Denied Disguise & I.D Content Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

New Item(s):

- Identification Card

- Blank Identification Card

- Identification Card (Classified)

- TE-5 I.A.D / I.F.D (Identity Altering Device / Identity Forging Device)

- (Replacement) Removal of Spy Card / Disguise Card
> Disguise Kit

Content Synopsis

This suggestion aims to add a better way for players to perform identity checks, as well as all players using Site ID's for verification of identity. This also aims to rework the disguise system to be a little more interesting for both receiving and providing parties.
- Identification Card - States relevant SCP Foundation information, generating an SCP Foundation random number (examples being SCiP.569845653211) for all players, and is unique to that person (could potentially use the long stream of numbers in their steam ID, or the other for of Steam ID). It states their department/MTF, job/Rank, name, codename (if applicable), clearance level, as well as a blank space that is customizable for the players, to allow for example, one in Epsilon-11 to place "GRD-Enlisted" in the blank pace. Other than the height, weight, codename, and the blank space, it cannot be customized.
- Blank Identification Card - Is used to forge identities by Deep Covers/Field Operatives/Assessment Teams/DEA Agents. Other identities cannot be altered, the Blank Card is the only card that can be used to forge one's identity.
- Identification Card (Classified) - Intended for all of the G.O.C operatives, the entirety of M.T.F's A-1 and Ω-1, O5 Council Members, Ethics Committee Members, Overseer Assistants, and Ethics Assistants. This card is fully customizable, to allow these members to put up a fake identity for Site ID checks, and to protect their identities from lower leveled staff.
- TE-5 I.A.D/I.F.D - A new device that is used to copy the details on other I.D's and place them on the Blank I.D cards for Deep Covers and Field Operatives/Assessment. It detects whether or not you're holding onto another person's I.D card, and opens a minigame, to copy the information correctly.
- Disguise Kit - Given to:
> Chaos Insurgency Deep Covers
> U.N.G.O.C Field Operatives and Assessment Teams
> Internal Affairs Members (once they pass their test)
> External Affairs Members (once they pass their test)
> O5 Council Members
> Ethics Committee Members
> Their respective assistants
> M.T.F A-1/Ω-1 Specialists (or whatever jobs have the old disguise equipment

The disguise kit has 5 uses, before being depleted and needing to be replenished (can be done at the ammo crates). Unlike the spy cards, it takes roughly 1.5 seconds after clicking on someone to take their disguise, while your crosshair is on them.
All cards, when holding them out, open a prompt similar to the document, to allow you to get a better look a the details of someone's I.D. This also gives the option to place potential stickers on the back of the card to give it more customizability. (SOLID MAYBE, PLEASE, STICKERS ARE SO COOL)
Identification Forging Minigame
This minigame works similarly to the TE-5 E.T.D, however, rather than the time limit failing the minigame completely, failing to complete the minigame in a certain time frame, it results in their Blank I.D card being full of grammatical errors, incorrect or damaged symbols, typos, and blatantly incorrect information. Completing the minigame results in less mistakes, and makes it harder to identify, however there must ALWAYS BE AT LEAST ONE MISTAKE for balancing. Completing it very quickly will have virtually no mistakes, having down to just 1 mistake. The mistakes themselves could either be random, or depending on what the minigame is, disrupt specific portions of the card. Once the card itself is used, it cannot be reforged, and becomes an Identification Card. All cards can be confiscated via interrogation, or dropped willingly using /drop.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
To my knowledge, a suggestion similar to this has been made (if I am wrong please put it below.)

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More refined method of Site I.D's and checks
- Potential addition of stickers to put on your I.D for customization (MORE CRATES TO GAMBLE YAY!!!)
- More in-depth system to disguising, allowing for potentially more elaborate schemes for disguising personnel, and allowing for elaborate ways of avoiding detection/detecting infiltrators.
- Stickers (stickers)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Infiltrators need a wider window to acquire reliable disguises
- Adjustment Period of minigame can be annoying for veteran players
- Capacity to metagame - Can be mitigated by Staff/SL
- Jobs disguising as what they cannot disguise as (can be mitigated by staff or Departmental leadership)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I myself feel it is much better to give infiltrating and identification system a more in-depth system other than to just crouch and aim at someone's card, or just /me shows Site ID. This extends to the infil system, where you just click on someone and steal their disguise. I feel this could be leeway into sleeper agent RP or Deep Cover RP.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @La Femme Rosé ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: This suggestion would be too difficult to currently implement on the current server, Furthermore it would clash with existing systems we have in place like the key card system

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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