Discord false ban

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John Kild

Active member
Feb 14, 2025
Your Discord name & tag: shadowwolf.

What server is this for, Network, DarkRP, SCP or MRP?: SCP RP, and the Network

Permanent Discord ID (see format thread for help): 603336852120010764

Date of ban (if known): 2/15/2025

Reason for ban (if known): in quotes "pfp" he asked to direct message me about which was good, but then he expressed his personal feelings in my opinion about why I would be banned If I did not change the profile picture, yet he still did not explain why it was offensive which is a must.

Who banned you?: Voodka (discord id of staff member: 281656622227652608)

Prior to this, have you ever been banned off Discord?: No, never as I am newer to the server

Why should we remove your ban from Discord? (50 words minimal):
Hello, I think I have been falsely banned due to personal feelings, let me explain what happened first. So, it started with me typing in Mass Hall asking someone else a question then he then replied to my message with "Shadowolf, DMs please" Next I Direct messaged him, and he started by saying my profile picture was offensive and that I needed to remove it. When I asked for him to explain he said he wouldn't and that if I did not change it, I would be banned, but I kindly said if I had to I would, but I wanted him to explain the reason why it was offensive, and he refused to explain it again. After a few times of that going back and forth he then sent me the ban appeal link and banned me, then he banned me on the main server as well with the reason exactly as quoted "pfp" which is not very professional. So, here is the reason why I should be unbanned from the discord server, I feel as if this ban had a lot of personal feelings in it because he could not explain why it was offensive and when I tried to explain why it wasn't he then ignored it and continued. If I truly have to change it, I will but if it is not offensive then I wish to keep it.

Thank you and have a great day,


The image is the ban reason to show proof of the unprofessionalism


  • PFP ban.png
    PFP ban.png
    57.5 KB · Views: 26


Super Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Mar 4, 2023
Appeal Denied

Hi, @John Kild

After reading the DM's between you and Harold I have decided that what he did was completely within his right to do so. As he stated the flag you used in your profile picture has been and is currently being used to spread hateful messages and ideas online. He correctly explained to you the ban reason conducted himself respectfully and followed our handbook to the letter. I would like to apologise, however, for my ignorance as when I interacted with you in Mess Hall, I did not fully understand the flag issue and did not ask you to change it there and then.

You may be unbanned when you change your profile photo and DM either myself (siren120) or Harold with a new appropriate profile picture.

Due to the above, no action has been taken regarding your ban appeal.

Kind Regards,
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