. Another reason why I should be unbanned is because I love to interact with the other members of the community which without access to the discord server, is quite hard to do. I also hope that if I get unbanned, we can use this as a fresh start and then we can move on from the past events.
What server is this for, DarkRP or MRP?: DarkRP
Date of ban (if known): 25/07/2021
Reason for ban (if known): reason: "carrying on drama, appeal no earlier than 8/8/2021"
Who banned you?: Hydro
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: I was banned twice prior to this, once for 1 day and the other for 3 days.
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal): I am sorry, I really like the server and I would love to be in the CivilGamers Discord server to speak with my friends and have fun. I have learnt from my past mistakes and I will not continue the useless drama. Another reason why I should be unbanned is because I love to interact with the other members of the community which without access to the discord server, is quite hard to do. I also hope that if I get unbanned, we can use this as a fresh start and then we can move on from the past events.