Your Discord name & tag:Saulgoodman1848
What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?:SCP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help):1024533859007742042
Date of ban (if known):Unknown
Reason for ban (if known):I was banned for having alts on, Not the discord but the game
Who banned you?:I do not know, It did not state when I was banned
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?:No
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):I was banned for having alts in the discord, while not having any alts on the discord, and I have grown out of my shell, where I don't want to break the rules, I have grown as a person and I do not wish to harass the community any further, I am sincerely sorry for what I have done on the scprp server.
What server is this for, Network, CityRP, SCP or MRP?:SCP
Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help):1024533859007742042
Date of ban (if known):Unknown
Reason for ban (if known):I was banned for having alts on, Not the discord but the game
Who banned you?:I do not know, It did not state when I was banned
Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?:No
Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):I was banned for having alts in the discord, while not having any alts on the discord, and I have grown out of my shell, where I don't want to break the rules, I have grown as a person and I do not wish to harass the community any further, I am sincerely sorry for what I have done on the scprp server.