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el zapso

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 4, 2021
i would like to point out extremely disgusting behavior from a few STS and a SC member that i have been kicked from their regiment because i named myself Birmingham
I have been also called an Albanian which i am clearly from Kosovo
I cannot take this discriminatory behavior anymore and therefore i am resigning from NWO


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el zapso

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 4, 2021
I dont care what you think of birmigham but when i get permission from the marshal himself to keep my name as birmigham you don’t have a say in it


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Hi Zapso,

as a member of SC though not a member of STS regimental command I'd like to weigh in from a 3rd party.

As I used to be STS colonel when the naming scheme was introduced, the scheme is strictly "Capital" cities and has meant that multiple people have had names rejected including Senior staff who found ways around this using medals or simply brackets when necessary. The naming scheme is part of their heavy RP directive and refusing to comply with it is within grounds for discharge. If the Marshal has approved this name then the chances are the situation was not properly described to him.

However for the other offenses you have described this is not condoned by myself or other SC and should be handled seperatley.

Many thanks, Atlas.

el zapso

Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 4, 2021
right, so because you guys didn’t communicate with the marshal correctly I received a kick


MRP War Veteran
Mar 13, 2022
Ok this is becoming a joke now. You received a kick from STS because you had you name as Birmingham yes . You were also told to change it because it is not a capital city and it would have been ok if you did change it but instead you didn't listen and tried to go over mine and the rest of the CO teams head and ask the SMAR who did not say you could keep it he said he didn't care because he has nothing to do with the regiment nor does he care what we name ourselves within the regiment so for you to try and lie about me trying to overrule what the SMAR said is quite sad. After that you then decided not to change your name Connor at the time was very lenient with you and gave you about 20 seconds to change your name which instead of doing it you decided it would be a good idea to shout about how the SMAR gave you permission even though he did not. As for the "discriminatory behaviour" I do not know what you are referring to as there was no Discriminatory behaviour against you. You were treated the exact same way anyone was probably actually treated better than others because as I said Connor was being very lenient with you because he knows you. The final thing you said was that we had to communicate with the SMAR better at that time the SMAR was in the TeamSpeak with us and it is not my job to have to chase up the SMAR about STS related things if you cannot keep regimental issues within the regiment then you shall not be in the regiment. If you have any issues with this I would normally say contact me in game but you are already banned for NITRP because of a sit you made and tried to get all of STS in said sit because of your kick and was talking over everyone and after being gagged spammed the chat. So don't try contact me the decision stands you are not being reinstated into STS
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